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Old 09-16-2020, 09:53 AM   #48 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Freddy Zimmer
Seventh Year
*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO!

SPOILER!!: Minjae
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
If the class had not been set up outside of the greenhouses, Minjae might have been late but this meant he was in the nick of time as the moment he had found an empty wooden stool to sit on, the Professor had started the lesson.

He had not even noticed the threatening weather in the sky at first but now that he was seated , he did look up for a second and sincerely hoped that it would not start to rain.

Wolfsbane? Well, he knew that it was a potion that relieves the symptoms of lycanthropy, but what on earth did that had to do with Herbology? A small frown appeared on his face before he rolled his eyes in his mind for being so dense. "It's a plant used in potions such as Wolfsbane potion and Wide-eye potion. The flower and root can be used as ingredients but the leaves are very toxic" he answered after raising his hand. If the question had not been potion related he might have spaced out already.

June had definitely noticed how quickly the young man had slipped into the class right when she had started speaking. So he had received a small look, and only that because it didn’t need more.

She was also being nice because he was the first one to answer. “Right you are, Mr Yoon. They are highly useful but can be very deadly”

SPOILER!!: Cecelia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Emmerson was just a kid and Cecelia had to keep reminding herself of this every time she saw the look of panic in Sammy’s eyes at the mention of him being her boyfriend. She was STILL working out a way to get him out of that situation without hurting his feelings, or Emm’s, but it was taking longer than she cared to admit. She didn’t even understand her OWN feelings so understanding the crazy that went on in Emm’s head was going to be a LOT! She did give the younger girl a nudge of the foot in return, though. Even gave her a grin because staying on her good side was SUPER important for this whole mission of hers.

Ohh, question. Hmm!

”Wolfsbane goes by other names, doesn’t it? Like Monkshood, which sounds super funny, honestly.”

“Mhm” June nodded, and waved her wand - so her answer also went up the chalkboard along with Mr. Yoon’s.

SPOILER!!: Fiona, Ashley
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Fiona looked as Claudine sat down next to her. "Hey, Claudine," Fiona greeted her fellow Snakette with a friendly grin.

Fiona's mind quickly skimmed through the books on plants that she had read over the years before she raised her hand to answer. "It is also known as Aconite. It became known as Wolfsbane due to the fact that arrows were covered in it when wolves were being hunted in Europe during medieval times."
Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
It's a good thing Ashley had actually read in her textbook. "Wolfsbane was used to hunt werewolves a long time ago, and it's now used to make a potion to help werewolves with their condition, but you have to get it just right because it's ridiculously poisonous." Even muggles knew about it, except for the potion part. Wolfsbane(the plant) had some seriously nasty side effects, and it wasn't just used on werewolves. It was also used on panthers and to assassinate important humans. She shifted in her chair. Not a plant she wanted to mess with, ever.

This was definitely one of the answers she was looking for. June’s face lit up at the two as they spoke one after the other, “Oh yes” June nodded at both Fiona and Ashley. “It is very interesting to see how wolfsbane evolved from being a weapon to a remedy”

“Excellent, take two points each”

SPOILER!!: Blake
Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Wolfsbane how fun, maybe this lesson was going to be fun after all. Blake had a love/hate relationship with Herbology.

"It's really toxic to human's if not taking care of the right way. It can cause your breathing to become harder and your pulse and heartbeat become weak and irregular. Plus there was the added property of hunting werewolves with it... but Blake thought he had heard Ashley mention that right before he answered.

Oh wonderful. The students were definitely not disappointing today. “Mhm, if precaution isn’t taken before handling it - it may very well be the person’s last day on earth”

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Naya was patiently waiting for class to begin when her number one person arrived and sat next to her. “Hey Cole.” Cue the smile. “I have no idea what the plant of the day will be. I hope it’s something good.” She wouldn’t have to wait long to find out. It was showtime.

Wolfsbane. That was what they would be learning about today and the professor wasted no time getting right to the questions. Naya raised her hand. She actually had a fact to share. ”It has blue or purple flowers and green leaves.” It used to be widely found, but now you can only find it in wild places.” Or maybe wild places and Hogwarts???

“Right you are, Miss Lindsay” June chirped. This was great, June was getting even more excited as the kids spoke more. This meant they had done their reading. Waving her wand, she added Miss Lindsay’s answer on the chalkboard too.

SPOILER!!: Claudine
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Claudine was now all settled in for the lesson beside Fiona. What was today’s topic going to be?


Very interesting.

There were quite a few facts that the girl knew about Wolfsbane and her hand went up immediately. “It's a member of the butter cupfamily, I believe’’ Claudine volunteered when she was called upon by Flamsteed. Her memory was failing her here and she was sort of unsure if it was indeed the buttercup family.

“Mhm, you are right, Miss Blaze” June nodded. Nothing to be unsure about.

SPOILER!!: Aboli
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Aboli looked down at her hands and smiled. "Thanks professor. My mum sent them to me.." she nodded. She assumed all the professors knew why she wore them, but she couldn't help wonder if they remembered or...not. Regardless, she liked her new gloves, too.

Her hand was UP before the question was even done. "Wolfsbane POTION was invented by Damocles! Who was a Greek guy waaaaay back in the day..." She didn't remember all the details, all right? Just the name. "I imagine he wore a toga." Or was that a Roman thing and not a Greece thing at all?

Aboli was not a historian; definitely not.

Oh wonderful. The slytherin prefect knew her stuff too.

Chucking she nodded, “whatever he wore - he revolutionised the plant and what werewolves feared became something very important for them”

Excellent. So far, June was very impressed with the class.

SPOILER!!: Avalon
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
The sky was looking more and more ominous by the minute, but even with the thunder rumbling, Avalon didn't mind too much. After experiencing the spooky red sky all last term, she was just glad to see normal colors, even if it was gray.

Wolfsbane. As in the flower used in the wolfsbane potion? She didn't know a whole lot about its history, but she did know that it was extremely poisonous. Unless you were a werewolf. She raised her hand. "Like others said, it can be really poisonous if it's not used correctly. But some Muggles used it in medicines. I guess it can relieve pain if you get the amount right." Why any Muggle would think to use a poisonous plant in a medicine was beyond her. But they didn't have magic to work with, so perhaps it was worth the risk?

June nodded, “Correct - in traditional muggle medicine, it is used to reduce pain. But due to the extreme caution that needs to be taken, it is often avoided altogether”

SPOILER!!: Catherine
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Catherine pursed her lips before finally taking her note-taking material and getting ready to write things down when the professor officially started the lesson. She still wasn't a fan of the place class was taking place that day, but as long as it didn't rain on her notes, she would survive.

It seemed like Wolfsbane would be the subject of the day, so she started writing down everything she knew. That included not only what everybody was saying about it being dangerously poisonous although also used in medicine, even by Muggles, but she also wrote what she considered to be important Herbology details such as the fact it was a perennial plant and that it belonged to the Ranunculaceae family - or 'buttercup' family, as that Slytherin who was clearly too lazy to know her Latin said. Catherine shook her head slightly as she wrote things down.

The third year would be somewhat bothered she didn't know several different individual species of the plant, but she never wished to be a Herbologist, so she wouldn't focus on those. She's leave that to her grandmother.

That type of plant was, however, intrinsically important in Potions, so she was interested.

A silent one, no matter though - June still gave her a small encouraging look. Hopefully she would have something to say later in class.

SPOILER!!: Stella, Charlie
Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
Wolfsbane like the flower used in the Wolfsbane potion, were they going to be making it in potions next? That was a curious question she had, but none the less she knew some about the flower, although she wasn't sure if what she knew was right or anything. Biting her lip she raised her hand and waited her turn before speaking. They occur in the north temperate zone, usually in partial shade and in rich soil right Professor?" Although she could be wrong, she was known to be wrong about alot of things.
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Charlie fought not to shrug her shoulders all the way to her ears to avoid any rainfall when she heard the sky rumble. Instead she was given a question. Lovely. She knew this answer though so she smiled while raising her hand. This would possibly be interesting. Not often they got to play with plants like this. "Like Stella said, while they like cooler temperatures, don't the plants prefer mountainous terrain as well as shade and rich soil?" She sure hoped she was right, because otherwise she may not speak up the rest of the class.... how embarrassing?

June smiled at the two of them. Because this was another answer June had been looking for.

Waving her wand to add her answer to the board, “Both of you are right, it is just another thing defining Wolfsbane’s contradictory nature” One that June loved.

“Take one point each”

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
"The Latin name for it is Aconitum napellus, I think" Violet heard herself saying.

Now where had that come from? Probably from some after-dinner lecture from her uncle that had somehow lodged in her long-term memory.

“Mhm, right you are, Miss Blackthorn, excellent memory” she added before moving on to the next person with their hand in the air.

SPOILER!!: Nemesis
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
As far as dramatic entrances went, this was one that Nem would take. Maybe they could arrange for thunder to roll overhead every time they entered a room? Or not. That might give the game away.

Nem didn't even glance up when it happened again, but half-hoped the rain would start to fall soon. They neither liked nor disliked being caught in a downpour, but if it inconvenienced others, then that was perfectly fine with them.



"Can be just as much a bane of humans as it is of wolves, what with it being so deadly," Nem chipped in, briefly sticking their hand up in the air. Theory stuff? Easy. You just needed a good memory and critical thinking skills; check and check. It was the practical stuff that they would rather leave than take. Not that it was difficult, or anything. "Which might sound weird, given it's used in medicines, but that's a common theme in naturally occurring poisons. I think the toxicity is actually the useful part, a lot of the time, but it has to be weakened right down depending on the desired effect. Like the aconitine in wolfsbane can mess with your heart and then kill you, but plants like wolfsbane can also be used to settle the heart right down if it needs it, like a sedative effect. Just need to know what you're doing."

It was a neat contradiction. Kill, cure. Cure, kill.

Nemesis Upstead intrigued June. She wanted to know him, he almost resembled a contradictory herb to her - much like the nature of wolfsbane. The more he spoke, the more she smiled, because yes - he was correct, “Two points for that wonderful analysis, Nemesis”

SPOILER!!: Emmerson, Kinsay, Bernie
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"Oh wow, you mean it?!" Emm bounced on her stool, all enthusiasm and bright eyes at what was basically a legally binding promise to allow her to play with the venemous tentaculas some other day. She hoped Professor Flamsteed understood she'd hound her until it happened. One did not promise venemous plants then not mean it.

Content to drop the topic for now, Emm twisted in her seat. Paying attention to Cece like she was, it only now occurred to the little girl that she hadn't seen her bestfriend arrive. With class starting, it gave her concern. Emmerson may have insisted they stop and WAIT but then there was Kizzy sitting not very close by. Her lips tugged downward in something of a frown.

Why so far bestfriend?

Emm shot her a look of concern to MAKE SURE she was alright, before twisting back around to face the professor.

Wolfsbane? "If you eat enough, you turn into a werewolf!" Probably. She dind't know. She hadn't been listening. Something about werewolves, she was sure.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
”Deal!” Kinsay would gladly finish whatever assignment if it meant they got to play in the puddles afterwards. It was a reasonable exchange and she absolutely consented to it. Kizzy tried to give a reassuring look right back to Emmerson! She was doing best friend duties and making sure Emm got time with the sister in-law. It was very grown up and mature of her. She was almost twelve and had all the maturity to prove it. See?

But with all the looking and assuring, she had momentarily stopped paying attention too. Luckily, Emm’s answer helped bring her back up to speed. ”Really!?!?!” She interjected immediately after Emm!

G A S P.

That’s so dangerous!!! ”Does turning into a werewolf hurt?” Because… if it was THAT easy to become a werewolf, how come there weren’t more of them? There had to be something and Kizzy would not rest until she knew!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
"No no, don't listen to those first years," Bernie chimed in, her hand in the air. She eyed Emmerson and Kinsay. "Wolfsbane can be GOOD, like in the potion Aboli mentioned. If you're ALREADY a werewolf and your make the wolfsbane potion, you'll keep your wits about you during THAT time of the month."

She was tempted to throw her head back and howl at the moon, but who knew if there was a real werewolf among them??! And what if that wereperson was offended by all this talk?! She'd better not. She could behave for like five more minutes.

June had a feeling she was going to regret this.


Deciding not to dwell on it and maybe deal with it when it actually becomes a problem, June nodded, “Mhm, but do remember, I said maybeshe stretched on the key word.

While she was highly amused by Miss Cambridge’s answer, and was in midst of laughing it off - she quickly back tracked hearing Miss James. Before she could interject herself however Bernadette came to the rescue.

“Thank you, Miss Grantham”

“She is right, girls, because it certainly is not that easy, Miss Cambridge,” she said before turning to look at Kinsay, “I assure you, Miss James, that is not how you become a werewolf. Eating a lot only makes your cheeks chubbier and cuter”



SPOILER!!: Phoebe
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Wait, what? Poison? POISON? Phoebe perked up and gave her little sister a sideways glance. And Emm. And her friends. And, of course, Tavie wasn't with them this term because of how dangerous things were last term...

"Poisonous, Professor? Like, we're not going to let people HANDLE a poisonous substance, right? It's like a theoretical class, RIGHT?"

June chuckled softly. “How else will we learn more about them if we stayed away from them, Miss James?” The brunette smiled. Honestly, why were these kids so scared? Scared of rain, scared of highly poisonous plants.


SPOILER!!: Heath
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath hadn’t been there long when he saw Claudine. He moved his bag, expecting she’d sit with him as usual, but she joined Fiona instead. He blinked, slightly taken aback, but he wasn’t offended. He was her friend, not her shadow! There was just enough time for him to return her smile before class began; right around that time, he heard the sky rumble again. Hmm, looked like the weather probably wouldn’t hold off until after class… whatever. It wasn’t ideal, but he wouldn’t make a fuss if it did. There wasn’t much that Heath would make a fuss over, to be honest.

Oh, so they weren’t doing tea plants. He hardly expected they would, but how cool would it be if they did? So wolfsbane… What did he know about it? Heath’s initial thoughts went to the plat’s appearance and usage in potion making, so it was no surprise to him that those things were already said. As he searched his mind for something original to say, he recalled seeing the plant referenced in Shakespeare. Henry IV, if he remembered his plays correctly. Of course, that was more of a figurative reference than a literal one, though there was possibly a more obvious reference to aconite in Shakespeare. Some scholars thought aconite was the poison used in Romeo and Juliet. Of course that was where his train of thought would go! Aspiring actor, remember?

There was no way in Hoth that he was voicing those thoughts! He’d probably get the blank stare he always got when no one understood him, everybody looking at him as if he’d just grown three heads. He wasn’t willing to risk that stare! Fortunately, his initial thoughts reminded him of something he could say out loud without fear of ridicule. His hand went up, and he said, “It’s a fast-acting poison. Symptoms show up within an hour, and it can be fatal within two to six hours.”

It was only after he'd spoken that he realized what a dark turn his answer took. Sorry, everyone! He didn't mean to be morbid; it was just a natural thought progression from the plant's association with drama.

“Right, right, very right” June nodded - they had thoroughly established how dangerous the plant was - so they could easily move on to the next question now.

"Excellent answers, everybody." Truly, she was so impressed. "Wolfsbane has a contradictory nature. It can kill, but it can also cure. It has been used as a weapon, as well as for medicinal purposes. The benefits of it are great and cannot be ignored because of its poisonous nature. So, we cannot let it scare us" she added, turning to smile at Miss Phoebe James.

"Knowing what we know about its deadly nature, what precautions do you think we can take while handling this plant? Or lets say - if we do get poisoned by it, what can we do?"

OOC: Thank you for sticking around everybody! Next question is up, and the class will continue to the mini activity after 24 hours!

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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