open Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ashley was here. She wasn't sure why. She just stood and stared at the thestrals. "Hi," she said, to none of them in particular. "I think you're pretty." She shifted. "So how's your life? I don't think you can talk back to me but that's okay anyway. My life is fine. Just plain fine. Hogwarts is fine. It's just too fine. Well, one time a sixth year burned my arm almost off, and I went to a party once, and I've been to the hospital wing on my first day at like 8:30 in the morning, and I've had antlers, and the antlers were on fire, and we found treasure, and my bodyguard sent me some stuff from diagon alley and I wrote letters to some people but other than that nothing. I bet you never got your limbs burned off. It would be sad if you have. But I doubt that happened." She took a deep breath. Thestrals were so nice. They just listened. Nobody ever listened to Ashley. Well, not exactly nobody. But it was pretty close. |