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Old 09-25-2020, 05:28 PM   #65 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Ivy made her way into class, smushed somewhere in the middle of the pack of fellow badgers shuffling through the door. Her long dark hair was swinging while she was jostled, covering her down turned face. There were so many bigger kids in here that it was hard to see what was going on. With her books clutched to her chest she bounced off person to person making her way toward the middle of the classroom but off to one side.

Settling down in her seat she busied herself with removing her parchment and quill, labeling her notes at the top of the page with the subject and date.

SPOILER!!: 1st Post
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

Students always made her happy. Look at them all coming into class with smiles, finding people to sit with, and just all around excited. Cassie always found it so interesting to watch where everyone sat. It truly set the first tone and vibes the class would have.

SPOILER!!: Greetings

"Good afternoon, I hope you are having a wonderful day."

"Good afternoon to you to my dear. Lovely to see you."

"Oh Morgan, always trying to keep an old professor hip are we." The young kids using old words. Funny how some slang stuck around through the ages.

"Good afternoon Claudine, hope you are finding the day lovely."

"Hello, I hope you are having an amazing day!"

"Good day to you as well."

"Hello Blake, I hope everything is alright." The boy wasn't seeming his chipper self and Cassie always wanted to make sure.

"Hello, hello!" Gosh she adored all her badgers. So good to see them in classes.

Seeing Kale she just chuckled and shook her head. 'Good afternoon Kale."

Did Cassie really enjoy when a child snapped as well, oh yes she did! "Good afternoon my dear."

"It is a perfect November day. I'm so glad you are having a fantastic day today Aboli." It was always so nice to hear when her students were having great days.

LISTEN TO THAT EXCITIEMENT! "Why I guess you will see, but that does sound fun." Maybe they could have a little show if time allowed.

"I'm glad you like it. Lavender is good for the mind. Keeping calm and relaxed helps in this class." Plus who wanted to be all stressed an anxious anyway.

"I wouldn't say performance, but we will be doing something." A good guess all the same though.

"Good afternoon my dear"

"Modeling could be a good way of putting it." Giving just a small smile she winked and moved to the next child coming in.

"Oh my, are you not feeling well? Do you need the nurse my dear?"

'Hello, hope you are doing well."

"Good afternoon!"

She looked at her watch and glanced around the room. Her head shook a bit as she realized her own child was not in the class she should be. She'd have to be speaking with that girl, but no time for that now. "Welcome, welcome. I'm so very pleased you all came to class today. I have such fun for us. I think even the boys will enjoy this lesson." She snapped excitedly and hoped the boys wouldn't mind.

"Now I know you have seen all the clothes, I would like to take the first ten minutes or so to go find what you feel is the perfect outfit. Take turns using the fitting room and don't feel the first thing you put on you have to keep. If you feel it isn't the perfect outfit for you then switch it." She gave them all a huge smile as she headed to the side of the room. "There is plenty of things to pick so no need to fight."

Giving them a few minutes to let it all sink in she clapped, "What are you waiting for, go have some fun!"

ooc: Class has started, but if you are late come in and play anyway say you were here the entire time or if you don't mind IC punishments like point loss well ... Have fun, be creative, remember IC school appropriate clothes will be all there is to pick.

Hearing the professor’s voice, Ivy’s head popped up from her mostly blank piece of parchment. Wait, what? Change her clothes? Reluctantly she got up from her seat and began moving through the piles of clothes. She didn’t really have a personal style. She always just kind of picked things that were simple. To be honest, she actually liked her uniform. Did she have to change?

She grabbed a pair of worn but not distressed jeans, a solid colored dark green v-neck sweater, and a pair of black Converse and headed to the fitting room. Taking off her uniform, Ivy folded it up very carefully so it wouldn’t get wrinkled and put on the clothes she had picked out. The sleeves on the sweater were a bit too long, so she rolled them up a few times. Looking at herself in the mirror, she shrugged and exited the fitting room, carrying her meticulously folded uniform back to her table.

SPOILER!!: Post 2
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
This was so exciting! Look at all the fun they were having. Cassie honestly wanted to jump in and play fashion show with them, but she reminded herself that she was the professor and she needed to stay where she was observing not participating, plus she could floo out and do a quick shopping trip later, if she found the time.

"Wonderful outfits everyone." She was snapping for all the students and really enjoyed the ones that were trying on different outfits, twirling for others, and giving it a real go to find that perfect item. As she walked around she couldn't help but to pick up a shoe or a dress and just give it a look. Clothes were something she adored so it was hard not to be distracted by them.

Hearing someone ask about keeping the outfits she gave a smile, "No, unfortunately we can't take these out of the classroom today." She might have borrowed some materials to make these items and then duplicate for different styles and colors so she'd have to return the items after class. "Use this time to show off your outfits everyone. Do a little walk if you'd like. Have fun with this." She pulled her wand and had a red carpet go across the middle of the room. She of course had to do this one so she walked down it like she was on the runway just to show the kids she could have fun too. "Who wants to be first?"

"Now anyone that is already finished and has your outfit on I have a few questions I'd like to you use your parchment and answer for me." Waving her wand she put the new questions up on the board.

OOC: Keep having fun this with everyone! I love your responses so far. We will continue no in about 24 hours or so. Plenty of time to change outfits a few times if you'd like and dance the runway.

Ivy sat back down at her table and watched as the other students all enjoyed the exercise. It was fun to see what everyone looked like out of their uniforms. They all picked such different things. Smiling a bit as she watched people dance and walk the runway, Ivy unrolled her sleeves to cover her hands and fidgeted with the ends.

As the professor spoke again, Ivy took note of the questions on the board and began writing her response:
Pants = left leg
Shoelaces = tied
Blend in

SPOILER!!: Post 3
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

Look how adorable ALL of her students were and listen to them!!!! She was even more excited about how sweet they were being to each other. 'Bravo, Bravo" She snapped for each student that was walking down the runway. She knew some wouldn't want to be so bold to do the runway, but the ones that did she was super excited for.

"Ashley, amazing dear" She snapped for the first year as she became the first one to do the red carpet. So wonderful to see a young student not afraid to show off her outfit in front of the class. "You are a natural Cecelia, very good." These students were very impressive on the red carpet. She couldn't help but be shocked that Bernie was not walking the carpet, the girl seemed to love the center of attention from what Cassie had seen. "Very good Avalon, very good."

All the students were doing so well. This was so much fun, she hadn't even thought about the red carpet until someone had suggested it. She was so happy they did too, "Bravo Valentina, bravo" They were even dancing now, this was so fun! "Very good Heath, very good!" One of the boys jumping in she was so proud. Her snaps were echoing the room by the end. "Bravo Naya"

"I can not begin to tell you all how pleased I am with every single one of you. You didn't even question me, you got up, found new outfits, and what I am most excited about was the complements I was hearing from all of you. Everyone is getting five extra points today for how kind you were being to each other." She snapped excitedly so proud of everyone. " But now we truly do need to focus on the lesson today." Maybe if they had some time at the end of class more people could walk the carpet. "What do you think clothes has to do with Divination? Why on earth would I have you do this little activity right when you came in today?"

ooc: You all have made the start of this lesson so fun! Question is up, I'll be moving us on in about 24 hours!

Ivy tapped her quill against her lips pondering the professor’s question. What DID clothes have to do with divination? Mumbling to herself, she began to brainstorm possible reasons, scribbling on her parchment:

“Well, even though we are all different, there are some ways that we’re the same... maybe? Like maybe we have to tap into what’s the same about us to predict stuff about other people...”

That seemed like as good of a guess as any... she thought as she finished writing her idea onto her parchment and then started adding the other student’s ideas to the list as well.
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