Mischievous Niffler Crimalla didn't mind the heat. Not that she thought it was that hot, but if she did think it hot, she wouldn't have minded. Now cold weather was another matter. She hated the cold. But this heat was just cozy. "I like the warmth," she replied as boldly as she dared, glancing sideways to see if anyone was raising their hands. "Ooh, I had a cold a few weeks ago!" she exclaimed, perhaps a little louder than she intended. "I usually get three colds a year. My mom makes me hot tea and gargling water when I have a cold, and I know drinking water helps you get better quicker. That's how I usually get cured after a couple of days of being sick. Ooh, and I wear a scarf or turtleneck since that makes my throat feel a little better." |