Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mamie jumped when the Ravenclaw prefect walked in and started talking. She tried to shrink into the background, she didn't want Avalon to think she made the mess, but it was too late. The prefect had heard her suggestion. Bracing her shoulders, because Hufflepuffs could be brave too, Mamie reached down and picked up a big trophy. Was this the one from the Gobstones Cup? She couldn't really read it while she was holding it.
"I didn't see anything either, Avalon!" she chimed in, agreeing with Claudine and holding tight to the trophy that was almost too heavy for her. Where was it supposed to be? She looked around. "It was just like thi-" Mamie cut off as a sudden chill made her shiver and loosen her grip on the trophy. It clattered to the floor, just barely missing her toes.
"Oops!" she muttered quietly, looking sad. She apparently couldn't help clean up without making more mess. "It's weird in here," she added quietly, looking at Claudine. She felt it too? |