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The dummy kept watching, not fooled by fake out tactics. They were charmed a particular way; they would react to contact.
If Song wanted a fight, she would have to bring it.
Well fine, dummy. Fake-outs didn't.
Aboli felt exasperated by this all of the sudden and held her fists in front of her like a proper muggle fight would call for, and she aimed one right for its gut, using her legs to hop back in case it retaliated, she didn't make contact...or everything in between. And she kept her hands in FRONT of her face to block it from any blows that could come that way. Better to be hit in the stomach or anywhere else than the FACE. Wasn't that the first rule of fighting? All of the television she had watched over the years had at least taught her that.
What she did NOT realize, however, was that if she did manage to make fist contact with the dummy, it would very much hurt her knuckles. Ouch. It was HARD.