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Old 10-09-2020, 10:17 PM   #64 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
x12 x12
Default Sorry for the delay guys
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

It took a lot of effort not to roll her eyes at the Headmaster. The dragon wouldn't be trying to eat her. Obviously. They would be friends. The dragon would give her a ride. They would play together. That was the obvious reason for her wanting to shoot into the sky to meet it.

Dumb. Their Headmaster was dumb on top of being mean. Just look how sad he made Kizzy.

Again, the little girl considered not answering but again she thought of the 1,500 word essay and just how much she was uninterested in getting it done. Ugh. Professor Fuller-Thompson needed to take his class back. She wasn't feeling like being very exceptional today and Trent gave them very little choice whenever he was around.

Slowly, her hand rose. Emm was in no hurry to get her answer in and could wait for the others to speak.

"Alarte ascendare. If you shoot it up into the air enough, it'll realize you aren't worth all that effort and go find someone else--if it survives going splat so many times anyway."

SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Taylor
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
Ivy winced again when the Headmaster told her she was so, so very wrong. Why was he being so m-m-m-meeeeaaaan? That was it, she decided right on the spot she hated it here. She absolutely hated it, and she was going to write to her mom and tell her she wanted to come home. How could her father have loved it here so much? It was dreadful. She practically died like every other day, it didn’t seem like anyone even cared about her here, and now the headmaster was yelling at her for not knowing something they’d never even learned about! Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this magic stuff. Maybe she was better off living as a Muggle like her mom had had to do...

She felt tears stinging her eyes and quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand.

As she watched and listened to the professor, Ivy just became more and more horrified. Were they actually going to use this charm on themselves? Surely not, surely that was much too dangerous for a first year to do... but no, she could tell that was what he meant for them to do.

When he asked his next question and stared them all down, she could tell he meant for each of them to provide an answer, and however reluctant she was to open her mouth and be yelled at again, Ivy also didn’t want to lose her house any points for not answering. Staring at the Headmaster’s shoes, she raised a shaking hand to provide her answer, ”M-m-m-maybe both?” she croaked out, her voice suddenly feeling very restricted in her throat. ”Could you - could use Alarte Ascendare on the monster, then use Ascendio to get on TOP of the monster, then use Ascendio again really fast to get to the top of the cliff?”

That was probably the wrong answer... she was probably going to get yelled at... again.

The Headmaster deadpanned at the first year, not sure whether he was less impressed with her tears or her response. It was a close call but in the end, he would have to say...her answer.

First years cried. They did so too often. That was something he was getting used to. The answer--while also not surprising coming from the school population--was more a standout.

"Do the words choose and or mean nothing to you? I've asked you to pick one." O n e.

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
For the record, Ashley had not got it from the textbook. As if she would read extra in a textbook. But the headmaster wasn't mad at her, so that was a win. "I would use Alarte Ascendare on the animal and then run in the other direction and hope it gets hurt on the way down." Actually, she would try to explode it, but if she had to pick between ascendio and alarte ascendare, she would use the latter.better to be on solid footing than hanging off a cliffside.

"Fine, I suppose. If you shoot it high enough, there's a decent chance it will be hurt in the fall. Injured even." And an injured animal was far easier to elude than one who was patiently waiting for you to fall back to the ground.

At least she was thinking.

SPOILER!!: Turov
Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Mamie raised her hand.

"Can the wild creature fly? If it can fly, I'd use the Alarte Ascendare and then run away, like Ashley, otherwise it'd just fly after me and eat me in the air," she said. "But but if it can't fly, then I'd use the Ascendio and hope to grab some hand holds on the way down like a rock climber and then maybe climb to the top of the cliff or use Ascendio again, or hope I land on the creature and hurt it more than I hurt myself!" It sounded like a lose-lose situation, to be honest.

She frowned, thinking it through a bit more. "Or! Or or or I could use Ascendio just a little, so I can grab onto the cliff just out of reach of the creature, and wait for it to go away!" There were only two spells in the scenario, but an awful lot of options in Mamie's opinion. Though that last one was really more of a subtlety from her original idea. If she couldn't get all the way to the top, she really just needed somewhere safe until the creature got bored. Hopefully she'd never be in the situation Trent described, especially if this wild creature could fly like a hippogriff or a dragon. She hoped she'd never meet a dragon.

Merlin's beard could she just pick one?

The Headmaster found the students and their words tedious on most days. Having to sit while they decided how they would survey was likely to cause his ears to bleed one of these days.


"I doubt you could hang on long enough for it to lose patience, any of your other plans may work better." And no, he couldn't remember what most of them were.

SPOILER!!: Fuller
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Curtis was only partially paying attention since he was totally not worried about Professor Dad in the corner. He had to be a good student after all and merely blink at the rest of the answers. He didn't care if he was right or wrong in that moment, he just wanted to get the boring questions over with.

"Well, I'd use Alarte Ascendare to get it in the air and then use Wingardium Leviosa before the monster could get down anywhere near me. Then just send the monster off the cliff. It's trying to kill me, so I wouldn't want it to get a second chance at me before I can escape." Curtis said simply. His Papa would be disappointed at this answer but hey, it's life or death. Besides, as the Professor put it if he used Ascendio he'd have to worry about overshooting or landing properly so he had no broken bones.

"I did say you can only use one of the two spells mentioned. It's not difficult to pay attention, Fuller. You need only pay attention and listen."

Admittedly tasks that seemed particularly difficult for this one. Had he been listening at all or had he only listened in so far as he needed to provide an answer and needed the right context?

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Aboli knew Trent would give a response similar to what he HAD responded to her, and so she wasn't surprised and actually managed to remain passive. She was beyond getting angry over his obscene MEANNESS.

She DID keep looking over at the Charms professor, though, to make sure he was still BREATHING and all.

Aboli ALSO wasn't keen on answering anymore of his questions so....she remained quiet and took notes as other people answered. Her classmates were quite creative, weren't they? She glanced at Curtis as he arrived back and tried to give him a reassuring look.

"And a 1,500 word essay for you on this question. I want it by Monday." What with the week nearly ending and him having far too much else to do. "You're not learning. It's a shame." He wasn't looking forward to the essay he would have to read. Perhaps he wouldn't at all.

Perhaps he would torch it once she was gone.

But she would write it. "I expect answers when I ask questions. You should set a better example, Ms. Prefect."

SPOILER!!: Blackthorne
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Seneca offers powerful insights into the art of living. He observed, “It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much. … The life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully.”

Hmmm, Violet thought, the Headmaster made some good points. She'd realized that herself as soon as she said it, actually--she needed to remember not to think aloud.

Boy, neither of those were very good choices, actually--it was like that Lady or the Tiger story she'd read last year in New York with her father. She heard what some of the students were saying--some of them were using too many charms, the Headmaster said you only had two. Well, he said either, or--did that mean you could only use one charm, or either or both? She shook herself, she was getting too bogged down in details. Well, let's think--Ascendio was wrong, it was just like the pack of wolves remark she'd made earlier--you'd come right back down, and even worse, since it was a dead end, the creature would be right there in the same spot beneath you. And Alarte Ascendare--you could use that on the creature, but it would probably only shoot it up in the air about ten feet or so. That probably wouldn't hurt it much, and it might make it madder. could use that little bit of time to run underneath it and escape from the dead end. It wasn't a good choice, but it seemed better than the other one.

"I agree with Ashley--of the two charms available, I'd use Alarte Ascendare and use the time the creature was in the air to escape from the dead end and run as fast as I could in the other direction. It's not a good choice, but I think it's better than the other one."

"It would be the better choice, yes. Given the likelihood you'll fall right back to the ground, it would be better to have the creature doing all the launching and falling."

At least she remembered this time that going up meant coming back down. It was good to see some students learning from their mistakes.

SPOILER!!: Blaze
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Of course Claudine had known that she could over shoot her target, just as she knew that a few other students would based on their answers. Still, she was done making an effort in anything Trent teached. At least on the theory part. She’d just give him stupid answers despite knowing different. Spellwork though? She’d work hard at that because that was for her own benefit. Claudine said nothing further as she proceeded to make her notes. Who knew but if she didn’t, she might be thrown into detention.

As for that strategy question? Claudine didn’t even bother answering it. Instead, her sharp response was directed at that know-it-all first year Ravenclaw Ashley, Mamie, Ivy and Curtis. “The Headmaster never said it was a monster. It’s a wild creature and killing or injuring it should not be a first option, regardless of the circumstances.’’ She glared at the four of them, even though the only of the foursome she really liked was Curtis. But he wasn't a first year. Honestly, shouldn't his answer be better? “And what if your bright ideas fail? Wouldn’t that aggravate the hungry creature further?”

Was her love for creatures showing more than ever now? Yes, it was.

“Alarte Ascendare and Ascendio are not the only two spells in the real world. There are others that can be used and better escape plans.’’


She’d shut up now.

Wasn't someone insufferable today.

"And a 1,500 word essay you for, too. Next time you decide you want to stop minding your own business to attack others in the class, you'll wanna make sure your own affairs are in order." Answer questions in class or do so in your free time. He'd already made this rule clear. This may have been Charms but he was the one standing at the front of the room. That meant his rules were the ones they followed.

"I didn't ask you how many spells exist in the world. I asked you to answer my question. Surely your capable of following simple instructions."

SPOILER!!: Sinclair
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Okay, one quesiton in and Avalon hadn't gotten detention or an essay assignment yet. That was a good sign, at least. Trent didn't seem to totally hate her answer. But she was a little miffed that he seemed to be turning Charms into another Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

"If the ledge was too high for either of these charms, I'd use Alarte Ascendare to launch the creature into the air. It'd at least buy me a few seconds to think of my next move." Although it was highly unlikely that she'd ever be in a situation where she could only use those two spells. The Ravenclaw had to appreciate Claudine's bravery in pointing that out. "No use in using Ascendio, since you couldn't reach the ledge with it. It could just provoke the creature even more." As for what she'd do after she sent the creature flying? No idea. Probably run away or try to hide.

"It would become the lesser of two evils, yes. With the cliff not an option," More of a hindrance, actually "You may as well get the creature out of the way so you can make a clean get away."

Critical thinking and the understanding it was better to answer the questions than not to.

At least some of his prefects were learning.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Carsyn was confused to say the least, which she shouldn't really have expected it having now been at Hogwarts for six years. Regardless surprises still seemed to find themselves around every corner. Starting first and foremost with Professor Fuller-Thompson on the floor - unconscious? - and Headmaster Trent was filling in?? Why wasn't the Healer called? Wasn't that her job to help resuscitate the unconscious? Or was this, as some younger kid pointed out, all part of the plan of the lesson?

When would she need to use the spell ascendio? If she needed to hide something was one thought that crossed her mind. Why was everyone always thinking they were going to be in danger all the time? Oh right, probably because this was Hogwarts and danger seemed to be engrained in the walls of the school.

Moving on though, two charms to use.... Not asking for the difference, but wouldn't the difference employ answer and the strategy??? That made no sense, Headmaster, because well, in order to understand and know which spell to use you would NEED to know the difference. "Ascendio. On yourself. Because Alarte Ascendare is best used on objects. Assuming, that as she mentioned that the creature can't fly," Carsyn inclined her head at the younger girl. "Get to the top of the cliff and hope for the best. Although if summoning charms were able, I'd probably say summoning a broomstick or apparating out would increase your chances for survival since you'd have more control." But .... they weren't options, apparently in this 'set scenario'.

Speaking of prefects.

"I've already said the top of the cliff is out of reach even with the use of ascendio and don't believe at your level I should have to explain why telling me what other spells you'll use defeats the purpose of the question."

He did say, they could only use one of two. He did. Summoning charms, while useful, were not allowed in the scenario. Nor was apparating. Nor was using a broom.

SPOILER!!: James
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
This dude was SO irrational and so unpleasant, and not at all the Headmaster that Phoebe had come to know and adore. Like it took a lot to lose the eternal love of Phoebe James, and this guy had done it. She crossed her arms and seated herself at her desk, refusing to take notes on his stupid 'a wild animal is chasing you in the woods'.

It was a trick question. It was always a trick question.

"We know we're going to just die already, sir. We always are going to die because we're so STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE and how do you ever put up with us?"

"Those are excellent questions, James. I don't have an answer. I must be a saint." The man replied dryly, unimpressed by the dramatics and the failure to adequately answer the question.

"Do you plan to give a serious answer today or...?"

SPOILER!!: Phillips
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Valencia knew that the spell required control. That's why she gave the answer that she gave. Then there was another hypothetical. A rather dark one actually.

Did the Headmaster seriously expect them all to be some sort of dark adventurers? Between this question and his own lesson she was wonder if the Headmaster was aware of other potential far less deadly normal careers.

Valencia, for example, wanted to study magical theory -- specifically the history and evolution of all sorts of spells. Includingthedarkstuff.

She did have an answer for this question though. "I'd also use Alarte Ascendare to disorient" injure "the creature attacker." she said after a hand raise.

Which, isn't what she'd actually do in the situation. Flinging anything, whether it be herself or the creature was not useful.

"Very practical." He was beginning to expect no less from this one.

Of all the students he suspected would die prematurely, Phillips was not one of them and that said a lot given the current cohort that attended lessons at Hogwarts.

"You would do well to get the creature incapacitated in one way or the other to raise your chances. Yes."

SPOILER!!: James 2.0
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Kinsay didn’t mind cleaning, but she did mind sitting far away from her best friend. That’s not fair those rules only applied in Defense Against the Dark Arts! This was Charms! Before she could even manage a frown, however, her chair was being turned up. Hey! She almost fell off right away (due to her own refusal to sit properly), but fortunately she slid onto the seat instead.

Then she fell. She’d have bruised knees tomorrow, probably. Nothing new.

She pouted as she worked to tidy up the classroom, shot Emm a sad look, and then dragged her chair to the otherside of the room. But she was NOT happy about it. Let the record show.

Headmaster was a horrible, horrible man. The worst Kinsay’s ever known. Still, she didn’t want to write another essay, so she raised her hand with some reluctance. ”I’d use Ascendio on myself like a jumping bean. If you can make the creature laugh, it won't eat you.” Those were the rules. A laughing creature was a happy creature. Kinsay also knew that most dangerous creatures were just misunderstood. Everyone thought sharks were scary and evil, but they wouldn't actually eat you. They're not as dangerous as everyone else makes them out to be. They just get scared because they think you'll hurt them. So the genius way to approach this scenario is to make sure the creature knew you weren't going to hurt them. Laughter was good for that.



"You are the perfect example of what your sister meant when she said you would die." Jumping bean? Amuse the creature? What was wrong with this one? Why did he think she only gave ridiculous answers during his lessons? It was clear to him now that the girl had a death wish all around.

SPOILER!!: Jones
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath was prepared to be berated for his answer, but thankfully, the headmaster’s response wasn’t as insulting or condescending as he feared. He listened intently, jotting down the information about Ascendio in his notes. It sounded awfully unpredictable to him; he didn’t think he’d want to use it on himself! He’d just finished writing when Trent asked the next question… a strategy question. Ugh! Heath always hated those, even before the headmaster’s face-heel turn! Not only did he have to come up with a strategy for the hypothetical situation itself, but he had to also think of another strategy to avoid Trent’s disapproval… gauge the man’s reactions and try to guess the answer he wanted to hear. Even so, it seemed like nothing he said for this type of question was ever right!

Heath considered the scenario carefully. Based on what Headmaster Trent said earlier, it seemed like Ascendio would do more harm than good in this case. It only worked on the caster, and there was no telling where he might land! Come to think of it, using either spell on himself would be useless in this scenario, as the headmaster said the cliff was too high to reach with the charm, so that left… the creature. He could use Alarte Ascendare to launch the creature into the air - no, wait! What if he used that spell not once, but several times in rapid succession? One spell might not buy him enough time to escape, but several spells could make the creature too disoriented to follow him when it landed…

For the first time in a very long time, Heath was genuinely confident in his answer to one of Headmaster Trent’s questions, but that confidence vanished upon hearing Claudine’s response to the other students who’d suggested using a spell on the creature. Would she snap at him too? Probably so, as he’d be suggesting using not one, but several spells on it… There was no way in Hoth that he could give that answer now! Headmaster Trent’s disapproval would discourage him, but Claudine’s would devastate him, so much so that he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else… which would only land him (possibly her too) in trouble. Unable to think of another answer that would placate everyone involved, he kept silent, resigned to the reprimand and essay that were about to come his way.

The Headmaster glowered at the boy who chose to remain silent.

"You've earned yourself a 1,500 word essay on the question. I don't know how many time I need to tell you children that when I ask a question, I expect an answer. I'm not talking to the walls." Though it felt he was at times.

"You'll do well to remember that."

SPOILER!!: Carmilla
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Crimalla's eyes stung when the Headmaster chastised her for not helping with the cleaning. She looked down at the floor so no one could see the tears in her eyes. They were tears of humiliation, not sadness. Keeping her eyes looking down at the floor, she went over and began standing chairs up.

When at last this was done, she sat down in her seat and didn't even answer the first question when asked. There were so many other students answering that it seemed she got away with not answering. It was not until the Headmaster began answering everyone's replies that the raven managed to get a grip on herself.

But so lost in her own was she that she wasn't paying attention when the Headmaster explained the difference between the two charms. And now he was asking another question, and she had no idea what the proper answer was or even how to begin trying to figure it out. And yet, she couldn't dare risk being silent for two questions in a row. What if he called her out again?!

Her hand shot into the air and, swallowing nervously, she forced herself to make up an answer to try and make it seem like she knew what she was talking about. "I would use Alarte Ascendare because the creature would be very close to me and I'd be able to make it bounce into the air. Then I would run back the way I came and the creature would fall off the cliff."

She cringed.

"You're not on the cliff." The Headmaster corrected, unimpressed by the girl's inattention to detail after those crocodile tears from earlier.

"But yes, you could use alarte ascendare to even momentarily get the creature out of the way and clear a path for yourself."

At least she'd stopped crying.

SPOILER!!: Summers
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Soooo was it wrong that Cecelia was still hoping for their ACTUAL Charms professor to take over here? Because she still was, even though it was looking a lot like there was no chance of that today. SIGH. She didn't like having a nervous tummy before answering and she did have one now. Headmaster Trent was in a MOOD.

"I'm with my classmates, Sir. I'd used Alarte Ascendare to send the creature up, up, and away. Even if it came back down, I'd have some time to put some distance between me and it, whatever it was."

"You're thinking. It's a good look." He had been worried--as worried as he could be for this lot--when he asked the question but the more they offered their answers, the more he was starting to think they were likely to survive. Of course, this wasn't defense class and he didn't care as much if they survived but it was useful information for another time.

SPOILER!!: Quartermaine
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Was it just her, or was the Headmaster acting weird? Whitney didn't remember him acting.....well, like this before. Sure, he could be stern, but this was so far beyond that. And this was her thinking that.

"Okay, first off, who would be stupid enough to get themselves in that situation? Second, can the creature in question fly? Because neither spell would be very useful if the creature can just fly after you." Duh. Plus, there were soooo many things a person in that situation could've done before that that would've prevented them from getting in that situation in the first place. Like avoiding the creature entirely.

"Why would I offer you a flying creature when the point is to use one of these two spells?" Not much critical thinking for a Ravenclaw. "How about in future you worry more about answering the basic question asked and less time worrying about loopholes and extenuating circumstances I never told you to worry about?"

Instead of wasting his time.

SPOILER!!: Grantham

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Oh... so Bernie had kinda been mixing these spells up, huh? Fun fun. Well now that she could tell them apart, she raised her hand to answer.

"There are better, more effective spells for something like that, sir." Wasn’t that what he had just said to her? Heh heh heh. Bernie tried not to smirk too much. The Headmaster always LOVED it when she got snarky with him. "But for the record, Alarte Ascendare does work GREAT on anything. I'd smash that creature's brains on the ledge. If, hypothetically, I wasn't allowed to use a better spell."

Wasn't this the spell she'd used to make apples explode on Claudine and Blake way back when??! It totally was.

"Congratulations. You've just used up your "insufferable know it all" card for the day. I trust you'll refrain from further nonsense now. I didn't ASK if there were better spells. THIS is the spell we're learning today. THIS is the focus of the lesson."

By the time he got done the reprimand, the man barely managed a grunt at her actual response.

Why these students needed to drift outside the scope of his questions was beyond him.

SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Definitely quoted myself. Totally.

Speaking of insufferable.

Yes. Making yourself a less desirable target does have its clear advantages. If the creature thinks your more effort than your scrawny frame is worth, there's a decent chance it'll find something better to do."

"I don't want to waste too much time on this but I will remind you all that when I ask questions, I expect an answer." BHe meant it. He wouldn't spend time on it so the man was already ready to move on but it was something that needed to be said.

"Secondly, when you answer, don't waste my time coming up with separate scenarios. Answer what I've given. Keep your answer within the scope of what I've said. I don't need the unnecessary comments on the practicality of the question or whether you think there are better spells." Looking at some of you specifically.

"Now let's get some work down." With a flick of his wand, the incantation appeared on the board for all to see.


"The wand movement is simple, you point upward." So simple, not even the first years could get it wrong.

Glancing down at the lesson plan once more, the Headmaster grunted. This would never do. The man shut the book.

With another flick of his wand, the ceiling rose higher. He conjured a few keys with fluttering wings. They flapped about at different heights. On the floor were a few baskets. Enough for everyone. "Those are keys. That thing at the top is the ceiling. I don't recommend hitting it on your way up to catch the keys but you may ultimately do what you want." The Healer could be put on standby.

"I've mentioned it does require intent and control. This activity will help you hone that before we move on to the main stage. Take a basket and put your name on it then get catching. Work alone, or in pairs. I don't care."

Should he tell them the keys were a bunch of slippery devils? They'd figure it out soon enough.

OOC: Mini activity is up!! There are keys flying around at different heights in the room. You may choose how high the one you go after is and whether you miss or not. They don't stay still and will be zipping around. Imagine a slightly slower version of a snitch. They go still once you get them into the baskets. Lemme know if you have any questions. We'll move on to the main in 48-72 hrs approx.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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