Divination Lesson One The tower was a bit cooler in the first of November chill still, but as you climbed through the door you will find that the room is set up almost like it always was and a warm cozy feeling can soon be found. The sent of lavender lightly fills the air. Desks are set up so students sit four to a table instead of the normal two. This is because in the back of the room you will find a line of dressing stations and hanging from the wall you will see clothes from casual to dress robes, scarves, and all forms of different shoes, ties, and even hair bows.
Professor Kitridge can be found sitting on her desk with a smile on her face greeting each student with a snap as they come in. The board reads to have a seat and take out some parchment and a quill to get ready for the lesson that will be happening in just a moment. Class Progression: Mini Activity Mini Activity continued First Question Main Activity Main Activity Part 2 Question Final Thought |