Charms 1: Going UP! Oh, it was EARLY. Piers had never been much of a morning person, but he had to at least pretend he was while he was at Hogwarts. He much preferred having his classes in the afternoon, but he had drawn the short end of the stick this term with a morning class.
Yawning with a bit of a groan, Piers made his way to the Charms classroom to start the lesson. Tiredly, he shuffled his feet to the classroom door and opened it up, yawning AGAIN as he shuffled inside. CLANG. BANG. THUD. "OW. WHAT THE -"
Immediately upon entering the room, Piers smashed his foot into something, tripped over the unknown object and then tumbled to the floor, crashing into MORE unknown objects on his way down.
On the floor, Piers looked around to see what had caused him to trip and found..... chairs, desks, books and props strewn about the room. The desks were all out of their normal order, some sideways, some upside down. The chairs were all out of sorts, too - some upside down, some tossed on top of the askew desks.
Piers sat up quickly and blinked, processing what he was seeing. The entire classroom had been ransacked??? But what..... who? And WHY.
UGH. OOC: Hello everyone and welcome to Charms class! Things are a bit different this time around. Have your school character come in and see the damage and.. maybe help Professor Fuller-Thompson off the floor?
Class will officially begin in 24 hours! CLASS HAS BEGUN!!!! Class Progression: Question 1 Question 2 Mini Activity