Avalon felt a chill up her spine as she placed another trophy back on the shelf. Now that Claudine and Josh mentioned it, the room did feel colder. "Agreed. Let's fix things up and get out of here." No use in hanging around longer than they needed to, and she really didn't feel like dealing with Peeves if he came back to check on his mess.
The Prefect listened curiously to Violet's speculation as she dusted off a few more plaques. "That's an interesting observation, Violet," Avalon said, thinking back over the past few weeks. To be perfectly honest, she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. It was Hogwarts. Weird stuff happened all the time. And of course, Headmaster Trent was always in a foul mood. That was nothing new. But she had been very preoccupied with studying for OWLs lately. Perhaps Avalon hadn't been as observant as she should be.