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Old 09-08-2020, 10:47 AM   #4 (permalink)
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 140

Swooooooooop swoooooooop SWOOOOP!

Furmgoat had had a particularly large lunch and was therefor flying a little more lopsided and a little more zig zaggy than usual. Which was to say that he may or may not and swooped when he should have fwooped and zagged when he should have zigged, landing himself on the opposite side of the grounds before arriving at the correct destination with a letter attached to his leg wrapped in a jade colored ribbon. It was a peculiar request from a customer, but the tawny owl's big brother (the shopkeeper) had not seemed as out of sorts about it as the owl himself who did NOT want to have something so silky and slipper attached to its legs. Therefore the larger lunch had happened as a treat and incentive.

But Furmagoat was here and swooooooping in through the door with several loud HOOT HOOTs as the little tawny owl looked for somewhere to land.

Ah, perhaps on this man's head?

Swooooooooooop PLOP!

Yes. This would do nicely.

Though the letter was not for him but the lady with the bright smile.

"Hoot hoot hoot!" Furmagoat puffed up and shook his feathers eagerly for her to come take the letter from his leg and preferably before the little rumble in his tummy secreted out from under his tail feathers upon the man's head.
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