Felix and (n)em - this might be a Louisiana joke lmao only I will get it A Poop * k8 *
....waking up.
Aboli, bleary-eyed, plopped into the furthest Slytherin spot from the front because it was CLOSEST to the entrance of the Great Hall. Merlin, was she exhausted. She had stayed up entirely too late wrapped up in her own thoughts, and even once she was asleep she was plagued by horrific nightmares. Nightmares she hadn't had in a bit, and others she had never had before.
She felt awful. Her blue eyes stared at the plate with toast on it as she tried to process how she felt about her dreams. "Where is it..." she said to herself as she dug through her bag. Her dream journal??? Hello? Ah, there it was! She pulled out the midnight blue and gold notebook, charmed to open only at the touch of her finger. She pulled off one of her gloves in a dainty way before pressing her pointer finger's tip to the spot on the notebook. It fluttered open to the page she had left off on. Soon she was recording the three dreams she had had the previous night. Three IS a significant number... She thought to herself. Her neat, loopy handwriting soon filled the page. Third person - out of body viewing. Setting: the old house. It's only me and my father... And etc, etc.
Her dream journal is for her eyes only.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |