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"It's okay dude," Ashley mumbled. "It's not your fault. Actually, it is, but it was an accident. And you're very right about this being stupid." She held out her arm and sniffled a little. It had some second-degree burns. They hurt really bad, but at least they weren't third-degree burns. "I don't want your wand. You can take mine. Unless it would make you feel better I guess." She looked over at the headmaster, her eyes filling up a little bit. "UM I'm going to the healer now thank you for giving your permission." He hadn't actually given permission but she didn't care too much and she already had detention. Hopefully he wouldn't see her sneak out.
Yes, it had been his fault. The thought of losing did not sit well with him. He remembered that his own guild members had left because he was too stubborn to take down the final boss even if it took one day and two nights with short breaks. But intentionally hurting someone had not been in his plan and he truly felt sorry.
He looked at her burns , shame hitting him as he watched as her eyes filled up as she stared at the Headmaster.
"He's normally not like this, he's a good man actually, i think he's too stressed out for whatever reason" he said with a sigh and nodded as she announced that she was going to see the Healer.
"I'll be right there" he answered and watched as she quietly left the room.
Wait.....They both still had their own wands . Err now what?