librarian | bookworm | gryffindor | HP forever
Sophie wasn't sure what to think of Professor Schmoe. He was very clumsy and said um a lot and struck her as rather silly. She found it a bit hard to take him seriously. He was like the exact opposite of the Headmaster. Still, he was a Professor, and he automatically deserved respect in her eyes.
She thought about his question. Although he said that both Muggles and wizards were responsible for pollution, it seemed super obvious that it was mostly the Muggles' fault. Why did they have to clean up after their mess anyway? Yeah, yeah they all lived on the same planet, but it was their fault! It seemed like witches and wizards were always cleaning up Muggle messes or trying to avert Muggle disasters. Sometimes Sophie thought that the wizarding world should just reveal itself to Muggles already, because clearly, in a lot of ways, they were the superior world. This is why the Sorting Hat put you in Slytherin, she thought to herself with some amusement. Then she sighed. She shouldn't really be so hard on Muggles though. After all her dad was a Muggle, even though she didn't really think of him that way usually, and she loved her dad.
"Professor Schmoe, I've heard about sustainability when it comes to the environment," said Sophie. "Sustainability is important to prevent more pollution and is better for the environment, and I think it's something both us and Muggles could practice."