ily ro and i missed these classes sm enjoy my daughter SnitchStealer <3 Chocolate Rain=Mmm! 'Don't be an idiot',someone had replied and the professor's voice followed, praising them and their 'Excellent advice', which prompted Ninette to furrow her brow slightly.
Well. Duh. That was just solid GENERAL life advise.
When her own answer is validated (uh, sort of - she was still taking it as a win even though the snacks part hadn't been the best idea), she stand a little straighter, content smile spreading across her lips.
Ahhhh yeees. She's off to a good start this year.
Ninette nods along. Have your wand and your wits about you, bring a buddy impediment jinx, disarming spell, never go on the offensive against a magical creature -
WAIT - should she be writing all of this? She probably should. Hand quickly reaches into her rucksack, fingers haphazardly searching for a quill and some paper. It all sounded only logical but she probably should. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, she finally scribbles down. No. There were things before that but oh boy now they had already moved along and she once again opens her mouth to speak without fully thinking her answer through and then it sinks in ... trolls? What did she REALLY know about trolls? And, huh, troll society?
Trolls have... societies?
Uh was she supposed to know that? Did everyone already know that?
Glancing around the other students and hearing their answers apparently they did...? "If there any different species of trolls they probably have different ways of behaving and, huh, cultural traditions." Do trolls even have cultures? Oh well, she was here to learn right? Right. "Like, at my house we always eat dinner at 8pm but when we visited my aunt - who lives in Italy - they always eat at 9pm and think it's weird to eat earlier AND because she lives near the coast she eats a lot of fish so maybe trolls who live near bodies of water eat a lot of fish and trolls who live in forests eat... other things -" Perhaps this addendum hadn't exactly been necessary, but Ninette presses on. "- and maybe some trolls are more aggressive because they are less used to seeing people, and when people come into contact with them they usually disturb them instead of respecting them... even if they are a bit dimwitted they still deserve respect, I think."
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