~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Claudine’s face registered surprise the moment she set foot in the room. No workstations? A stove? A sink? This was certainly interesting. Even more interesting were the colours chosen for the respective houses. Apple green for her? Don’t mind if she did. Along with that, she grabbed the required pair of goggles and a name tag. “Hi,’’ she said. This woman reminded her of the last Gryffindor Head of House; the woman who wore pretty saris to lessons. Professor Sandhu. Sharma was most likely of Indian descent too, yes? “Nice set up you’ve got here.’’ And without further talk, Claudine went off to get herself comfortable.
She, of course, chose a seat furthest from anyone, especially big mouth Grantham. Some of the time was passed by neatly writing her name on the tag. |