Join Date: Dec 2010 Location: #6e5f57 |#ff5470
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alfie Adair Hufflepuff Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Laini Gracae-Ryans Slytherin Third Year x10 x1
| doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo SPOILER!!: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Naya was glad to know that the earth’s death was not imminent. That would have definitely been a buzz kill. AnYwAy, class was starting and the Gryffindor turned her attention to the professor. It seemed that the topic of the day was going to be pollution. That made sense. It would certainly contribute to the earth dying.
When the first questions were asked, Naya raised her hand immediately. “One type of pollution is water pollution.” Being a lover of the ocean, lakes, any bodies of water really, she had an interest in this topic. “It can happen because of people throwIng trash into the water, factories pouring chemicals into the water, oil spills, waste finding it’s way there. There are a million ways it could happen, all of them bad. Basically, it involves things in the water that don’t belong there naturally.” Naya could go on and on about how water pollution could affect people and animals, but she decided to stop talking and listen to her classmates’ thoughts on the matter. He wasn't surprised to see Naya's hand shoot up first. Could always count on her. Consistency was something Finneas could appreciate. He gave her an encouraging smile. "Yes, water pollution comes in many forms." He nodded along. A thorough answer indeed. "Makes a mess of underwater habitats and errr is not good news for the creatures who live there." The opposite of good news. Very, very bad news. AnYwAy. More on that later. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Inspiring? How, in any way, shape, or form, was that message inspiring? More like sad and depressing. Avalon nodded back at Professor Schmoe somewhat skeptically as she took a seat. Sure, the Earth had some issues with natural resources and bad air and all that, but was it really dying?
Well, the ominous message made a little bit more sense now that she knew they were talking about pollution. Avalon thought back to some pictures she saw at the Muggle news stands in London, specifically a newspaper headline featuring a photo of a sea turtle with a plastic bag stuck around its neck. How could people be so stupid as to throw their trash into the water? How would they feel if some other, larger creature was throwing trash into their house? It really infuriated her, how careless some people could be. But Naya had already mentioned water pollution, so Avalon decided to talk about a different type. "Air pollution is really dangerous, too. Chemicals from Muggle cars and machinery affect the air quality." That was why her mum's family had one of those special cars that was supposed to be environmentally friendly. On road trips, her grandfather always used to stop at gas stations to plug the vehicle into some box. "It can make it difficult for some people to breathe, and some of the gases are extremely toxic." She was pretty sure it had something to do with temperatures getting warmer, too, but she wasn't all too familiar with that issue. Avalon much preferred wizarding transportation, thank you very much. Faster, safer, and no pollutive side effects. The next hand belonged to Ms. Sinclair! Finneas was always thrilled to have her in class, always setting a good example. "Excellent point, Ms. Sinclair. Sometimes these gases that are released into the air can be poisonous. Not only does this cause issues for the environment, but it can also errr increase the chance of health problems." Did everyone see why they needed to care? Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Morgan continued to squint at the doomsday message on the board from his seat. It probably would have held more weight last term with the red sky and the crazy storm and the progressive disappearance of their corporal bodies. So, he just kind of stared at it until he eventually lost interest and turned his attention on Schmoe when he started class.
Oh. Pollution. As in it was slowly killing the earth? Morgan would have to admit that he'd never really given that subject all that much though, be he DID know what pollution was. In a very elementary way at least. "Yeah, cars make pollution," he offered after raising his hand, expanding on what that other girl said. His parents had a car so he knew a little bit about them. "There's this pipe at the back of them and sometimes smoke comes out of it." Don't ask him specifics, he wasn't a mechanic. "And that kind of pollution makes it hard to breathe." Finneas enjoyed calling on raised hands. Almost felt like a game show. AND ANOTHA ONE! "The exhaust pipe! Very good, Mr. McCarthy," Finneas gave him an appreciative nod. "A car's exhaust emits a compound known as hydrocarbons! Very, very toxic." You would think with Finneas' energy that he wasn't speaking about something so horrible and concerning. Heh. Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat "Cars and buses pollute the environment," Ashley volunteered. "Muggles use cars as their main forms of transport, so there is a lot of pollution from that." Another thing that muggles didn't have. Magical transport. She waited for someone to start talking about how everything was muggles' fault. "Pollution is bad because it messes up the environment. It's burning a hole in the protective layer of the atmosphere, which means the sun shines extra hard, and the gasses like carbon dioxide I think trap the extra warmth, and it bounces around the earth frying everything and causing natural disasters. Basically. In a nutshell." See? Simple. Just like muggle science class. Finneas wasn't too surprised to see that cars and transport were a fixation. They contributed more visibly, so it allllll made sense. "Thorough answer, Ms. Fox!" He nodded along. Yes, yes. Very good. "The trapped warmth changes the environment in drastic ways causing problems for muggles, wizards, and creature kind. Scary, no?" Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Pollution, huh? That didn't sound very fun. In fact, it was definitely not fun. But Alexandre was still choosing to remain hopeful about the remainder of the class. In the meantime he tried to think about what he knew about pollution. He raised his hand. "Pollution is like when you eat a candy bar and throw the wrapper on the floor. Wait.. actually that's littering. But.. I think they're kind of the same thing. It's bad for the environment. If an animal or something comes and eats it it could get sick." And that was bad. Alexandre knew that his answer wasn't quite as sophisticated as some of his classmates, but he was pretty satisfied with it. Hope was appreciated. "LITTERING!" Finneased grinned sO big. The Ravenclaws were killing it today! "Littering is a simple, yet has incredibly harmful effects on our environment. You're very correct in this assertion, Mr. Pascal." PROUD professor. Quote:
Originally Posted by pundantic This was a distressing topic, especially for one such as Kale that lived in fa-lee-la-dee land pretty much every moment of day. The world was ending and Schmoe had doubled down instead of being reassuring. WHaT eveN wAS ClasS tODaY?
With a little bit of distress still present in his voice, Kale said, "Pollution can make some really beautiful sunsets. He quickly added, "But its, uh, bad. Really bad." Listen, kid, sometimes you have to check in with reality. Unfortunately, it is not always musicals and sunshine. Sometimes it's the slow breakdown of the earth's protective o-zone layer over time. AnYwAy. Sunsets?
Finneas blinked. And then he scratched his head. And then he blinked some more. "It is very bad." He agreed. Errrrr..... Quote:
Originally Posted by love-for-HP "Well the amount of plastic human's use is ridiculous." Blake added, "The pollution it does to our oceans is insane." Blake remember a family trip to the beach once that was literally more plastic than sand. It was rather sad ... and must humans didn't care about it anyway.... "Or wait ... is that littering? Or both?" Blake may have mixed the two terms together but the end result was still the same ... the oceans were more plastic than water ... and the ocean life was dying because of it. Mr. Ryan hit the nail right on it's head, though errrr... Finneas tried to keep himself from girinning too much. Ridiculous wasn't exactly scientific terminology. "That would be littering, yes, but littering does lend itself to pollution!" Cause and effect. You know? He bobbed his head, lingering on this answer for a little while longer before moving on. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Austin thought about this for a minute. He had an answer up but he wasn't sure if it would be right or not. He shrugged and raised his hand.
"Noise polution perhaps professor," he said. He wasn't sure why but he has heard about it before. This next answer made Finneas all sorts of giddy! "Excellent point!" He raised a single index finger into the air for emphasis! "Noise pollution may not be as visible, but it can also cause harm to the environment and wildlife! I, err, read this one study that noise pollution can raise caterpillars heart rates." Which he could likely go on about for a while. But AnYwAy. He wouldn't bore them. Quote:
Originally Posted by aRogueOne With a polite smile towards the Professor, her attention quickly turned back to the children in the class around her.
The smile on Ingrid’s face had almost faltered for a moment as she turned back in her chair, her eyes moving from the familiar face of Ashley to the loud, obnoxious Gryffindor girl who seemed do have a very high opinion of herself. [B]“Well if the the problem kidsget detention, that must mean that you must have had several off him then”[/I], her eyes now sarcastically rolling as she turned back around, ignoring the stern look? Ingrid couldn’t really tell and didn’t care. Just let her try and be a big bad fourth year. Pathetic. She may have been a first year but she was still a Luck and Luck’s were not intimidated easily.
With her attention almost firmly on the lesson, her eyes fixed on the professor as he awkwardly brought their attention to him, she brought her quill to parchment ready to take notes because she had indeed brought her thinking cap.
With so many of the other children in the class coming up with so many good ideas, Ingrid simply listened and copied down what they were all saying for a moment. She too had thought about all of the harmful effects of pollution but for her, it mainly came in the form of how it would affect the magical creatures that she helped look after at home although that had been already covered by one of the older Ravenclaws that she didn’t really recognise (Alexandre Pascal). Maybe Leighton knew him? She’d have to ask. Flashing the boy a timid smile because, you know, she really appreciated his good answer, she raised her hand to try and answer too. “Everyone, not just creatures, could get hurt by pollution. If they swim in the polluted water or their homes are affected by the waste, it could really have an impact on their species and the numbers in the wild and they could even get extinct” and extinct magical creatures was not something that she would allow, that was, if she could actually do something about it which she couldn’t. Not yet at least. Yes. YES. YEEEEEES. Was anyone else as jazzed as Finneas was? Because he was JAZZED. Finneas nodded very quickly, though he waited until Ingrid was done before jumping in. "Excellent point, Ms. Luck! Pollution has an effect on us ALL! Which is why we ought to be concerned." Quote:
Originally Posted by Nyx Sophie groaned inwardly. Their unit was going to be on pollution and climate change, and that was just such a depressing topic. She knew it was important. At least her dad thought so. He was always going on about recycling and sustainability, whatever that meant. As she listened to her fellow students, she became increasingly distressed. They were taking all the good answers! What was left? She wracked her brain.
"Um, how about space pollution, Professor?" she asked. Before anyone could shoot her a look like is this girl crazy, she elaborated. "My dad says muggles shoot up a bunch of satellites and junk into space and it just stays there orbiting the Earth and occasionally falling back down but eventually the planet is just going to be surrounded by a bunch of floating garbage basically." It may be not-so-fun topic, but it was a very important one! Finneas was completely oblivious to distress though... Errr. Sorry. "Way to think outside the box!" He paused, before wearing a silly smile. "Or should I say.... outside the planet." Hah. hah. hah. He cracked himself up. Quote:
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson Charlie groaned when she saw the board. Earth Dying. Why was everyone wanting to teach them about dirty things? First the elder wand, then the trolls, now pollution. What gives this term. She had taken her seat in a normal place among the crowd. Ah so they were talking about pollution today. Raising her hand and twisting a curl in the other she waited to be called on. “Well trash, you know the landfills the muggles use can hurt the soil, water, or air. And the amount muggles actually recycle to prevent waste is minimal.” Dark subject, but important!!! More on that later. "Recycling isn't just a muggle problem." Finneas felt it important to note. "But yes, very good point." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Was Torin reading her mind? Claudine threw him a sideways glance but said nothing on the subject. She was interested in hearing Schmoe’s response to the question. As her gaze shifted to the other students arriving, a hint of a smile graced her usually serious features. She tried to hide it but realised that these days, she smiled more whenever Heath came around. “Hi, yourself,’’ she said quietly, her tone warm. It was only natural that the conversation among the group led by that first year Ravenclaw {Ashley}. Claudine arched an eyebrow. Wasn’t she the little know-it-all. She tried to ignore Grantham, however. It was just like the Gryffindor to be bossy. Was she aiming to be a prefect? This Snakette couldn’t care less about either Grantham and a badge.
Claudine absently doodled in her notebook until class got started. When Schmoe addressed them all, the doodling stopped. Yes, she’d brought her thinking cap. Now, pollution was a topic that she rarely thought of. Of course she knew what it was. Claudine knew one type of pollution but first, she wanted to listen to these know-it-alls, especially that first year Ravenclaw. Did she swallow every text book on the topic?
The fourth year perked up when Austin gave his answer. Noise pollution was exactly what she’d been thinking and her hand went up. “Like Austin said, Professor, noise pollution is one form. I’d consider any person speaking loudly to be contributing to that form of pollution. That’s harmful because it can make others’ ears hurt.’’ Not to mention, it annoyed Claudine to the maximum. Then again, she considered most people speaking noise pollution. Especially the ex best friend that came in the form of Bernadette Grantham. Errrr...............................
This answer felt pointed. And Finneas did not know how to respond to the dramas of adolescence. So he simply wiggled around uncomfortably as he tried to come up with a suitable response. "Thank you for sharing your opinion, Ms. Blaze."
Uh. Yes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Uhhhhh... so this wasn’t going to be a cheerful lesson. Why OH why did the professor have to come up with such a sad topic?? Valentina looked at him, extremely unimpressed. She waited until the girl nearby finished before raising her hand to answer the question. “Light pollution, Professor.” .... wait, it was a type of pollution, right?? She was pretty sure that she had read about it somewhere. Sad, but important!!!! "Very good! Light pollution," he turned to the class, "is excessive and obtrusive artificial light. Too much of it can disrupt ecosystems, wastes energy, and it can have adverse effects on health! Thank you for... bringing this to light, Ms. Nichols." Ha. Ha. GET IT? Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz POLLUTION. The bane of her existence. Of all their existences, actually. She raised her hand. "Well, professor, muggle factories produce a lot of waste and our carbon footprint is HORRENDOUS." She wasn't an expert on pollution, but she was trying not to repeat something someone had already said!
Plastic...water...someone had said noise pollution, which was complicated...she had heard of light pollution, but she didn't fully understand
Yeah. "Mmm. Yes." He nodded for a moment, taking all things into consideration. "The release of carbon into the atmosphere breaks down the ozone layer, which er..." Sometimes in the middle of his speech, he remembered he was speaking to children with no prior experience of the subject matter. "Is not good news for earth's inhabitants." Nailed it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz The Earth is dying. Just great. Neddie was completely unfazed by it. Lately going to class was becoming a struggle, and it was evident in her usual cheery face that has gradually lost its smile. Watching the Muggle Studies professor, she sat a little straighter. He is one of the professors she’s learning to appreciate. Therefore, he has her attention.
Alsoooo. The Slytherin prefect was there, and...yeah. She was cool.
For whatever reason, her hand shot up into the air. She has answers. Lots of them. “Uhm...pollution is harmful and has side effects. For example, it can hurt our respiratory system and/or make existing health issues worse.” And that’s all she wanted to offer for now. The opposite of just great, actually. But AnYwAy. Finneas called upon the next student. "Excellent reminder that errrrr pollution not only has detrimental effects for the creatures that inhabit the earth, but also for US." See? This is why they all needed to care! This was exactly the point! Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Valencia. Was. Excited. This appeared to be a SCIENCE lesson. That's what the Ravenclaw had been hoping for. It seems like all the types of pollution had been mentioned -- air, land, water, light, and noise.
She wracked her brain for something obscure that she could mention. Then she had an idea and raised her hand. "I've heard people call things like water that's used in factories are put back at a different temperature as pollution. They're not putting any chemicals or anything in it -- which I think is the tradition definition, but they're altering something about it which affects local wildlife, which I think fits the definition of pollution."
If fish can't survive because the water is too hot then that's a problem regardless of what they decide to call it. Valencia always had a creative perspective to contribute. It was wonderful. Finneas grinned with all the excited anticipation his body could handle. "Excellent point, Ms. Phillips. I'm glad you errr brought this up! Messing with the environment in such a way will have damaging effects regardless of the introduction of toxins." Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath blinked, slightly caught off guard by the professor’s offer. While he was curious about what a slinky would do on the moving staircase, he wondered if that was something that might get him into trouble. He did not want to wind up on the headmaster’s bad side this term or any term, come to think of it! Still, it was a nice offer. “Thank you, sir,” he replied with a small smile, unsure what else to say. Claudine also got a smile from Heath as she returned his greeting, but his smile faded when he overheard Bernie talking to Ashley and Ingrid. Blink, blink. Was she actually trying to scare the first years, or did she just not consider how her words sounded? That was something Heath could never figure out about her, and that was the only thing stopping him from saying something to her now. Well, that, plus the fact that he was too far away to talk to her without shouting across the room, and Professor Schmoe probably would give detention for that!
Never mind, class was starting anyway. Heath looked up as Professor Schmoe spoke, and it was only then that he saw the ominous writing on the board. HOW did he not notice that until just now?! Inwardly berating himself for his obliviousness, he listened to the professor. Pollution, yes, that made sense. Heath couldn’t think of anything else the topic could possibly have been with that message on the board… unless it was a quote from some movie he didn’t know. He paid attention to the others’ answers as he considered the question, and he had to stifle a smile at Claudine’s answer. He felt the same way about noise pollution! Loud talking always flustered him, but he’d never be bold enough to say that out loud. The thought crossed his mind to piggyback off of that answer and offer a broader definition of noise pollution, but he didn’t want Claudine to think he was copying or trying to one-up her.
Instead, Heath decided to go a different direction with his answer. Unfortunately, someone else (Valencia) gave the exact answer he had in mind before he could speak. Ugh! Now what was he going to do? He couldn’t think of anything other types of pollution that hadn’t already been said, so he supposed the next best thing would be to give a different example of one of those types. “Thermal pollution,” he said after raising his hand. “Another cause is cold water released from reservoirs, which has eliminated native fish species in some parts of the world.” He couldn’t recall exactly where, but he remembered reading that it happened. Something Finneas enjoyed greatly was the variation of answers offered. He encouraged Heath with a big smile. "Excellent point! And along the same vein as Ms. Phillips. Excellent!" SPOILER!!: Josh & Olivia Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
What had he done? What? Whaaaaaaat had he done?
He was asking the ceiling this as his head rolled back a bit and he stared up at it, because of all the random seats to flop had to be here. Because of course it had to be here. There were worse people he could have flopped next to, but this was probably top ten. And he felt like if he were to bend at this...then, well, then he would lose the game. Whatever the game was.
"Then she can sit there," he said in a rather dignified manner as he set his notebook down on top of the desk purposefully. "Class is starting anyway and it would be rude to get up and disrupt the professor."
Who apparently thought the made up word of slinky was going to calm his skepticism. It was not and Josh simply squinted a bit more at the silvery metallic string. Sure. Okay. Sure.
Sooooooo pollution. Having no idea what a carbon footprint was or this carbon dioxide several of his peers were going on about...but he knew about trash or, er, land pollution...he supposed that could be categorized for. "Well...we, er, wizarding kind, take muggle forms of land pollution...the trash and such...and turn it into portkeys. So...we sort of benefit from no-maj waste and it helps protect the Statute." Quote:
Originally Posted by Samia See, she made sense. But honestly, how could anyone not be aware of pollution? Wizard or not, they all lived on the same planet. Or were the wizards now secretly planning to shift to another? Of course, Olivia wouldn't be surprised if they were.
Back to the class though, she didn't particularly wait her turn - the moment someone stopped speaking, she spoke up, "Visual Pollution is also a thing; anything that can cause you eye or mental fatigue just by sight alone"
And while she would have waited to speak again, but then Josh spoke up, and she couldn't help but make a face, "you know it's not just muggles who cause pollution" - since it was a running theme in the class "wizards are just as capable of producing waste"
She didn't have an example on top of her head, but she needed to say it. Hmpf. Completely unaware of the seat debacle, Finneas turned his attention to Mr. Miller now. He always had something to say. Many somethings. Sometimes too many somethings. But Finneas listened patiently. "That is....... Errrr..... A unique perspective, he nodded as he tried to come up with a way to address it... "Ms. Caffery is correct," though the faces, maybe less of those? "And err... While wizards may be able to make use of some waste, the ratio is very disproportionate. So err.... It wouldn't be right to encourage it." Yeaaaaaaaaaaah. Less trash = Much better.
As for visual pollution, "You raise an interesting point! Visual pollution is also defined by the unnatural changes to the environment. Harmful for more than just the eye." He winked. But it looked more like a spasm than it did a wink. He needed to work on that. Errrrr. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Emeerson's brows crinkled in obvious confusion, the kind that said the gears in her head were working overtime to no avail. Find out how to save the Earth? "But then we'll still have class and I'd rather just have the cake." It seemed like less work and tasted way better. Where was the Professor's head today? It was simple math really.
The little Gryffindor tried listening to whatever else the professor said about the planet but all she could really hear was J O S H U A trying to steal her bestfriend's seat and basically take her place and erase her from existence. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SHOWING UP TO RUIN THINGS??" She demanded. Nearly releasing her baby dragon onto the train and now THIS. Why couldn't he leave them alone? Did he want to see what happened when tables were turned?? Kid had a lot of time on her hands.
This was practically war. "Fine. Stay." You stay right there, Mr. Jo-shu-a. Right there. She didn't know how yet, but she would make him regret it--to avenge her friend who would now have to take another seat.
After such an affront, who honestly CARED about a dying planet?? "Idiot pollution Professor. They come in and ruin things and give you headaches and make you itch and drain all the oxygen out of the air with their big, dumb boy brains--but there's idiot girl brains, too. They're the worst kind 'cause half the time they don't know they're doing it and only you suffer. Then the W E I G H T~ of all the stupidity weighs you down over time til your back hunches and your eyes glaze over until you pray for the sweet release of someone putting them out of their misery for you."
She had delicate hands, couldn't possibly do her own dirty work. Perhaps he would take cake into consideration for their next lesson. Uh. Yes.
Finneas was taken aback. Very taken aback. He simply blinked. A lot. Probably silent for a lot longer than he ought to be after a student answers a question. "I've......... Er. Never heard of this one." .............................. Uh.
He scratched his head. Moving on. Quote:
Originally Posted by natekka Eimear listened, an elbow on the table and her chin resting in her hand, and tried to engage with the topic. She wasn't really a morning person and Professor Schmoe's cheeriness was - especially when she was in a grumpy mood (thankfully she wasn't in one of those today) - too much for her sometimes. Today, however, it made her smile just a little. He was a goof. And he definitely had a way with words. Not at all soul crushing topic. Riiiiight.
She continued to listen as her classmates began giving their answers, though she ignored some of the more dramatic one. Eimear had never done muggle science classes, so words like... 'carbon footprint' meant very little to her. She made a note of them to look up later if they weren't explained during class. From context, she could sort of understand what they meant but some of it was still confusing to her. Like the carbon footprints. What did that mean?
After she finished making a few more notes, she raised her own hand. "I don't know that much about pollution, sir," she admitted, "but I know that the word pollution comes from a Latin word that means defilement... so, um, pollution is defiling the planet... ruining it and making it unhealthy for us and creatures to live in." Her voice was small, naturally, but she had a New York confidence and a no-nonsense air to her regardless. It wasn't a mind-blowing answer but at least she had said something. In the past, teachers had criticised her for not contributing much in class. She didn't want to give them that opportunity again. She may not know a lot about pollution, but her answer was INCREDIBLE. Finneas gave her two thumbs up as she spoke. "Thank you for that valuable nugget of knowledge!" Everyone was taking notes, yeah? Very, very good. Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm Guess Eron thought of the text more panicky than he should. Mr. Finneas seems to be all chill about it so Eron shrugged his shoulders lightly before taking his seat and smiled at the man. His attention quickly turned back at the professor the moment he started the class with of course, the topic they will be discussing today.
The earth is dying. Depends on how you read it and somehow, even despite Professor Schmoe's chill vibes from earlier Eron is still reading it like it's the end of the world. Whats up with him today? The answers have mostly been called out already so the seventh year is just looking for more answers but unfortunately he can't think of anything else. Insisting on answer right now would just be repeating what the other 10 students had just pointed out.
He smiled. Not that he was shy but yeah, what they said. Finneas smiled back, giving Eron an encouraging look. Nothing? He looked like he was paying attention though, so Finneas wasn't too worried. He paused his gaze on the Ravenclaw for a little while longer before moving on. Surely if he had a question he would voice it. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Minjae turned his gaze away from the window and placed his chin on the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the table. He was not in the mood for classes, that much was clear. He also wasn't in the mood to interact with others so he sat in his seat until the professor started the lesson.
Pollution. He felt a tiny sting of guilt because he knew he was probably a big cause of it as he drove everywhere. Well, not him personally because he did not have a license but he did make the orders to his driver to drive him everywhere. It was easier, and much safer.
Of course he wouldn't say this, he'd be stupid to especially in a room with some of them being so... Against it.. The teenager held his hand in the air before lowering it without an answer. Most was said already so who cared? Finneas was entirely oblivious to whatever mood Minjae was in. "....... Er." Just as he had gone to call on Minjae, the hand was lowered. Uh. "Did you have something you err wanted to add?" If not, they could simply move on. AnYwAy. After having finished jotting down some of the ideas that were shared, Finneas turned back to address the class once more. "Errrr excellent brainstorm, everybody!" He bobbed his head, side-stepping so that they could take a look at the VAST arrays of answers on the board. "As Ms. Caffery shared, pollution is caused by muggles and wizards alike! As some others noted, however, the errr muggle contribution to pollution is vastly greater. But, but, but we mustn't play the blame game here. Muggles have less means to work around pollution because in order to live their lives san magic they err, use technologies such as cars and heavy duty machinery." He paused for a moment, to allow for note takers to get all of this. "Still.... Even if the contribution to pollution might lean heavier in one direction, pollution is an EVERYONE problem." Did they see the point here? "This is why it's important for us, er, magic folk to be aware of the problems because we live on this planet too. Anything that is errr done to damage it will have an effect on us whether we like it or not." Finneas paused again, but this time to take a HUGE sip of water. After GULP, GULP, GULPING loudly a few times, he set his water bottle down and looked at the class again, fixating on a point at the back of the room. "AnYwAy. The first step to solving a problem is admitting there is a problem. And, er, now that we have identified many problems," he gestured to their running list, "Let's think about ways we can address them. What do you think muggles can do to reduce specific kinds of pollution? How can we, as wizards, also do our part?" They could answer either or both. ~options~ Quote:
Originally Posted by the whiteboard Brainstorming Types of Pollution
- Water pollution [throwing trash into the water, factories pouring chemicals into the water, oil spills]
- Air pollution [chemicals from cars and machinery, toxic gasses, smoke from cars (exhaust)]
- Littering [discarding waste products incorrectly]
- Plastic waste
- Noise pollution [unwanted sound that has an effect on the health and well-being of organisms]
- Space pollution [machinery or debris left by humans in space]
- Trash from landfills hurting the soil, water, and air
- Light pollution [the presence of excessive, misdirected, and obtrusive artificial light]
- Pollution from muggle factories
- Thermal pollution [ex. factories introducing hot water into a cool water habitat]
- Visual pollution [disturbs the visual aesthetics by creating harmful changes in the natural environment]
- Idiot pollution ??? OOC: Thanks for the answers and all your lovely contributions!! I'll post in another 24 hours to move us along to our first activity.
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