lots of mentions here <3 elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ "Don't mind even a little bit," Cecelia responded distractedly, glancing at Charlie briefly before doing a double take. "Hey, your tie. That's really cool! Did you make that yourself?" It was way nicer than the plain old accessories the school wanted them to rock, but Cecelia figured it was 'cause they wanted everyone to be so bored to tears by their clothes that they wouldn't even mind paying attention to their boring school work. Adults were always trying stuff like that. "And yo to you." Was Yo new quidditch lingo Cecelia should be using because she hadn't yet gotten the memo, but she didn't hate it. She offered Joshua Miller a smile and returned his thumbs up with one of her own, appreciative. "Thanks!" Sammy deserved all the support she could round up, truly.
Oh, Emm was getting sorted! Cecelia perked up a bit in her seat, watching the younger girl curiously. It didn't even surprise her at ALL when the hat proclaimed she was a lion, and she was glad to hear it, too! Meant she could keep an eye on her and keep her FAR away from her brother, who she was PRETTY sure was equal parts frightened and impressed by the little blonde. Sammy was simply NOT ready for a girlfriend. Standing up, the fourth year clapped enthusiastically, following with her eyes as the first year came to join their table. "Congrats Emm. You got the best house!" She only felt a LITTLE guilty about proclaiming things like that these days, and she really truly did believe it to be true. PAUSE. "You told Sammy he'd better be a Gryffindor or else you'd be heartbroken because you'd miss him so much?" That was the only 'or else' she was accepting where her sweet baby brother was concerned, sorry. "Sadly no, but it's okay. We get to hear ALL about the other common rooms and dorms and get all the top gossip from each house the way it is." It was actually pretty beneficial.
Cecelia's eyes widened considerably and she glanced at Charlie as the headmaster's voice called her out for her clothing choices. It was super sad the way he was absolutely stifling her creative outlet, but she WASN'T going to be the one to say so. "It's still an awesome tie." She whispered, hoping Charlie heard it and took comfort in that. YOYO!
Okay, she knew she was real and everything, but Cecelia couldn't help but reach out and give the girl's arm a friendly SQUEEZE because she was HERE. Yoyo was here and Cecelia wasn't sure she would be and her heart was filled with warmth seeing her face and she was HAPPY! GAH! "I can't believe it either! We need to look after them, you know. It's our job now." They were CLEARLY in need of looking after, after all. Also, HI YOYO! Cecelia still hadn't stopped smiling at her friend, even when Kizzy landed herself in Gryffindor too. Even then. She WAS clapping for Kizz, though.
Her brother was going to be sorted soon, huh? More knee bouncing, more fidgeting, she couldn't sit still. The anticipation was KILLING her! "Good Summer, yeah. You?" Carsyn was looking sort of grumpy, huh? Cecelia side eyed her for a moment and then offered her a tentative smile. She was probably just hungry or something. These feasts DID tend to take ages. LUCAS!
There was her favorite badged boy in the whole castle. She even let her gaze rest on him for a minute, offering him a big Cecelia grin in greeting. "You know, I bet he'll get Hufflepuff like mum and dad did. He's got a super big heart, like bigger than most people I know even, and he's just a gentle type of guy, you know?" At least that's how Cece saw him. "But he also thinks a lot about a lot. Like, he can be quiet but you just know his mind is always going. That means he could also be a Ravenclaw or something, doesn't it?" It totally did. "I'd love it if he was in our house, but let's face it, that's not in the cards." And she didn't even need to SPEAK on him being in Slytherin because that simply wouldn't be happening. She was SURE of it.
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