Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mamie cheered for her friends and also people she didn't really know as they did the red carpet walk. Herself, she wasn't really interested. She thought her outfit looked cute but that was really just for her. She answered the questions on her parchment instead. Violet and Ashley, though, looked sooo amaaaazing. Mamie could barely help grinning. This was probably her favorite divination class all semester. Quote:
Originally Posted by parchment If wearing pants, which leg do you put in first? LEFT
If wearing a dress or dress robes did you put it on wrong by mistake? N/A
If you have a tie which hand do you use to loop it? N/A
Are your shoelaces tied or untied? Don't have shoelaces?? Slip ons!
If a button down shirt did you get all the buttons evenly? Yes
Did you pick something to blend in or stand out? I don't know? Stand out? When it came time to settle down and do actual learning, Mamie tried not to look too sad. Especially when the professor asked the question that she at least had already been wondering. What did their outfit choices have to do with divination? Mamie pondered that for a bit, listening to other students' answers. When she had an almost answer, Mamie raised her hand.
"Is it because clothes are a way to express our right now selves? Like-like today I picked a floral blouse, but if I was sad today I probably would have picked something else!" she said. Like black. Maybe she hadn't picked the black sweater not because it was scratchy but because she was too happy? |