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Old 10-06-2020, 02:25 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
x12 x12
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Merlin's beard was going on here?

Why was the classroom a mess, why was everyone standing around like they didn't have a lesson to be getting to and why were Thing 1and Thing 2 those two Gryffindors sitting around in all this chaos like it was just another day?

The Headmaster looked to the Charms man on the floor, before looking to the students again. If he wanted something done right, he would very well have to do it himself this time. Why did it always seem like something else at Hogwarts was breaking? Why were so many things breaking? Where was his break in this cursed placed?

When it wasn't the students, it was the furniture.

SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Blaze
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine still resented Fuller-Thompson for stepping down as Slytherin Head of House well into the term. But as much as she resented that action, she still liked the man, you know. He was one of the best professors that had ever taught her. Maybe she wouldn’t be annoyed at him much longer. Maybe she would- Claudine halted in her tracks outside of the classroom and stared around. First she stared at Fuller-Thompson on the floor then, quickly stepping into the room and taking her time to avoid the mess. She continued staring at the furniture and how out of place they were.


“Professor? Did you injure yourself? Do you need a hand up?’’ Hopefully some other student would come along and help him because Claudine still wasn't comfortable with letting anyone invade her personal space. She was most likely to help right the furniture though… but first, she needed to make sure Fuller-Thompson wasn’t hurt.

"Don't stand there gawking and asking useless questions, Blaze. Get to work helping to set it right." The Headmaster said, moving by the girl and further into the room. It was exactly this kind of time wasting that saw them in this current situation. Time didn't stand still while everyone stood around pretending they were useless.

Perhaps not pretending.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Much line Claudine, Aboli, too, had been looking forward to serving as prefect to Fuller-Thompson. HOWEVER, she had eventually made note that it had NOT been him that had chosen her once she had finished reading her little letter when it came over the summer. NO-HO! It had been Recard! She adored Professor/Healer Recard, of course, but she still gave Fuller-Thompson EYES every time she had his class.

Had he noticed yet?

She was about to give him a SIMILIAR look as she entered the classroom on this particular day, but immediately she was distracted by the array of MESS in here! "Professor! Are you all right?" she asked, ALSO stepping closer to him and offering him a hand - she was wearing gloves as usual, of course - and hopefully she'd be able to help him up.

"That goes double for you, Ms. Prefect." Asking if the man was alright when she should be working to make the room right. Did he have to tell them everything? Did they need to be hooked up to strings with someone else leading their actions.

Not a bad idea, actually. Some of these students still didn't know how to act.

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
"What happened to this classroom?" Ashley stared. "And also are you good dude?" She would offer to help the professor up, but someone was already doing that. This class looked trashed. "Do you want me to help set the stuff up?" She started to reorder everything. Mostly desks and chairs.

"That seems a rather obvious question, Fox." Did the Professor want them to fix the room? .....


No he was just going to let them sit in this mess and learn nothing for the entire hour. Children. "Get to work, and I'll remind you your Professor is not a dude. You will address him with respect, moving forward."

Her first and last warning with that.

SPOILER!!: Summers
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
What in the world?!

This was one way to teach cleaning charms. Was that what they were doing? The sight of Professor F-T on the floor said it wasn’t as simple as that and Cecelia sort of just stood there for a moment, looking around at the classroom and thinking it made her messy room at home look pretty good in comparison.

It seemed like Claudine and Aboli had Fuller-Thompson covered, so without asking, Cece starting righting chairs and picking up books as she made her way through the wreckage. ”Probably best we all help,” She responded to the first year, gesturing to the amount of mess there was to clean. Though honestly, magic was going to make this whole straightening up thing much easier.

"Someone with a functioning brain. If only your limbs functioned, too. You'd be the perfect package."

Suggesting they get the place clean while standing around. Real genius this one. Real helpful. Someone should give her a medal for her ability to tell everyone else what to do.

Read: Sarcasm.

SPOILER!!: Blackthorne
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Violet wandered groggily into the Charms classroom. She was not a morning person, and she had had a rough night, constantly waking up and then thinking about things and unable to go back to sleep.

So she almost ran into the mess that was in the middle of the classroom. Chairs, tables, everything, all piled on top of each other and in disarray. She wondered if this was some new setup for todays lesson until she saw Professor Fuller-Thompson also on the floor and in disarray. No, obviously this wasn't planned; something very odd had happened.

There were already some students helping the professor up, so Violet decided not to crowd in too. Instead, she wandered over to the furniture and began to try to unravel the chaos a little bit, along with a few other students.

Like this one here.

"At least you know what to do when you've walked in and seen a mess. Your classmates could learn a thing or two from you."

Especially the pair of Gryffindors who'd chosen to sit in the chaos.

SPOILER!!: Fuller
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Charms class, what a joy to Curtis. Partial sarcasm, cause the class was fine for him to be forced continue his N.E.W.Ts lessons in and his father taught it. He had just about rolled out of bed and got his uniform on (albeit his tie wasn't fastened and part of his shirt was untucked) before making the way to the classroom. Despite his early arrival there already was a group of girls at the open door (no surprise to him) when he could make out the clutter.

"Morning da...." Curtis blinked seeing him on the floor. Weird... usually everything's all tidied up. He saw Claudine, Abby, and others already at his dad's side. Welp, no reason for him to go over there too. He didn't think his dad was that weak to need everyone helping him up. A hint of a frown showed briefly on his face. Was he worried? Or disappointed at what he saw? Not that one had time to notice it before Curtis turned his face to the nearest desk, "Tergeo," Aiming his wand to get rid of some of the dust.

"Get out."

It only took one look at this one to see he was not well put together. Was it honestly so hard to look into a mirror before leaving the dormitories? Was his eye sight failing in some way.

"Get yourself presentable, uniform as it should be, then you'll come back to help."

Honestly, the entitlement on this kid never ceased to baffle him.

SPOILER!!: Grantham
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Whoa, was Curtis' dad clumsy or what? Bernie peeked in behind the others, since they'd all arrived at about the same time, and elbowed her way in. "What a mess. What have the house elves been up to?!" Ignoring this room, huh?

Bernie started pushing desks away from the door and then went about making sure each one had a chair to go with it. What. A. Mess!!!

"The elves have many things to do on any given day of the week, Grantham. This will be your mess to clean. You and everyone who decided to stand around and wait for the magic cleaning fairy to get it done. At least you've shown some initiative."

The same could not be said for several of her classmates who chose to stand there asking if help was needed.

Children these days.

SPOILER!!: Upstead
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Nem had slipped into the classroom not long after Grantham, taking stock of the classroom and all the helpful little house elves students who had turned up for Charms. But boy, was it a mess in there. "Someone's wrecked your classroom, sir," Nem pointed out, so very helpfully, standing back out of the way for the exact same reason they hadn't stuck their hands into that mysterious chest of gold at the start of term.

Also because they didn't feel like righting Professor Weaksauce's classroom for him.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." He liked this one well enough but it didn't erase the fact Upstead was standing around like he didn't see this mess around the room.

Standing around was fine for a time but there was a class to be had.

"Get fixing."

SPOILER!!: James
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Phoebe bounced through the door, keen to greet good ol' Professor Cheekbones, only to find him on the floor and the room totally run amuck. Chairs! Desks! Madness! What exactly was happening here?

"Oh, Professor! Does Peeves have a vendetta against you?" She shoved the closest desk with her foot, scooting it generally unto place, and then she leaned over to push it into the right position. It was pretty lame mischief, as far as mischief went. "Should we just put the room to rights?"

"No." The Headmaster responded with a heavy dose of some good old fashion sarcasm. "You should just stand here like a worthless flobberworm and wait for someone else to do it for you."

But in case she, like many others, could not wrap their mind fully around the spoken form, the man looked over the blonde. "Get to work James. You'll do well to teach your sister that in these situations, one does not sit in the middle of chaos spouting foolishness."

The girl was hardly a good example as it was.

SPOILER!!: Sinclair
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Avalon was so busy rifling through a stack of notes that she didn't realize the absolute destruction right in front of her. She had fallen asleep while studying the previous night and awakened to a mess of textbooks and parchment, with only a few minutes to spare before Charms. Scrambling to get to class on time, the Ravenclaw was organizing her papers as she walked. Until she walked straight into an overturned chair, stubbing her toe in the process. "OW!"

Mouth agape, she looked around the room, perplexed. "What in Merlin happened here?" Avalon wondered aloud, immediately stuffing her notes into her bag. Professor Fuller-Thompson on the floor, tables turned upside-down, objects scattered everywhere. It was a strange sight this early in the morning. Avalon bent down to pick up the chair that she had run into. Were they supposed to clean things up, or was this all part of some crazy cleaning charm lesson the professor had planned?

"I think the answer to that question is rather obvious. Someone's made a mess."

Had all these students always had such a penchant for speaking the obvious when it wasn't at all necessary? This was why he didn't allow for incessant chatter in his own class. It prevented things like this.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Adam was completely unaware that Piers had tripped and stumbled on his way into the classroom. By the time Adam arrived, a number of people were already there, surrounding him and checking on him and making sure he was ok. Instead, Adam was WAY more focused on all the clutter in the classroom. Surely this was something to do with the lesson? OOOOOH! They were finally going to learn cleaning charms, weren't they?!

"Wow, can't wait to see what you've got planned for us with this big mess, Professor!" Adam said with a grin. What was he doing on the floor? Weird.

This was...this one made him facepalm.

"Get to cleaning, Luck. This isn't a show." That the boy thought THIS chaos would be the beginning of a lesson was beyond him. There was an obvious mess. The Professor was on the floor looking worst for wear and there was a gaggle of students all asking if they should help while doing nothing at all.

SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post


"I'm not helping to get this cleaned up." The Gryffindor First Year made her stance on the matter clear the MOMENT she walked into the Charms classroom and realized that they were either learning a cleaning charm, or someone had decided to mess with the professor. Maybe the second, if the Professor now on the floor was anything to go by.

Emm weaved her way through her classmates until she found the chair she'd claimed for her own all these classes--someone had drawn a unicorn on the seat, making it super easy to recognize. Then she went stepping over or climbing under things until she found her desk. The 11 year old dragged it over to her chair then sat in all the chaos and looked patiently to the Professor. "Hello, Sir."

She was ready for the lesson to begin. Whenever he and everyone else got themselves sorted, they could also be ready.

"But you will." The Headmaster flicked his wand casually, causing the little girl's chair to lift off the ground before it entirely upended her onto the ground.

"I don't know if you think you're above it all or just better than everyone else in this room, but you will clean, Cambridge. You will clean with everyone else."

And he wouldn't be saying it again.

SPOILER!!: Phillips
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Valencia made her way to the classroom wondering what the backup and commotion was. But she quickly figured that out as soon as she could see into it.

"This place is a mess." she said with a frown. She carefully stepped over things and around the side, observing the ransacking around her. Was this a lesson on... cleaning?

"A mess I see you've taken no steps to make better. You'll fix that." Walking about would not get the job done. She would need to grab a desk or chair and begin putting things back the way they should be.

Honestly, these children didn't do anything unless given a direct order. No initiative. No sense of duty.


SPOILER!!: James 2.0
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
You know who wasn't tired? Kinsay Cassandra James, resident Gryffindor and morning person. In fact, mornings were her peak time. It's when she got the best work done and was the cheeriest and also when she had the most energy. Her energy battery usually drained quickly throughout the day, so it was probably for the best that Charms had the early slot this year. It meant Professor Fuller-Thompson could always see her at her best!

.... Which to be fair, wasn't all that good. Spells were really hard and it hadn't helped that in the MOST vital week of her learning career she had been wandless. Everything since then has been an attempt at catching up. It made her sad, so they weren't going to talk about it, okay? Thanks.

"Hi," she stepped into the room, but stopped almost immediately. Kizzy needed a moment to take it all in. Everything was overwhelming. Especially their classroom. It looked like the Muggle Studies classroom after the lesson about trash. With that in mind, Kinsay practiced precaution as she weaved her way through the chaotic classroom to find her desk. Hers was easy to find because it was the one next to Emm's. With her desk (though upside-down) located, but she next made the trek to drag a chair across the room.

Only after she was properly (not properly) sitting with her feet on the seat and her bum balanced on the back of the chair, she raised her hand. "Professor? Are we declaring anarchy? Because I need to be on Emmerson's team. It's the rules." If he didn't believe her, she could probably get a Healer's note from Professor Recard that said so. She'd understand.


And there was the other one.

Like with the first half of this problematic equation, the Headmaster flicked his wand to upend the girl from her seat as well.

"Anarchy has clearly already taken place. You will help to set it right, then you will move your chair to the opposite end of the room."

They did not sit together. They were a problem when they sat together. There was a reason, in his lessons, he didn't let them sit together. The fact they did so in other classes was nothing short of a bad idea his colleagues had not yet figured out.

SPOILER!!: Vance
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Yawning tiredly as he entered the charms classroom it took Cole a few moments to take in the state of the classroom, and Professor Fuller-Thompson on the floor. Yikes, what happened here? The classroom was a right mess with chairs, desks and books strewn about upside down and sideways and just not how it should be at all. Pulling up his sleeves on his robes Cole got started on pushing desks back and righting chairs as he navigated himself closer to the professor’s side. Claudine, Aboli and Ashley we’re already offering the professor a hand up but Cole figured it was good to be close if some extra guy power was needed. "Sir, who has gone berserk in your classroom? It was Peeves surely, and not a student right?" It’d be easier to understand if it was just another Peeves prank. Pushing back a couple of desks and straightening a few more chairs back on their legs with sheer use of force. He’d use magic but Cole didn’t want to accidentally hit a fellow student.

"It better not have been a student." The Headmaster replied, pleased he at least did not have to remind THIS ONE that when there was a mess, you should try to fix it. Some students just didn't get it.

Vance, thankfully, got it.

"If you see or hear anything suspicious, you report it straight away. We'll deal with whoever did this accordingly."

SPOILER!!: Nichols
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Valentina yawned as she dragged herself to charms, wishing she’d gotten something to eat because she was so hungry. But it was her fault for oversleeping.. she’d slept really late the night before, doing her homework because she did enjoy getting things done in the last minute.

..... BLINK blink. What was... happening?? Professor was on the floor, the classroom looked disordered, everyone looked confused... UHM?? Her eyes wide, she slowly made her way over to an empty chair and sat down. Did they have to clean this mess up? Because that would be terribly boring!! She carefully set her bag down and looked expectantly at the professor, her tummy grumbling a bit. SIGH.

And another--no surprise yet another first year Gryffindor--who simply sat and waited for the chaos to right itself.

The Headmaster flicked his wand in her direction, causing her chair to rise then dump her onto the ground. "You've got no servants here, Nichols. You'll help right this classroom with everyone else." What did she take this for? Others were cleaning and she thought it was okay to just sit.

These Children.

SPOILER!!: Lindsey
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
It was a typical morning on what Naya assumed would be a typical day. She entered the Charms classroom saying, “Good Morning Prof......” Oh!. This was not typical. The room was a mess. Everything was helter skelter and Naya couldn’t imagine why. Seeing Cole moving desks and chairs, she walked over to him. “Hey Cole, what happened here?”

In the meantime, Naya started helping the rest of her classmates in putting the room back in order. She started by turning some desks right side up again. This was crazy.......and yet, this was Hogwarts so.........nothing should surprise her.

The man was mid scowl when the next student entered and began asking about what had happened. To her credit, she did begin cleaning. It was a better look than many of her classmates had shown and it saved her a few words from what would've been a rather displeased Headmaster.

SPOILER!!: Jones
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath enjoyed charms class a lot more now that his spellwork was improving. He wandered down the hall and into the classroom, wondering what today’s lesson would have in store. “Good morning, Profes-” he began, but his voice trailed off as he noticed the man on the floor and several people crowded around him. “Slurping sarlaccs, what happened here?!” He was so distracted by the chaotic scene in front of him that he didn’t realize he made a reference nobody would understand until after he’d spoken.

His dark eyes darted around the room in search of something to distract himself from his blunder, and it was only then that he saw the full scope of the damage… desks sideways, chairs overturned, books littering the floor. “I’ll, uh… get the books,” he mumbled to no one in particular; it seemed the thing to do, since several other students were already straightening the desks and chairs.

Drawing his wand, he began levitating books off the floor and back into their place. This was charms class, so he might as well practice his spells while he tidied up. That, and one could never be too careful in this school! This mess was probably nothing - an introduction to a lesson on cleaning or maybe Peeves or a student playing a prank - but just in case this was something more sinister, he didn’t want to risk getting possessed, cursed, or Merlin knows what else by touching something!

And another who got straight to work. Perhaps the entire class wasn't a lost cause afterall. It was clear there were still some students who could think independently and knew that when they saw a mess, it was best to make it right.

The boy got a small nod of approval before the Headmaster turned to see who else was in need of a wake up call.

SPOILER!!: Carmilla
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Crimalla stood nervously at the back of the crowd of concerned and confused students arriving to class. There were chairs thrown about everywhere, and from snippets of exclamations, she could tell that some sort of accident involving the professor had happened. Crimalla just stood there waiting for a cue on what she should do. She was just a first year, and surely her older peers were much better at healing magic and helping the professor with whatever had happened.

The Headmaster rolled his eyes before he spoke to this one.

"You see your classmates cleaning and choose to stand there uselessly instead? Honestly? Does someone need to look you in the eye, say your whole name and direct you before you figure out what you're meant to do?"

These first years were honestly something else.

When they weren't sitting and waiting for others to clear up their messes, they were standing around like lost cruppies who hadn't a functioning brain in sight.

SPOILER!!: Taylor
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter View Post
Having finally located her missing wand after it went missing, Ivy hurried to Charms hoping she wasn’t late. When she got to the doorway, she noticed there seemed to be a pile up in the entrance to the classroom. Standing on her tiptoes, she tried to peer around the other students to see what was happening. She could hear a lot commotion on the other side like someone was scooting furniture around.

Being small, she squeezed between the gaps people had left and finally made it through the crowd to see what was happening. ”Oh goodness...” she whispered. what was it Mamie had said in Divination? Unexpected things always happen at Hogwarts? Maybe this was one of those unexpected things. Based on the Professor’s position on the floor, she didn’t think the mess had been intentional. ”Professor... what happened? Who would do this?” she asked, concern in her face as she picked a damaged book up off the floor and showed it to him.

"I assure you, if we knew the answer to that, the student would not be in a position to sleep for weeks. Don't just stand there, make yourself useful."

Asking useless questions when there was work to be done. Did all the Professor's allow such pointless chatter when they began their lessons?

SPOILER!!: Miller
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Charms was actually a subject that Josh performed decently - probably because he was just SOooOOooOoo charming.

Har har .... har. A boy could dream.

He was rather eager to get to class today only to find that there was a crowd at the entrance to the classroom. Slowly his sprint to a stroll, the sixth year cautiously approached the group of his peers and overheard something about a mess, accusations towards Peeves, and something about the professor going berserk? Whatever it was, chaos had already struck and the lesson had not yet even begun!

"Whatever happened here I just want to go on record saying that I didn't do it," he decided to point out with a wave of the arm and twirl of the finger. "It was just the one time!"

"Good to know." The Headmaster responded dryly.

"Now get to work." Why these students felt it necessary to come in and waste time was beyond him. "If you do find out who did this, it will be in your best interest to say something."

Until then, this room was a mess and there was a lesson that needed to begin.

SPOILER!!: Kitridge
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Gemma was ready for class, she enjoyed charms and couldn't wait to learn all the things they would learn today. Bouncing her way to class she stopped at the door hearing everyone else she peered around the corner. "Woo" What happened in here. Then she saw it, she saw Curtis with his wand.

"Morning Professor, if you are redecorating maybe you could ask mum for some help." Serioulsy Uncle Piers probably could use some help by the looks of this place, but she really didn't think he was redecorating. Moving closer to Curtis she nudged him, "Dude, if you are going to mess up parent rooms let me in on it. We could do mum's next."

"Get to work, Kitridge. Why does someone need to tell you to be useful?" Why did more than H A L F these students need to be told what to do in such an obvious situation.

"There's no time for your meaningless chatter. The class needs to begin and the room is a mess."

Get. On. It.

SPOILER!!: Lil' Trent
Originally Posted by pundantic View Post

There was some STRAIGHT UP ANARCHY happening in Charms today. Kale felt his bones rattle. He was curious and a little excited. Was Charms today going to be some kind of event? Like jumping over all the things and using the piles as shelter?? He had questions.

But, first, he addressed Fuller-Thompson with a grin, "Morning Professor." He waited all of two seconds before he asked his follow-up. "Is there some kind of scavenger hunt today?"

"No scavenger hunt, just a mess in need of cleaning and students like you standing around not cleaning it." Hint hint.

"There's work to be done. Get to it."

It had become rather clear to the man that these students would not do anything useful unless they were directly instructed to do so.

SPOILER!!: Turov
Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
"Good morning, Pro-" Mamie froze in the doorway of Charms class, midway through her greeting. What had happened? Was she late? Maybe they'd already started class and there was an accident? As she stood there for a moment, though, she realized that was not the case and that maybe she should help straighten up the classroom so that they could start.

Yep, she should help.

Mamie headed straight for one of the chairs that was on top of a desk and moved to pull it down without the chair falling on her. Putting desks and chairs back was much more exciting than picking up books from the floor, right? Wrestling with the chair, she managed to get it off the desk and onto the floor with a loud thud. Mayyybe she should switch to helping pick up the scattered books...that were more her size....

He would need to calm down.

Not all the students were useless. In fact, this one seemed to understand clearly that when you saw a mess, you didn't sit around waiting for someone else to fix it.

It was a good look for the Hufflepuff.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
He entered the classroom with a big smile on his face, ready for a good class today, and was about to greet said Professor Fuller-Thompson when he gaped. No voice came out of his mouth as he just stared at the state of the classroom.

Was this part of the lesson? He eyed his surroundings, wondering what or who would pop out? No. Maybe they were learning a cleaning charm? he wondered; however, the state of Professor Fuller-Thompson told him otherwise. Yiiiikes. This was not good. He noticed Aboli making a BEE line for the Professor which caused his right eyebrow to arch before he glanced around the room to see who else was here and what needed to be cleaned. Josh's comment was very much one to stand by. Yes. Yes. He'd back up his dormie on that. Wise words.

Sighing, he decided to remain silent and focus on helping to clean up the classroom.

And another that knew it was better to clean. In truth, another that saved themselves being told off.

It was beyond his scope of comprehension how some of them could come and sit in this mess. Thankfully, Nam knew better.

SPOILER!!: Clairmont
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Nova was super tired. She had been up all night studying, because OWL's, and was yawning her way into the classroom. She hadn't quite noticed the state of the room, nor the fact that the professor was sprawled out on the floor.

She gave another rather large yawn, covering her mouth politely as she did so, before saying her usual greeting, "Good morning, Professor. Hope you are, oh...what in Merlin's beard happened here!?" She finally noticed the wreckage. It was an absolute mess. Was this the work of Peeves? It looked like something he would do! But who could know for sure?

Most of the students had already started to clean up the mess by the time she had gotten into the classroom, but she found a desk and chair for herself, set them up right and put her bag on the chair, claiming it before anyone else could.

She wasn't going to be without a seat, that was for sure.

"I'd worry more about getting this room clean than securing yourself a seat." He commented dryly to the Hufflepuff. Priorities, she needed them. Mess first, class after. This was not rocket science.

Back to cleaning."

There would sort the rest out after.

The Headmaster turned to face the room of students, pleased at least some of the mess was now gone while being irritated at just how many of them he needed to push into action.

"To whoever thought this would be a funny little stunt to be pulled off, I see. I may not know who you are now but I'll find out and you'll be sorry. Destruction of school property is strictly prohibited. As you can see, it costs us precious time that could otherwise be spent learning. In such an important class, you cannot afford to waste time like this."

Time wasters, that's exactly what the majority of them were.

"Once you've righted the room, have a seat, we're going to begin." Was Piers in a position to do so? He didn't know. Surely the man would've gotten up if he could. Nevertheless, the Headmaster was here to help.

With a flick of his wand, the door to the Charms classroom slammed shut with a loud, satisfying BANG. Ah. That was better. He moved to the front of the room where he found the Professor's lesson plan sitting atop the desk. He gave it a quick once over to be sure he knew what was going on before turning to look at the room of complacent children once more.

"Now then, get your books and parchment out and be sure to take notes. I have a question. When would you ever need to use the cham "Ascendio"? Personal experience, or any scenario you can think of. When would this become the one spell you think would get the job done adequately?"

OOC: Hello friends. No, you're not lost, this is indeed Charms class! This is the first OOC class of the term but remember it wouldn't be the first IC. The Headmaster will be stepping in to lend a hand and the first question is up. This class should be moved again in another 28ish hrs. And remember, even thought Trent might not appreciate them, I do enjoy me a good silly answer.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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