Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! "Good morning, Pro-" Mamie froze in the doorway of Charms class, midway through her greeting. What had happened? Was she late? Maybe they'd already started class and there was an accident? As she stood there for a moment, though, she realized that was not the case and that maybe she should help straighten up the classroom so that they could start.
Yep, she should help.
Mamie headed straight for one of the chairs that was on top of a desk and moved to pull it down without the chair falling on her. Putting desks and chairs back was much more exciting than picking up books from the floor, right? Wrestling with the chair, she managed to get it off the desk and onto the floor with a loud thud. Mayyybe she should switch to helping pick up the scattered books...that were more her size.... |