Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia Ivy had been silently watching the whole time, completely engrossed and not really paying that much attention to what people were saying at different parts. It was just SO cool being able to see all this in action with something that really happened, not just coming up with theoretical situations. Especially since she didn't have to actually worry that the trolls were going to eat the professor because, well, he was here, so obviously he'd made it out somehow.
The smell WAS absolutely horrid, but it was still worth it!
The only bad thing was that she couldn't take any photos of it. This would be such an amazing way to get some dynamic and up close shots of trolls in action. But even if she had brought her camera to class, she doubted it'd work inside a pensieve memory. Alas.
Of course it had to come to an end eventually, so...what had she learned? The other students had mentioned some good things already. Hm... "It's important to take everything around you into account," she said, raising her hand. "You need to be resourceful and use everything to your advantage, even something small that might not seem useful at first. You could've ignored the baby trolls and assumed they wouldn't help, but instead you did what you could to get them to like you and help you. So that was smart." Sometimes it was the little things that mattered the most in the end, y'know? It was important not to overlook anything.
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |