Kath!! Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Returning from classes, the boy kicked off his shoes, placed them neatly upon his bed in the boys dorm before sighing and flopping back onto his bed. His head hurt. There were things that he had yet to resolve in his head that kept on giving him a headache. He STILL hadn't spoken to Inkeri and Ronan after objecting at their wedding. Sheesh. He didn't trust Ronan. Slimey git, indeed, he thought as he rolled his eyes. His mind wandered to happier things, including Islay and Kimmie and Minjae and... He took in a sharp breath. Aboli. His stomach flip flopped when he thought of her, not knowing how to feel. Of course, he had feelings for her. He had liked her way back before school had started and... well... She had liked bad boys, such as Christian. This had led Noah to pretend to be a bad boy and even offered to pretend to be Christian so she could practice hitting on him. He smacked his hand against his forehead. Stupid boy. Stupid boy and those feelings... Then he had been convinced that SHE didn't like him. .... until that day in Hogsmeade when she said she liked nice guys.
Noah's cheeks flushed remembering that day. Of course, he had been overjoyed at her confession but then remembered the situation. She was single. He was not. It wouldn't be right..... After her confession, he had awkwardly laughed as his heart beat raced. Noah had been afraid that the sound of his racing heart would get Aboli's attention but fortunately it didn't. It should have been wrong, right? He had a girlfriend who he adored but her confession... it made so much sense. He groaned. Then there was the time where she touched his arm and the two of them jumped away from each other as if they had touched a kettle of boiling hot water that had just been taken off of the stove.
He held his right hand in his left, remembering the touch, but feeling weirdly burned by it. Sighing, he reached for a book on his bedstand table, hoping to get these thoughts and feelings out of his head.
Man. Feelings were overrated.
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