The tips of her ears turned a little pink as Schmoe mentioned something she had said in his recap for the whole class, but she made herself sit up a little straighter. Prefects DID NOT SLOUCH.
She didn't really feeeeeeeeeel like working with someone, so she went ahead and brainstormed on her own. The guy singing about hairspray actually had a good point - hairspray WAS a bad thing for the ozone layer. She could steal his idea, but eh. She was much more passionate about straws, the example she had just given Schmoe aloud.
But like.
Shouldn't she be creative? Did she FEEL like being creative? There was an awful smell permeating the air, permeating her NOSTRILS, and it was making it a little harder to think. She plugged her nose with her left hand and flipped open her notebook with her right. She'd want to write everything out on paper before she went and made a big poster.
And if anyone ASKED to work with her, she certainly wouldn't say no unless it was someone annoying. Like...well, she couldn't say no. PREFECTS DIDN'T SAY NO TO WORKING WITH SOMEONE, DID THEY?
She stopped writing.
OMG THEY REALLY DO SUCK BECAUSE YOU SUCK OUT A STRAW AND - And Aboli was OFFF. Would her hand cramp from all of her brainstorming?! Would her quill break in HALF????!??!?