Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mamie frowned as her professor responded to everyone's ideas. It seemed at least that nobody thought of something Professor Williamson hadn't already considered, least he hadn't been outwitted by a bunch of kids. Just by the trolls.
She gasped as one of the trolls made a weird troll-yodeling noise and then a bunch more trolls came along. The memory version of the professor was in a bad spot here.
When memory professor tripped over his own shoes and started rolling though, Mamie had to stifle a giggle. Maybe wizards weren't as up-to-date on all the Muggle hiking gear. Maybe a different pair of shoes could've saved the memory professor's life! Oh wait...he clearly didn't lose his life. Mamie didn't feel so bad about giggling when she realized that obviously, Williamson had gotten out of this situation somehow. really did look like those trolls were going to eat memory Williamson, as present/future Williamson had said.
"Pro-professor, maybe at this point you should try some Muggle tactics to get untied," she suggested helpfully. "Like a pocket-knife?! OOOH, or the spearhead" Yeah, she had good ideas. Or had someone said that already? She couldn't remember. |