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Noah had set it up. Aboli was here, at the time she had told Minjae right on the dime. Her hair was set in curls, and she had tried to look very very very very NICE. She was wearing a dress, a red one, and matching white gloves. She was nervous about the gloves because she hadn't ever told Minjae about herself, but she was sure it would come up.
Because this...was a date.
And not just any date. It was a date she had INSISTED upon to Noah in order to push back any feelings she might have for male bestie to the back of her mind and heart. Plus, she DID find Minjae cute and funny when he wasn't being...a knucklehead. She had left the food up to Minjae, but she had brought a blanket and some crackers and cheese. She had told HIM to figure out the food...Aboli couldn't plan the entire thing on her own. Where was the romance in THAT?
And so, she was here, trying to convince herself that this was totally fine, and she would TOTALLY snog him by the end of the date and everything wasn't FALLING APART.
Coming from a rich family had its perks sometimes. Because of this, the Hufflepuff had a couple of nice clothes in his closet which he rarely wore while at Hogwarts because they had to wear uniforms anyways but for a date, he was glad he had something nice to wear. At first he had opted for a suit but then thought that that would be too over the top and instead decided to wear a midnight blue dress shirt with black pants and his favorite watch as an accessory. No tie because he wanted to show that he was cool yet sophisticated, whatever that meant.
He had even done his hair , (which usually looked like he had just rolled out of bed), in to something nice and he thought he had done a pretty decent job. It certainly wasn’t how his hairstylist did it when he had to attend business parties to shake hands as the son of the CEO but he was pleased with it.
Now, Minjae had etiquette lessons as a child but he had never applied them in real life as he had NEVER had a date before. In fact, just the thought of this being a DATE made him extremely nervous as he walked to the duck pond. He still wondered why he was asked out because he didn't get the impression that anyone liked him? And why the duck pond out of all places cause it didn’t seem that romantic to him… But what did he know? He had NEVER been on a date!
He was on time though and he held a basket around his arm with the food he had
stolen brought from the kitchens. Was he supposed to bring flowers too? Or was that too much? He knew nothing about flowers though so what if he accidentally gave her a poisonous one?? So yeah, no flower. Or maybe he should have??
Spotting Aboli dressed in a red dress, the Hufflepuff was about to wave at her excitedly like he always did but quickly lowered his arm because it would look too childish.
”Hey Aboli” he greeted instead with a small yet nervous smile as he sat down on the blanket as well and placed the basket in front of him.
”Your weather looks nice..DRESS I meant dress what?” breeeeathe
”You look nice” Oh gosh he could already feel his ears turning bright red.
And was he supposed to say that she looked beautiful instead of nice?! WHY did electronic devices not work at Hogwarts? He could have worn one of his bodyguard’s in-ear piece and Noah could have guided him through this.