Join Date: May 2012 Location: Over here! (GMT -5)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Ruth (Rae) Elliot Gryffindor First Year x12 x12
| Adding Emm at the top just to avoid double posting Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite How rude.
Emmerson picked herself up off the ground and began dusting herself off indignantly. WHO thought it was okay to TOSS HER like that? She wasn't a sack of potatoes and could've been hurt!! The little lion spun once she was dusted, ready to tell off whoever it might have been...when she saw the forever grumpy Headmaster. What was he doing here?
This wasn't his class. He couldn't tell them what to do and he couldn't tell Kizzy where to sit. Except...while everyone began cleaning....and even when they sat down....Professor Charms Man didn't make him leave. Emm shot the professor worried looks, not because she was concerned about his fall but because she worried he'd really let Headmaster Trent come and torture teach them.
Unfortunately, it seemed like it was really happening. Emmerson sank down into her seat with a sullen look about her face.
She thought about not answering, so he'd REALLY see her discontent but....the kid had a lot of homework....and didn't need a 1,500 word essay added to that AT ALL so...."When you wanna ride a dragon but it's too high up in the sky so you shoot yourself up there." Did it matter to him that they were not happy to see him? Not. Hardly.
The Headmaster did not care one way or the other about their opinions and was quite content within his own approval. Happy or not, they would learn in class today. SPOILER!!: Replies "Yes."
A basic reply for a basic answer. Pulled right out of the textbook probably. It was listed as one of its uses. The Headmaster nodded once at the First Year. Neither impressed nor disappointed by her response.
It was fine. SPOILER!!: Taylor Quote:
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter EEEEEEEP!
Ivy immediately regretted opening her mouth when the Headmaster walked in. When he spoke directly to her, she made a movement like she’d almost been hit, fumbling the book in her hands so it thudded back the ground. Not good. Nooooooot good. When he gave them all instructions to tidy the room and find a seat, she gave an overly eager, ”Yes sir!” that she was terrified had come across as sarcastic, but she had really meant it! She would have even saluted him if he’d asked!
She hurried around the room picking up various books and righting the tipped chairs. Some of the older kids used their wands, and she couldn’t help but be envious of them. Magic would have made this much faster. And less sweaty...
Her heart beating like she’d just run several miles, sweat beading on her brow, Ivy finally took a seat near the middle but off to one side where the Headmaster was least likely to make eye contact with her. She took out her parchment and quill, dipped it in ink, and sat with rapt attention so as to not draw more attention to herself.
When others began answering the Headmaster’s question, she began jotting down notes. Someone said you could use it to propel yourself up toward the surface when under water, but that wasn’t what Ivy thought the spell was used for... maybe she was wrong but... ”Professor, I thought it could be used to reveal, like, a staircase? Like our attic is in our ceiling, and my mom usually just pulls the cord to open it and pull the staircase down, but... but couldn’t you use Ascendio?” she asked, feeling more unsure of herself with every word.
.... "....What...are you on about, Taylor?" The Headmaster asked, fixing the girl with a look as if she'd gained another head or several other limbs. Staircases? Attics? "What textbook have you been reading?" Nevermind what books she was reading, it was better she stopped altogether. "Ascendio propels the caster upward. It most certainly does not reveal anything." Did he need to assign her some extra reading? Were he another man, he may have been concerned. SPOILER!!: Blackthorne Quote:
Originally Posted by MadAlice Violet started a bit when she heard the Headmaster's voice--what was hedoing in Charms class? But she was kind of glad to see him, despite the fact that he seemed in a very, very bad mood. At least he would probably know what to do in case whoever or whatever did this came back.
Violet was just putting the last pieces of debris back in place when she heard the Headmaster's voice close behind her. Merlin's Ghost!--was he talking to her? Yes, he was, and it sounded like a compliment. Finally, Violet was getting back in the swing of things! She smirked to herself to hear him yelling at the other students, particularly the Gryffindors. People were always surprised when a Slytherin seemed helpful--well, Slytherins were said to do anything to achieve their ends. Right now, Violet's goal was to get on with her education--she was already a year behind, for goodness' sake! So whatever she had to do to get the class moving, she would do it.
Violet jumped at the sound of the door closing--boy, Professor Trent didn't mess around in class. Was he teaching it now? What about Professor Fuller-Thompson? She looked over at him, but he wasn't saying anything yet; she hoped he wasn't injured. Maybe they were going to team-teach.
Violet had scrambled into a seat and was frantically dragging out her book and parchment and quill when she heard the question--a question already, they were barely recovered from the beginning of class! Ascendio--she had heard that one before, but hadn't learned it yet. She could think of some uses for it, but thought that coming down again might be more of a problem than the original problem. She raised her hand a little gingerly, not sure if the Headmaster was ready for answers yet, but unwilling to fall behind again. "Well, it shoots you up in the air, doesn't it--I mean, that could hurt you coming down again, but you could use it to avoid drowning, couldn't you? Wasn't Harry Potter said to have used that in that Tri-Wizard Tournament all those years ago? Or I guess you could use it to escape from a pack of wolves if you were surrounded." Violet seemed to remember a distant relative having done that, though she may have remembered the story wrong.
Ah, another rambler. He was wondering when that would begin. His own classes with these students taught him that if there was a long way around a bush to say something, that was the route the students would take. It was like they couldn't help themselves.
Blackthorne was going well until the pack of wolves comment. "Going off your own logic of hurting yourself on the way back down, I know you understand you'll come back down. What will you do once you hit the ground with broken limbs and wolves still waiting?"
The other half of the equation she'd just created. SPOILER!!: Song Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Aboli glowered at Headmaster Trent. "Sir, I think human lives are more important than property. So...I was trying to help him. But - " she began to flick her wand, muttering whatever incantations she could to start the process of cleaning up the classroom.
And then...they were starting class?! Professor FT did NOT seem well at all! Was he not even going to CHECK on his colleague?! Aboli DID have a seat, but she kept glancing at Professor Fuller-Thompson worriedly. She was in INNER TURMOIL OK? Should she irritate Trent further by making sure he was ok? Should she just shutup and keep the class going? She both at once, right?
She raised her hand. "Ascendio would be good for if you need to clean a ceiling fan." She nodded. It was a very serious answer. "It might also be helpful if Professor Fuller-Thompson, Headmaster Trent. He doesn't seem WELL." Especially if he was still ON THE GROUND. "Focus on the lesson at hand. I won't say it again." This was not about Professor Fuller-Thompson. Should the man need help, he knew how to cast a patronus to have Recard over here. The fact he had not meant he was not in serious need of help. "Perhaps if you focused more, you wouldn't come up with such ridiculous responses. The spell propels you upward, it does not keep you there. Cleaning is hardly a reason to use it."
Not the brightest Prefect in the bunch. Not hardly. SPOILER!!: Grantham Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Yeah, obviously Bernie had shown initiative here. She'd shoved, what, two desks around by now? One for her and one for her bff.... oh never mind. Bernadette O. Grantham did not have a BFF. Not anymore. 
Anyway, uhhhhhhhhhh what was the Headmaster doing here? Taking over for Fuller? "Why aren't cleaning fairies a thing," she mumbled to herself as she threw herself into one of the desks she'd shoved into place. Bernie half slumped in it, half threw a hand in the air. "You could use that spell to, I dunno, hoist an anchor up to your magical yacht that you sail around the Hogwarts lake on?"
For some reason, she could see Fuller-Thompson AND Trent hanging out on that yacht. Look at the Charms professor, just lounging on the ground still. "OH, are we meant to be using that charm on HIM, Headmaster? To help him UP?" Well?! He was, like, elderly.
We are not using spells on professors, today, Grantham and I do not have a yacht. I also don't recommend using the spell on an anchor unless you plan to first tie yourself to that anchor."[/b] Not a half bad idea. He'd wish her well and encourage her til the very end. One less of them to keep an eye on. "There are better, more effective spells for something like that." SPOILER!!: Blaze Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 It seemed that she didn’t have to worry about the classroom as other students had that under control. In any case, her main concern was Fuller-Thompson. Yet there was no need for her to even do that. Not when the Headmaster was around. Claudine glowered when he entered the classroom then proceeded to tell her off. In addition to being mad about him being here, she also felt her headspace become clogged and she immediately felt stressed. The negative effect this adult had on her was like no other.
Without a word, the girl turned and walked away and helped to help right the classroom, using magic to do so. Through it all, she heard snatches of Trent’s response to the others. It amazed her that a Headmaster could speak to his students in that way. Once Claudine decided she had helped enough, Claudine took a seat at the very back of the classroom. She resisted the urge to snort when Trent ordered them to take notes. Did he really think they didn’t know how to attend lessons properly?
The Slytherin raised her hand after a while. “If there is a kneazle stuck in a tree, we can use that spell on ourselves to reach the kneazle.”
Could Trent just leave now? Or was he making it a thing to bully the other professors as well? "Right. Yes. Once you've shot past the tree and the cat, I'm sure it will feel much safer. Again, there are better, more effective spells for something like that."
The man was beginning to wonder if these students were getting this charm confused with one that helped with levitating--a more stable charm that wouldn't have you shooting up and possibly overshooting whatever target you were aiming for.
Stuck cat? Climb the tree. Tree too high? Use that spell and shoot right past it then worry over how you'll get down. Either way, it would be a waste of magic. SPOILER!!: Summers Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow ...............
But she had-her limbs worked just-HMPH!
Cecelia was really truly starting to dislike the headmaster which was a SHAME because he'd pretty much been her favorite before this term. She still didn't understand the change in him and she STILL wanted to figure it out, but for now she just frowned and CONTINUED helping to get the room in order, shooting looks at Professor F-T in hopes that he'd get up and take over and make the bigger Trent LEAVE.
She'd found her seat, and she was tempted to just ignore the question because she was still feeling kind of grumbly from before, but Cecelia couldn't stop the words from tumbling from her mouth. It was always this way when she had an idea in her head. "If you're caught somewhere you can't simply climb out of, like down a well or something, it'd be a good idea to have that spell in your repertoire." "Interesting of you to say that." Very interesting. "You're right, if you find yourself stuck down a deep place, this spell--done carefully--may be one of your best bets."
Not entirely useless afterall. Who would've thought? SPOILER!!: Turov Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Mamie had picked up two whole books when the Headmaster walked into the room. She did a double-take. This was Charms class! How did he know the classroom was a mess? Maybe--and this was not something Mamie would ever suggest out loud, not with the man in the room--maaaaybe the Headmaster had trashed their classroom! Defense Class wasn't enough for him and he wanted to take over charms as well--well, that really didn't seem right. Not with how upset he seemed to be at the state of the room.
Mamie quietly picked up a few more books and struggled to right another desk/chair combination to seat herself in for the class. She frowned when Trent started...started teaching? Was their Thompson-Fuller or Fuller-Thompson OK? Shouldn't they help him to the infirmary if he was unable to teach class?
She didn't know what Ascendio did, but she got the gist from her classmate's answers. It seemed handy for someone short. Or rather, for someone who was not yet tall. She raised her hand. "Pro-pro...Headmaster..." she switched labels mid-word. "You could use...A-As-Ascendio to put something on a shelf so your brother can't reach it!" She frowned. Didn't Wingardium Leviosa do the same thing? She waved her hand in the air again. "Headmaster, when would you choose Ascendio over Wingardium Leviosa? They do...sorta the same thing, right?" "In the scenario you've just mentioned." To answer her question on when to choose which. "You'll do more harm than good using ascendio to place a book high. For starters, you're likely to run into the ceiling. If you don't, you've got only seconds to place the book before gravity takes over. Better to use wingardium leviosa. It offers more control and is less likely to get you killed."
She wasn't the first to suggest a scenario that required more control than this charm offered so it was best to explain. SPOILER!!: James Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Phoebe was scowling from the moment the Headman showed up, and it doubled down when he spoke so sharply to her. And then he spoke to Kizzy, and she found herself reaching for her wand. Okaaaaay, nope. Best not hex the Headmaster for being a jerk.
BUT she couldn't help but speak up. Just a little bit. "Sorry, siiiiiir, but if the Professor had the room set a certain way for the lesson, I didn't want to undo it without permission." Because if she wasn't supposed to touch the furniture, she would get into even more trouble.
Grrr. Kale was 100% right about whatever he said about his father. No matter how RUDE, he was right. "Maybe you can use it to reach a book on a very high shelf in the library. Just zooooom right up in the air to grab it." "Just zooooom right up into the ceiling. Brilliant. I wish more people who used libraries would think to use this rather than the effective levitation charm." The Headmaster replied dryly.
And why was she standing so close? Did they need a lesson on personal space? The man didn't care much for her explanation. The girl had entered and seen others cleaning but did nothing to help. Surely if it would've been a problem, Fuller-Thompson would have told them to leave it be. SPOILER!!: Fuller Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter Get out
Merlin's soiled trousers was Curtis ever in the right with the Headmaster? He actually was being helpful for once and was then told to get out. He could just about laugh at this when he turned to get the real reason why he was getting kicked out. Oh, of course. The Headmaster was pickier than his Papa Javy over cleanliness.
"I missed you too, Headmaster. Thank you for reminding me to look good." He turned to walk out, whilst pushing the untuck part of his shirt in his pants before going out the door to fix his tie. Which didn't take long at all. He didn't have a mirror at hand so he did what he could off memory on retying it properly. Then he smoothed out some of the wrinkles of his shirt before stopping. That should be good enough. If it wasn't good enough, oh well, Curtis could find other ways to spend his time out of this class. Was his Daddy alright? Guess he couldn't tell since now they were told to leave him alone.
Walking back in, Curtis raised his arms a bit to showcase his tucked in shirt and all. Am I good or....? He waited a bit before going back to casting Tergeo on the dust and dirt. He would move the chairs but you know, others beat him to it, and he didn't want his precious uniform messed up again. That's what he did, cleaning up the dirt and dust until it was time to get the materials required and the first question.
"Well, if Ascendio can shoot you up in the air high enough, I imagine it'd be good for getting up onto the roofs. Maybe relax on top of the Hogwarts Castle or to help fix the roofs." It sounded good enough for Curtis. Maybe he could try it out himself. Maybe. Insert cheeky grin.
The Headmaster nodded when the boy walked back into the room showcasing his attire. Yes, that was much better. Much more in line with what he was meant to look like.
As to his answer.... would've been unusual if Fuller got everything right. "Good for getting on the roof provided you don't overshoot said roof and break all your limbs in the fall." He replied plainly, not for a second missing the example the boy used. He would not dignify it with a response when he knew the boy was looking to get a rise out of him.
Should the Headmaster find him on the roof one day, he would take it from there. SPOILER!!: Phillips Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Okay but how was Valencia to know that the lesson wasn't on cleaning the classroom? One usually wasn't allowed to touch object lessons ahead of time. She picked up the closest desk and set it and a chair upright before using her wand to clean the debris around her.
She then took her seat and got out her books and parchment as instructed.
She momentarily glanced at the fallen Professor. Err. Cool. Just leave him there then.
She raised her hand. "Since it tends to be a more forceful spell, I'd say it's the most useful in situations where you need to get up quickly. For instance, if you needed to escape up a tree or onto a balcony."
Not that that would come in handy often. Despite what some Gryffindors said, the floor was not lava. "I suppose." The man conceded. "If you have enough control to not overshoot your target and land yourself in further danger, then yes, it would be a fast means of creating distance between yourself and whatever you're trying to avoid."
There were....few students in this lesson....he felt had that sort of control....
...The Gryffindors...were not among them. SPOILER!!: Clairmont Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella When the headmaster walked into the room and told her to keep cleaning instead of worrying about a seat, it took her everything to not roll her eyes at him. Instead she gave him an annoyed grin and replied, "Yes, headmaster, sir." Then she turned around and picked up another desk and another chair. There was literally nothing else she could do, everyone else had cleaned up.
The next thing she knew the headmaster was starting the lesson. With a sigh, she quickly took her seat and pulled out her quill and parchment. Thinking for a moment, Nova quickly raised her hand and when called on, replied, "Well, you could use it when you need to quickly get away from something or someone." That spell could have come in handy when she was younger at the children's home, but she wasn't going to say that out loud. "Yes you could." A vague answer if he'd ever heard one. While some students were avid ramblers (a problem in their own right), there were others that gave such short answers that they could be applied to several other questions and still technically be correct.
How inspiring. SPOILER!!: Jones Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath inwardly groaned at the sound of an all too familiar reprimanding voice. For the record, he did not like the way the headmaster was treating his classmates, especially the two Gryffindor girls he insulted (Cece & Phoebe) and the one he upended onto the floor (Emm), though he wasn’t about to let him know that. He may be a lot of things, but stupid wasn’t one of them! Heath’s face remained impassive as he continued levitating books back into their place. He braced for the barrage of harsh words sure to come his way, but none came. Instead, he looked up just long enough to see the nod the headmaster gave him. Well, this was weird! Who would’ve guessed he’d be one of the few not being berated in front of everyone?!
But there was no time to think about it now! As soon as the last book was back in its place, Heath beelined for the back of the room and took a seat next to Claudine. He had just enough time to take out his quill and parchment before the door banged shut, and he looked to the front of the room. Blink, blink. Wait, why was Headmaster Trent asking the first question? Was Professor Fuller-Thompson too injured to teach his own class? Heath was worried for the charms professor, but he was careful not to let any emotion show on his face as he considered the question.
The first scenario Heath thought of was saving oneself from drowning, as Harry Potter had done in the Triwizard Tournament over a hundred years ago, but that was already said. It didn’t need repeating, and besides, what were the odds that one would happen to have their wand handy while drowning? Every other answer he came up with also presented a drawback. Honestly, it was rather exhausting trying to anticipate all the ways the headmaster could shoot down his answers! Part of him wanted to just keep quiet, but he knew that if this was anything like DADA, he’d get assigned an essay for doing so. Forget it, he thought. He’s going to find fault, no matter what I say…
As Heath thought, his mind kept going back to the drowning scenario, and that gave him an idea! His hand went up, and he said, “If you were sinking into quicksand or some other dangerous substance, you could use Ascendio to get yourself out.” "While you're not likely to drown or be in too much danger from quicksand, yes, the spell can be used to get you out." Similar to the answer of drowning and depending on how it was executed and what the boy perceived to be dangerous, likely to do as much harm as good. SPOILER!!: Sinclair Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Of course she knew someone had made a mess. That was obvious. Avalon had only asked what happened because she wanted to know why someone made that mess. Trying not to roll her eyes at Headmaster Trent's rude response, she helped pick up a few more littered items and took a seat, after flipping one more desk upright.
Wait, Trent was going to teach the lesson now? Well, there went all hope of a semi-enjoyable class. He seemed to be in a horrible mood as usual. "If you need to get up onto a steep surface quickly, you could use Ascendio," Avalon added after raising her hand. "Like a cliff or a big step. Especially if you're running from someone. It could save you time and energy." They weren't in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but perhaps Trent would appreciate her defensive thinking. Or maybe he'd just assign her another essay or give her detention. You never knew with that man.
Another with a mention of steep danger. The man nodded. "Correct, it can get you up and out in a jiffy." Something that would come in handy in just a few moments so he hoped her classmates really were taking notes. SPOILER!!: Kitridge Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga UGH, UGH, UGH
Where did he come from? They were just going to have fun and now he was kicking Curtis out? This wasn't at all how she though Charms was going to go and if headboss was teaching could they sneak out? Gemma looked around to see if maybe some did, but it didn't look like it so she just sighed and started helping pick up some items here and there. "Maybe grownups use it to lift students that are not being very good. It is a stronger spell so probably works for human weight better, though I agree with asking the question about why use it instead of Wingardium Leviosa, I mean that can lift heavy things too."
Could they just use those charms to lift this furniture right now? "Not really." The Headmaster replied. "Not unless you had the student strapped to you and I can't think of a single professor who'd want them." Bad enough when they stood too close while talking to you. No one needed a student right up against them passing on germs. "Ascendio lifts the caster, wingardium leviosa--and the charm alarte ascendare which would be better for propelling problematic students skyward--would be better when the focus is on things outside of the caster. As well, the levitating charm offers more control when lifting things. You're less likely to hurt or damage whatever you're trying to move."
The difference was simple. One you used on yourself and the other you used on others.
..... "I'm sure the dragon will appreciate you making its job that much easier." Was his only reply to the Gryffindor child. Given her responses in his own lessons, this did not surprise him but it did her no favours in his books either.
There was something truly wrong with that child. SPOILER!!: Lindsey Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Naya was busy picking up turned over desks when she heard a voice she wasn’t expecting. Turning around, she was surprised to see the Headmaster. Why was he in Charms class? Oh and he was in rare form, as seemed to be the norm for him these days. Things were just getting stranger and stranger.
Once Naya was finished, she did as she was told and sat down. Class, it seemed, had begun and it was the Headmaster who was getting things started with a question. The Gryffindor did not have an answer that immediately came to mind. However, she was determined to come up with something. She was not losing points for not answering the Headmaster’s question.
After what seemed like an eternity, she thought of something and raised her hand. “If you fell down a hill or into a ditch and injured yourself, you could use Ascendio to get yourself back to a safer area on flat ground.” Well it wasn’t the best answer ever, but it was something.
The Headmaster nodded. "Yes, as your classmates have mentioned, falling down a hill or into a ditch would require a good bit of force to remedy. Provided you don't break a few limbs on the fall--and even then can perform wandless magic should your wand arm be out of commission--the situation might not end in tradegy." "Based on several of the responses I've seen, I think it important to make a few distinctions. The first, "ascendio" is used on yourself. This charm propels the caster upward. Should you wish to list something else, you can use the levitating charm. This, I hope, erases the question of when you use which." They were very different spells. "With this charm, you have to be mindful of your surroundings. Where will you land? Is there anything to break your fall? Is the place you'll land safe? You'll also need to consider the amount of force you use. Too much and you could hurt yourself worse than whatever danger you originally faced. Too little and you'll still be in trouble."
Clear? Clear. They were moving on. "Before we get to any practice, I have another question for you. Listen carefully, I don't want you misunderstanding. Let's say you were being chased. You're being chased by a wild creature intent on making you its next meal. It gets you to the foot of a cliff with a dead end but even with the charm, it's too high for you to get to the ledge at the top. You have only two charms you can use. Alarte Ascendare, or Ascendio. Which do you use and why? I'm not asking what each spell does, I'm not asking for the difference. I'm asking what strategy you're trying to employ with whichever spell you choose to use." OOC: Question 2 is uuupppp!! It's a question of strategy mostly. The Headmaster would like to know what your character would ultimately choose to do to save themselves in the scenario outlined. I'll be back to move us again in another 24-28 hrs
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |