Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mamie pulled hand away from the troll as soon as it released her. She frowned, watching the the troll gesture at her and then at the unicorn. wanted the unicorn? She glanced uneasily back at the unicorn. Was the troll just going to eat it? It was awfully pretty, and hadn't done anything wrong. If the choice was between eating her and eating the unicorn...Mamie took a deep breath and tried to remind herself that this wasn't real, just a daydream simulation. Maybe if she just tried to get the unicorn to come closer, the troll would let her go. She didn't know how to capture a unicorn, after all.
She took a few cautious steps toward the unicorn. She did NOT want the troll to think she was trying to run away and grab her again. "He-heeere, unicorn, unicorn," she called softly. "Here, pretty unicorn," she said. Ooh, maybe she could get the unicorn to run at the troll and attack it. Were unicorns aggressive? She dug in her pockets, looking for any snacks that the unicorn might want. Nope, no snacks. She held her empty hand out toward the unicorn anyway. "Heeere unicorn," she said hopefully.
Not wanting the troll to think she forgot about it, she looked back at the troll between attempts to call the unicorn. "Hhhrehguh," she grunted at it, trying to indicate that she was trying to get it what it wanted before returning to calling the unicorn. |