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Old 09-10-2020, 08:53 AM   #7 (permalink)
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 140

Furmgoat let out a rather perturbed combination of a squawk and a hoot as he was manhandled by his choice of perch. Head rotating nearly all the way around, the owl clicked its beak together to let the man know just how perturbed it was and made a go for one of the buttons on his shirt. He was rather fond of buttons. The lady's much more slender and more gentle hands were met with a small nip to her thumb, but nothing vicious and considerably less perturbed. She was the intended recipient, so he was on his best behavior for her and gave his leg a little wiggle for her to take the letter and the awful jade ribbon off.

The letter, once she tore the wax seal, read as follows:


Dearest June,

You know how much I love and adore you, as well as how proud I am of you for your new position at our old stomping grounds, but I am going to need you to send a howler here to straighten your plants out because they do not listen to me and the list you left me of tactics to help them all deal with their separation loss have all failed me thus far. There are vines creeping where they shouldn't be and some have taken to wearing some of my pants suits, daffodils honking at all hours of the night, and did you forget to tell me about the little congregation of garden gnomes living in your closet or are they a bunch of freeloaders? You also left your puffpods in a place that Kuai could easily reach and now the entire apartment looks like what I imagine your "office" is looking like over there. Though admittedly all the flowers do make a nice accent to the new stylings and light fixture I've put in the living room.

I miss you, terribly. Send that howler soon, please.
His job done, the little owl looked expectantly at the lady. Treat, please? Hoot hoot!
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