Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | FYI this thread will close at midnight EST ^__^ Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Oh no! She was stuck next to a creepy troll baby. She pulled out some markers and some muggle candy. Afraid to talk, She just made a hopeful face that said, Here! Friend! For you! Don't eat me! Markers? Candy? Glinda the Teenage Troll wanted none of these things. Instead, she grabbed the girl's wrist and fingers, and began bringing it towards her mouth for a snack.
Did fingies taste like fries, Glinda wanted to know? Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Not.real.not.real.not.real-----
Aboli SCREAMED bloody murder as the horde of 'em all swarmed from the forest. She had no time to THINK. She just RAN in the opposite direction of them, attempting to get across the bridge before she could do much else. She was NOT a strong runner, but it was funny what fear could make you capable of. The trolls were bigger than she was, though, and could obviously cover more ground than she could. She pointed her wand at the sky and cried, "VERMILLIOUS TRIAAAAAA!" as she ran. Red sparks shot from the end of her wand, and she repeated herself, shooting all the red sparks she could HIGH HIGH into the air.
She was hoping the trolls would be distracted, and she could safely veer out of their way AND attention. She did NOT want to attack them - hadn't Professor W said something about that right before this daydream charm started? What other spells did she know that would cause distractions? Birds? Could she conjure BIRDS?
Birds shot upward, one of them lagging behind because it was a NEWT level spell after all, and Aboli had only just started on the NEWT level journey as a sixth year. She was not inept, just inexperienced with the spell. The sound of the spell, too! It was LOUD and had made her heart nearly leap from her chest.
Her legs were on the move still, though. No time to turn around and see if they stopped! The red sparks did confuse the trolls, as at least a few of the younger ones stopped at the water's edge and stared up at the sky, open-mouthed, as though they were watching fireworks.
Most of the trolls, however, continued on their stampede, quickly catching up with the Prefect and a few particularly stinky ones passing her entirely. One that was directly behind her launched itself onto her back, ready for a piggy-ridge.
The birds knocked several more trolls off the bridge too, so that at least it wasn't overwhelmed and completely weighed down with the weight of the entire mass... but hopefully Aboli kept moving, as more and more trolls continued stampeding behind and now ahead of her.
She was in their midst now as they all ran for the copse of trees. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo A L O N E??
Like...not in....without holding onto Kizzy's hand the entire time and making little comments and snickering and giggling about the professor letting himself go??
No thanks, that's how people got hurt, even if it WAS just a daydream. Emm stood there, not sure what to do given her unimpressive repertoire of like....two spells. The heavy footsteps caused her to turn in the direction of the noise and of course her wand was out like instructed but if what she thought was coming was what was really coming, this would end in a very different way.
The Professor had nothing to worry about with casting offensive spells. Kid knew how to produce water and levitate feathers. The end. "Stay away!" Emm called, before giving it a little more thought. "U-Unless you're a baby troll. Then it's okay!" But what if a baby troll WAS nearby?
A high-pitched giggle came from the far side of the bridge, and then a little face with nubs for horns popped up too. It seemed to be beckoning from a bush on the far side of the bridge. Beckoning and giggling again, in a sound that was like a high-pitched, "Hurdehur, hurhurhurhur!"
Wouldn't she like to cross the bridge to see it for herself? Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Mamie was so excited as she reached the bridge and the shiny thing. But...oh, darn, it wasn't a sword. It was a big of hair. Well, she was here already, so Mamie reached for the hair and felt something grab her wrist. She shrieked, then clapped her free hand over her mouth suddenly as she saw the troll that had grabbed her. She didn't want to offend it--him?--with her shrieking.
She spotted the whitish horse - nay, unicorn - past the troll. Was that where the hair came from? She wondered if the troll had just used the hair as bait...or if it had found it and wanted more hair? She imagined a troll couldn't get very close to a unicorn, with its smell.
Not knowing what else to do, she gestured wildly at the unicorn with her free hand, trying to get the troll to look at it. "Hehhhreeeehgrrruhh," she grumbled loudly. Maybe that meant something in troll? This was actually decent Trollish, and made the troll glance in the direction she was pointing. "Gruhhhhurrrrrrrrrrrrrr?" the troll questioned, now looking between Mamie and the unicorn.
Which one should it eat? Could it even CATCH the unicorn?
The troll decided to let go of her wrist and use her instead, this time trying to snatch her wand, or at least, find it. "HUH HUH GRUR GRUR GRUH!" the troll emphasized, pointing its crooked and swollen finger at the unicorn as though gesturing with a wand.
It case it wasn't clear, she needed to summon the unicorn for the troll, or it would just take the easy way out and eat her instead. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Kinsay GASPED.
It was a troll family! And they were having a PICNIC! Sometimes her family had picnics! Trolls! They're just like us!
Two thoughts had immediately come to mind. Thought a) prove to Mr. Williamson that hugging a troll would create a bond of friendship and help keep you from getting eaten AND thought b) she couldn't interrupt their family picnic! So instead of doing either thing, Kizzy just watched with delight! Actually, no, she wanted to get a closer look. Just a LITTLE closer. She was good at sneaking, so she tried to inch forward as QUIETLY as possible. Tip toes, quiet. Just to see the family. The baby troll had a toy dragon too! It was just like Artemis!
She loved them.  Naturally, the troll family carried on with their disgusting picnic, getting drool and meat bits and crumbs everywhere in their vicinity. The one with the best eyes, however, spotted the little movement from the girl lurking at the end of the bridge. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo," the baby troll called out, spewing drool and spittle everywhere as she picked up her dragon toy and began swinging it over her head by the tail. It was now a helicopter dragon! "BOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" MUM, DAD, LOOK! Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy No sooner had Heath peered under the bridge that he heard a weird giggling sound. His heartbeat quickened, but he didn’t back down. In the light from his wand, he saw the baby troll and its doll. A slight smile played on his face, and he had to stifle a laugh at the sound it made. It sounded like the noise his mum’s cat made when it had to take a flea bath!
For now, Heath remained motionless, his eyes glued to the little troll as it crawled out of hiding, He wasn’t going to do anything yet; he’d wait to see what the troll was going to do first. The next thing he knew, it tagged his arm and dropped its doll. Aww! Normally Heath wasn’t one to gush, but this little troll was adorable! He wondered if he could befriend it… if only he could get past the language barrier. The troll baby wouldn’t understand English, but maybe he could figure out what “CURDUR HEDER HEEHEHEHUR?” meant.
He considered the context. The troll said it after tagging him, and it was said in a questioning tone. Was the baby troll asking if he wanted to play with it? If so, repeating the same words in an affirmative tone should be a yes. As he watched the troll go across the bridge, it occurred to him that there could be another meaning to the question. What if the troll wasn’t asking if he’d play with it, but follow it? He hesitated, remembering details from Williamson’s memory. Somehow he felt crossing the bridge was a very bad idea! The professor never said they had to follow the trolls, only that they were to meet them. Sorry, baby troll. I can’t follow you, Heath thought. If it wanted to play, it would have to come to him. He looked down at the fallen doll, and that gave him an idea! Trolls liked muggle things, so maybe he could find something to give it. The hand that wasn’t holding his wand rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a pen. He clicked the cap a few times to draw the troll’s attention. Click, click, click. Come here, baby troll, he thought. I’ve got a nice present for you. A pen? A pen wasn't interesting to the baby troll!
The CLICK CLICK CLICK sound, however, had it intrigued. It even took a few steps closer to him, then a few more.
Still, it wanted HIM to bring the DOLLIE. And Heath wasn't doing anything with the dollie, so the troll threw back its head and let out a loud WAIL of protest. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH wah wah wah mwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
The wail was so loud that it caused ripples to form in the water. Surely someone else heard this cry? Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Okay. Valentina was scared. As much as she enjoyed practical activities, the eleven year old didn’t exactly want to be attacked by big, smelly trolls. Because how would she even defend herself against one??? There were so HUGE. She closed her eyes tight when the mist started to close in around her, wishing she was holding someone’s hand right now. That would have made her feel a little less scared.... maybe. Taking a deep breath and trying not to panic, she opened her eyes finally.
Um. Okay. She could see the bridge right in front of her. After looking around for a bit to make sure there weren’t any big trolls standing anywhere nearby ( she would have been able to tell by the disgusting stink but STILL, better to check ) she took a few steps forward before coming to an abrupt stop. There weren't any BIG stinking trolls standing nearby, but there were two little ones, sitting in the middle of the bridge and passing a harmless Muggle tennis ball between them.
Every so often, one of the baby trolls let out a giggle of glee as they caught the ball. But then they noticed the girl at the end of the bridge, and let out a sound that sounded like a question? and the ball game stopped suddenly. "Huh de dum?" What is THAT? Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
UUUUUUUUUH. This is fine.
This was only going to get worse before it got better and Josh was pretty willing to accept this reality. They may be a CORPSE in those freedom trees if this were real life which thankfully this was not. So in situations like needed to play to your strengths. He knew there was no way he could physically best a single troll and that a whole little army of them was just impossible. He wasn't supposed to use magic against them unless as a last resort, and honestly he wasn't even thinking about his wand at the moment. Where he felt his strength may be was in distraction ... and as his eyes darted around for inspiration all he could think about was how he was on a bridge... On a bridge in troubled times... ...a bridge over troubled water... Well...this was going to be a disaster. "When..." he began, his voice cracking just a little in the heat of the moment and high key nervousness that THIS was somehow his master plan of the moment. But he found the right notes half a breath later and got his head in the game. "When you're weeeeeeearyyyy...feeeeeeling small..." Kindoflikehowhewasfeelingrightnow. "When tears AAAAare in .... your eeeEEEeeeeyes," he continued, throwing in a few runs to his vocals and lifting his hands a bit to the side to show that he was...harmless? Probably not exactly smart because he doubted they really cared about THAT...but hErE wE aRe. "....I will dry them aaaaaaall..." Wat? WAT WAS THIS?
The trolls behind Josh threw their hands over their ears, letting out grunt-screams of protest to the NOISES coming from his mouth. To the trolls, this was honestly the worst thing that could happen to them. They didn't know English. It was just a cacophony of high-pitched sounds.
The ones pushing the boulder, however, were less patient and less tortured, since they were further away. "NUUUUUUUUUUUUH!" the biggest one grunted, throwing a small rock about the size of a softball at Josh's head.
Could he NOT? Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Cole had just reached the bridge when he felt how his ankles were grabbed from either side and next minute he was face to face with two hairy and horned purple coloured river trolls. One snarled loudly in his face and the other had begun licking at his right leg. "Get off me! I’m a wizard, not some tasty dinner. HELP! Wizard in peril!" Cole screamed in panic as he tried to wriggle free while the reality of his predicament set in. How was he going to get out of this?
He was alone on a bridge and he couldn’t use physical force or magic. Cole sadly didn’t have any friends he could call on so what to do? He stole a glance over the side of the bridge to see how high up he was. Maybe he could try to escape into the water? Nervously he locked eyes with the troll in front of him trying to plead. "Please Mr River Troll Sir can't you let me go?" The pleas meant nothing to the river trolls, as the one holding his ankles went ahead and chomped its jaws into his leg. The taller one, in his face, just cackled and got out a length of rope to start tying him up.
Cole was skinny, so one of 'em could probably just throw him over their shoulder and carry him back to camp. As he started tying Cole up, though, the river troll noticed his companion starting on the dinner RAW. "NUUUUUUUUUUUH!" he grunted, kicking his companion away from Cole's ankles. "NUHUHUH FRRRUNG! JESZKEE! SKEEP SKEEP!"
The troll biting him scurried away with the kick and instead stood up, puffing itself up for a fight, and deciding to throw itself onto the troll doing the binding. Naturally, the wrestlemania began right in front of Cole, who was only half-tied up around the arms and shoulders. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 One step in on the bridge and Claudine realised she should have gone a different route. Then again, what was the fun in that? And what would be the learning experience? Still, she let out a small scream as she was hoisted in the air. Stupid trap. She peered down to see the distance from her spot in the air to the bridge. The girl then threw the trolls on both sides of her a nasty look. Oh yeah? They wanted to mess with her?
They needed to think again. “Diffindo,’’ Claudine said calmly and making the cursive n- like wand movement. A jet of light pink light shot out of her wand which was aimed at the top of the net. Immediately after, her wand was directed at the trolls on her left. Or rather, at that piece of the bridge that separated her and that particular set. “Diffindo.’’ Her aim? To put a giant space in the bridge so that the trolls could not get to her; to rip some of the boards away. That meant she might only have to deal with the ones on the right. Trolls were stupid so chances were the left trolls would not figure out that they could jump over The Great Divide. The net started to rip and tip Claudine precariously toward the river. The trolls below started grunting and freaking out, a few of them moving to try to stand beneath the net, in case she fell on them directly. A few others felt the STONE bridge start to crumble beneath their feet. It was just a few stones that grew holes in them because of their spell, but it was enough to cause all the trolls to start to grow distressed and angry.
Two of the smallest (and smelliest) started to form a troll chain, climbing on top of each other in order to try to reach up to her. If dinner wouldn't wait to be roasted, these two supposed they could just eat her raw. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Expecting a raging troll to pop out of the water, Avalon held her wand at the ready. Williamson had said no magic unless it was necessary, but simply holding her wand made her feel better - it was like a security blanket. But nothing happened. The water remained still. Hearing the footsteps getting louder and louder behind her, Avalon knew she had to make it across somehow. A little voice inside her told her that the bridge was a trick, and there were surely trolls underneath it. But that shiny thing - could it be something to help her across? She had to make a decision, and fast. Stepping onto the bridge seemed like the stupidest thing to do. If there was one thing that was reinforced from the pensieve, it was to never attempt to cross a troll bridge unprepared.
But trolls did like Muggle things. And shoes. So Avalon removed her footwear, leaving one right on the riverbank for the potential trolls in the water and tossing another behind her for whatever footsteps were coming. Perhaps it would distract the trolls long enough for her to get across. In the mean time, she crouched into the shadows, by a nearby bush, and waited to see what would happen next. Taking off her shoes was a stroke of inspired genius, as it did indeed draw out a young troll wearing a paper crown of sorts. The troll walked up to her shoe on the riverbank and gave it a sniff, immediately sticking into its mouth for a taste.
"Mmmmmmmmm," came the deep rumble of satisfaction from this troll. Must find more. The troll sniffed at the air, then began to follow its nose straight for the bushes where Avalon was hiding. It put out its thick, club-like arms and started shaking the bushes.
Shoes? Did shoes grow on here? Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Naya really thought she could out run the troll stampede. Sadly, she was wrong. Concentrating on her destination, she was caught off guard when the first troll bumped her with his elbow. That broke her stride, but she was able to recover......briefly. When the next several trolls elbowed her on their way past, she felt herself falling.
Naya had no desire to fall into the nasty troll water, but that seemed inevitable. Holding her wand tightly as she fell, she quickly said, “Arresto Momentum”. Well, it could of been worse. Naya ended up in the water, but gently. She was a good swimmer, so that wasn’t the problem, but she had to get away from whatever was freaking the trolls out. She decided to go under the bridge with the intention of still heading toward the trees. So she stealthily she hoped tried to make her way through the water and into the trees. As most of the trolls were on top of the bridge and not in the water, falling off the bridge proved to be boon to the girl. However, there were so many trolls crossing the bridge at once that it started to groan, and creak, and let off a thick coating of stone dust.
Was it possible that the weight of the trolls were causing the bridge to fail?! With a loud CREAK of protest, a hole broke through the bridge, then another. Suddenly, the entire bridge appeared to be losing stones as trolls fell through the bridge and into the water, and several of them immediately started swimming for Naya.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |