Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: sappyville♥
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Freddy Zimmer Gryffindor Seventh Year x5
| *sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! SPOILER!!: GREENHOUSE X Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Did wolfsbane like colder climates? Was that why the greenhouse felt chillier than the temperature outside? Avalon nodded halfheartedly at Minjae's RPG comment. She had no idea what an RPG quest was, but she was too distracted by the fog in the greenhouse to ask her partner about it. All she saw was green. Where was the purple?! "It's hard to tell. I'd err on the side of--" she started replying to Minjae's question about the vines, but before she could finish, she noticed them wrapping themselves around Claudine and Kale. "....caution?" "If wolfsbane likes shade, maybe it's growing behind or underneath the vines? We'd have to find a way to get around them first though." She could just try to move them away on her own. The greenery didn't look vicious or aggressive -- it looked to just be tickling Claudine. Plus, it didn't shy away from Heath's light, so it probably wasn't Devil's Snare. "We could just try to move them aside?" Gloves on, Avalon approached a table and attempted to peek underneath the greenery, rustling a few plants around as she did so. With her wand in her other hand, she cast lumos, using her light to search for a hint of purple. Quote:
Originally Posted by MadAlice Well, what do you know, the older boy really did know how to cast a Bubble Head charm. It felt kind of weird, like she ought to be suffocating in here, but she could breathe just fine and it was light as a feather, not at all heavy like it looked like it ought to be. And look, the boy had held the door for them--that was kind of nice, Violet always appreciated good manners. She began to like this kid better. Then she felt the chill of Greenhouse X envelop her...
What in Merlin's name was this? It was like walking into one of those virtual reality arcades she had seen in New York, only this wasn't virtual.
The boy was rattling off a lot of spell names that Violet didn't even know. And it was like he was talking to himself--what was that he was saying about disturbing the flora? Violet definitely didn't want to do that. Then she heard a bump, and felt something on the floor, and -- her vision must be playing tricks on her. "I can bearly see either--it's like my eyes are playing tricks on me. Every once in a while it's like I'm seeing purple spots in the corner of my vision. I hope there's nothing in here that's making us hallucinate," Violet said. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Claudine had her eyes set on the prize until…what? There were vines creeping up on her literally and…
The girl started giggling. It was soft and helpless but definitely a laugh that a few others had heard from her. Merlin! These vines were trying to distract her. Focus… she must focus. Luckily, her Dragon Heartstring wand was still in her hand. Still giggling as vines tickled her, Claudine weakly tried to think of a spell that would counter the vines. This was definitely not Devil’s Snare or she’d have been in serious trouble by now. Claudine didn’t want to hurt or destroy the vines either. “Lu- *giggle* Lumos!”
The wand tip illuminated and Claudine hoped desperately that the vines would retreat. If not, she’d try the Fire-Making Charm.
But gosh. Please let this first spell work or she’d collapse in exhaustion from all this giggling. Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath blushed at the praise from Professor Flamsteed. Whether negative or positive, that kind of attention always flustered him! No one saw that right? Hopefully not… his hair would cover most of the reddish tinge to his ears and face. Okay, so they were looking for shade, well-draining soil, and - Oh dear Merlin! His heart dropped upon hearing the professor say the “W” word. Did she have any idea of the Pandora’s box she might’ve just opened by suggesting this was a competition? If the other lessons so far this term were any indication, it was only a matter of moments before his classmates started exchanging spells and taunts. Consider his guard up!
He watched the vines, studying their reaction to his spell. They didn’t seem to mind the light, so clearly not Devil’s Snare. He ventured farther into the greenhouse, trying to dodge and weave between the vines, just in case they were something else dangerous, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw them creeping near Claudine. It took every bit of restraint he had not to go into full knight-in-shining-armor mode right then, but he would let her handle it herself... unless things started to go very badly wrong. Blink, blink. Wait, were they… tickling her? That giggle… did she know how adorable it was? He wished she’d do it more often… Merlin, what was he thinking?! He shook his head. Focus, Heath! He inwardly berated himself.
His eyes darted around the room in search of something purple or shady, but all he saw were vines and tables. Wait, that gave him an idea! The tables could provide shade. Maybe the wolfsbane was under one of them instead of on them? He made his way to the nearest table and peered underneath it. What would he find there? Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Oh look, Mr. Jones is using his brains, everybody. Please try to do the same.
His brain couldn't even process who Mr. Jones was, only that that was NOT him and that that meant he was clearly NOT using his brain and therefore Professor Flamsteed thought he was an absolute moron. Swallowing thickly and ears reddening as she reassured him that just the light was necessary. And that he was an absolute idiot. She didn't actually say it but he could feel it.
"Thanks, professor."
He was an absolute moron.
Looking back to the little Slytherin - still didn't know her name - he tried to offer her a small smile. "Don't worry. The Bubblehead Charm will prevent any of that from happening." Hallucinating gases or whatever from plants. Gases? Pollen. Probably Pollen was more accurate. "You can hold on to my robes if you'd like. I can see pre----wait. You see purple?" Little bit slow on the uptake here, Miller.
Mamie jumped right on that too...along with lighting her wand whiiiich he still hadn't done. "No, yeah, no. Professor Flamsteed said Lumos is fine." Thanks for the reminder! Giving his own wand a flourish, Josh casted Lumos and then slowly starting making progress forward. "Which way did you see the didn't quite catch your name?" he asked while glancing over his shoulder at the Slytherin.
Somewhere in the distance there was a giggle...and...was there a plant that giggled?! Quote:
Originally Posted by MadAlice "It's Violet, Violet P.... er, just Violet," she replied. She'd almost used her whole name, complete with middle initial, like she used to do in first year. What a dork she'd been. At least that trip with her father had given her better (slightly better) social skills. And Mamie had used Lumos--for a minute she was afraid everything would explode or something, but casting that spell seemed to do nothing but provide some much-needed light. "'s hard to tell in this fog, but I thought I saw it over on the far right corner, in that shady spot that something grabbing my ankle?!!" she squeaked. Quote:
Originally Posted by pundantic Kale didn’t see any purple, but, to be fair, he wasn’t really looking. Because nearly as soon as he was about to do any kind of school work, or whatever school work Cece told him to do, he was accosted by the vines.
Kale shrieked loudly. Screaming like a disgruntled pelican. Help! H E L P!!!
He was going to die. The vines were here to straight up murder him. “Cece!!! Cece, HALP!” June was so amused, and frankly a bit proud of these vines to play along like she had wanted them to. It was so hard not to laugh when Mr Trent had a panic attack over being grabbed by the vines. "Yes, Miss Summers, please help the poor boy" Oh, she loved these vines of hers. That was not to say the kids weren’t impressing her. Because they were, especially with the way they were helping each other - especially Mr Miller. So, a smile definitely went his way when she noticed him assuring the younger ones.
Noticing Miss Sinclair and Mr Jones searching for the plant - and knowing already how close they were to it, she walked by them, offering them another hint, “you know plenty of plants are purple, but if you recall Professor Rainwater’s lessons from previous terms, you can figure out if a plant is poisonous or not by performing Venenum Hortus” Wasn’t that man simply awesome?
Speaking of awesome, look at Miss Blaze!
June CHEERED her on as the girl cast another Lumos at the vines, but to her amusement instead of feeling threatened by it - they tried to be helpful instead, and POINTED at the table the pot of WOLFSBANE PLANT was at. Laughing, June clapped her hands for the young Slytherin, “Look at that, everybody, Miss Blaze found one” “Why don’t you carry it outside, Miss Blaze? Everyone, please follow her too” SPOILER!!: GREENHOUSE Y Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Aboli turned to look at the voice, glad it was Bernie, and nodded. "Sure. And I was TRYING to help you...did a poor job of it, too. Don't remind me," she scoffed, more at herself than Bernie, and performed a bubble head charm on herself. "Might wanna' charm up, Bern," she told the younger girl.
Luckily, she didn't hear Emm's statement, or she might have been mildly (or not) offended, but regardless, she was in charge of Bernie's fate yet again, and THIS time, she did not want to fail her friend. "It's darker in here....wonderful," she snorted as she held her wand in her now dragonhide-gloved hands. "What are we supposed to be doing again?" she asked, suddenly not remembering. Merlin, was this LAST TERM? Was it HAPPENING AGAIN? Or was Aboli's mind just that distracted??
That was when she saw something move out of the corner of her eye, and she jumped just a little. Yiiiiiikes.
AND THEN A MANDRAKE WAS ATTACKING THEM WITH SOUND POLLUTION. Schmoe would be proud of the interdisciplinary focus, right? She covered her ears. She HAD to stun it, right? "Petrificus TOTALUS!" she aimed at the sound, and the outlines of things was easier to see while her eyes got used to the darker tones of the room. Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Alright, Bernie was supposed to be working on letting things go... so she wouldn't tease Aboli about that mess of a class again. So many classes this year had been a bit messy. Big yikes. At least they still had magic though, right? "We're finding the wolfsbane," Bernie reminded her partner, mumbling the spell for the bubble-head charm next. "It's green and has purpleish flowers, I think?"
She followed her partner into the greenhouse, feeling silly for wearing a bubble on her head, and lit her wand so they'd have some light to see by. "It's so WARM in here," Bernie complained, though in the next second, there was a WAILING and SCREECHING that hurt her ears and honestly made her feel a bit dizzy.
"SILENCIO!" Bernie added her spell into the mix, trying to help Aboli out. "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONJURE EARMUFFS, OR I'D DO THAT."
Just saying, in case the professor was watching and was the sort to get offended by someone using MAGIC in MAGIC SCHOOL. Like Schmoe. Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Ashley walked into the greenhouse and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. There was some purple and some running stuff. And then there was a screaming something. She slipped over to go investigate purple stuff, hoping the screaming thing wasn't dangerous. Well, she was ALIVE- and that was safe enough for her. She had her dragon-hide gloves on. She pulled out some earplugs. It worked to quiet annoying people, might work for plants too. Either way, Ashley didn't wanna die or burst an eardrum or get poisoned. "Lumos." Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Dark. Warm. Mildly uncomfortable, but perfectly manageable.
For a moment, Nem wondered if they might be more likely to find the wolfsbane in Greenhouse X, but set that thought aside for now. There had been no clues from the outside of the greenhouses - bar the letters X and Y, and they couldn't see how those had meant anything - to base any particular choice on. Maybe it was in both. Or one. Or neither. May as well stay here and figure it out. Was that a hint of purple they could make out in the gloom?Could be that. Warm. Dry. Shaded. Wolfsbane could probably grow in here with the right soil if it got light in other parts of the day. Maybe. Whatever. Who cares.
This was ridiculous. "Lumos," Nem cast, just in time to see a flash of movement beyond where any students had yet reached. They stood in place and scanned the greenhouse, searching for either whatever was dashing around, and any other hints of purple flowers, if they were there to be seen.
As Flamsteed's voice rang out, Nem's eyes narrowed and they looked back over their shoulder towards the greenhouse door. The opened their mouth to shout back - something about just how much they cared who was winning - when the crash of a pot recaptured their attention. And then...
Nem's frustrated curse was drowned out by the wailing of the mandrake. Juvenile or mature, they couldn't tell, but acted on the assumption that it would be potentially fatal (though later would remember that Hogwarts professors were basically babies about endangering students), and turned their wand onto themselves, even as they started feeling slightly woozy. "Muffliato." It would have to do; maybe they could manage a Silencing Charm if they really put their all into it (or maybe not, having only these past few months even bothered to start learning ahead), but it didn't matter, as they had no clear view of the screaming plant. Other kids were here, they were trying to deal with it.
Maybe Nem could have stopped to look for said plant, return it to the pot once they'd fixed it. Maybe they could have searched for whatever had knocked it - maybe gnomes had been set loose or something - and deal with that. But they just wanted to get this over and done with, and had no interest in making the task any easier for the others in here. Their Lumos spell had been cancelled by their second cast, so Nem quickly sidestepped around the others and headed for the corner where they'd seen the hint of purple. They couldn't hear anything of what else was happening, but frankly... just plain didn't care. They were grabbing some wolfsbane, and then they were leaving. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Did she hear the Professor's warning on how you spoke to prefects? Of course she did, the kid was stubborn, not deaf. Though you'd never be able to tell as Emmerson expertly kept walking, following the older girls as if no one had spoken.
Aboli knew what she did. Her statement, if she heard it, couldn't have come as any surprise to the Slytherin Prefect. "I need help!" Emm confirmed, skipping on ahead with Phoebe instead of...y'know...waiting for the offered help. Carys could catch up with them and put on whatever charms were needed and everything would be fine. "It's sooooo dark in heeerree." Fancy how that worked. The little girl tugged on Phoebe's robes. "Is this where the poison plant i--"
What was that? Something moved, something moved! Forgetting her friend for a moment, Emmerson clung to the Hufflepuff prefect. If anyone would know what to do, it would probably be here, even if she was a Hufflepuff.
And then came the screaming. Emmerson's hands flew to her ears. What WAS that? More importantly, how did they make it stop! "ONE OF YOU DO SOMETHING!" She tried to scream over This had all gotten confusing and the little girl didn't know what to pay attention to anymore, so she paid attention to the two older girls. They'd know what to do. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Since she'd managed to get her own bubblehead working, Phoebe felt just slightly prepared enough to apply one to Emm as well. And it worked. And no wands up the nose. And no poked eyeballs. Merlin knew that would have been terribly embarrassing in front of the prefect. And Emm would have thrown a terrible fit over it too, and drawn even more attention to her failure.
But there was no failure.
"Just look for something purp..." The sudden shriek of a baby mandrake broke the air, and Phoebe spun protectively toward Emm. Sorry, Carys, but she had to protect the baby lion or else she'd get murdered by a bunch of scary Aurors. Plus she loved her, in spite of herself. It was impossible to get to Emm's ears with her head wrapped in a bubble, but Phoebe did manage to wrap the sleeves of her robe around Emm's giant bubble head before succumbing to the song herself.
Nap time! Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Uhhhhh.
Valentina had walked into the greenhouse, rather confidently, pretty certain that she’d be able to find a purple flower. Pfffft, so EASY. And Professor June mentioning that people in the other greenhouse were winning only made her want to finish this activity as soon as possible. They had to win, yeah.
... But, it wasn’t going to be that simple unfortunately. She took a couple of steps forward..... when.. she frowned, noticing something? someone? dash right in front of her. UM, What was THAT?? She casually slipped behind an older student, peeking over the top of their shoulder. Nope, she wasn’t scared—— CRASH! She literally jumped, eyes wide. But before she could even react, there was a sudden WAILING. Ouch!! Her hands immediately flew to her ears, wishing someone would make that STOP!! Greenhouse Y was a disaster. And not the kind June had planned at all. Because WHY was a baby mandrake crying??? Did someone knock it over? But that was not possible - unless someone picked it off the shelf and threw it on the ground. Because that was certainly not supposed to be one of the hurdles she had wanted the students to overcome.
Leaving behind the people in greenhouse X, the brunette dashed into the other greenhouse. Oh no, oh no - the poor baby mandrake! Miss Song's spell had missed the little one but the silencio from Miss Grantham had definitely gotten it. Waving her own wand, she restored the LIGHT in the greenhouse - revealing the wolfsbane plant almost immediately sitting at a shaded area.
But that was certainly not the issue at the moment, rushing over to the broken pot, she quickly RE-potted the plant, hoping to calm the baby mandrake's very silent wailing. Oh dear. She hated plants in distress. It was awful. Cooing it like a child, she settled it back into a new pot before turning back to the rest of them, "Yikes. That was certainly NOT ideal" she admitted, before noticing Miss James and walking over to her to examine her - "come on, why don't you sit, Miss James. And here, take a bite of this" she fished out a chocolate bar from her pocket.
Ah, what a mess.
Hopefully the next part of this lesson will go smoothly. "Mr Nemesis, the pot of wolfsbane is right there," she pointed, "please pick it up and move outside - everyone please follow him" she added, before making sure nothing else was going wrong in the greenhouse. She had a FEELING she was being watched, but ... that was just silly. Shaking away the paranoia, she too followed everyone outside. "Alright everyone, time to move forward. The whole idea of this task was for you to understand that wolfsbane has the ability to grow in more than one environment - despite their preferences. The other was for you to realise that while your focus was on protecting yourself from the poisonous nature of wolfsbane, at the same time you need to be ready for anything that may come your way" Even if it was a little bit of rain. "Now, for your final task - follow me" she said, once again smiling wide, and forgetting entirely the debacle that had taken place just a few moments ago. "I was lucky enough to stumble upon some lovely patches of the wolfsbane plant near the forest area earlier this year," she told them as they walked. With a wave of her wand a couple of wheelbarrows followed them too, one of which was carrying the tools for their next task. "While I'll be repotting these baby ones there" which Mr Nemesis and Miss Blaze were carrying for her "you'll all help me collect the rest of them"
Once there, June smiled even wider seeing the BEAUTIFUL plant there. COULD THEY SEE IT? It was such a wonderful sight.
Sighing as if in love, she turned back to the students, “let me demonstrate how to collect one, and then you all can follow, yes?” With her dragon-hide clad hands, she grabbed a trowel and moved to crouch down beside one of the plants. Using a trowel, she dug the soil around the plant, revealing the root of the wolfsbane. “You need to be very careful, and not touch the root - we don’t need it either, so -” she paused to grab her wand, and while holding the plant from its stem, used a severing charm and sliced the plant from its root.
Simple, so simple.
Smiling yet again - she levitated it back to one of the empty wheelbarrows. “Alright, get to work, everybody” OOC: Main Activity is UP, you guys! I am sorry for the delay. But you have about 72 hours to get this done! The steps to the activity are pretty simple and are as follows:
With the use of dragon hide gloves, and a trowel, dig up the soil around the plant, and use a severing charm to cut it from the roots and levitate it to the wheelbarrows present there. And of course, June will be walking around helping anyone in need!
Have Fun! <3
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |