Ingrid Starling “Birdie” Luck
First Year Ravenclaw
Model: Raffey Cassidy
Font Colour: #E74900 The Basics Name: Ingrid Sterling “Birdie” Luck
Birthday: 30th November 2090
Current Residence: Dean Village, Scotland
Wand: TBD
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: TBD
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 4ft7
Heritage: Pets: Cat
Personality Type: ENFJ-A
“Protagonist” “Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma” A little about “Birdie”
Ingrid is a book worm at heart and have an affinity for all thing’s nature, whether that be plants or animals but learning will always be her first love. With her older siblings having already gone to Hogwarts, she always nagged for and was given their second hands books and could often be found reading around the house.
Parents: Quentin Luck
Leighton Orion Luck
Thessaley Evangeline Luck
Violet Rose Luck
Adam Sterling Luck
(Lissy Longbottom) Hogwarts Years
First Year:
Twitter:@LuckStarling Previous Characters: Ewan George Jones