Everyone dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Well this was it. It was her last opening feast and Naya was conflicted. The though that this was the last one made her sad. It seemed that she had just gotten to Hogwarts and now it would soon be over. With a sigh, she walked into the Great Hall and headed for the Gryffindor Table. She was usually early to the feast, but this time..........nope.
Determined to look on the bright side, she put on a happy face as she neared the table. “Hello Gryffindors”, she said waving to her housemates new and old as she walked along the table. Naya took a moment to scan the scene before she sat down next to one Cole Vance. Giving him the requisite shoulder bump, she stifled a laugh when she saw the firstie stealing his jellybeans. “I see you have a new friend”, she said to her boyfriend. Addressing said firstie (Emmerson), Naya smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Naya”. “Welcome to Gryffindor.”
Looking across the table, Naya saw her younger housemate engrossed in a magazine. “Hey Bernie. How was your summer?” She was glad to see Bernie looking much happier than she had at the closing feast in the spring.
Naya was about to greet the others when it happened. It just wouldn’t be an opening feast without Gryffindor drama. The Headmaster/Head of House was calling Charlie out for her choice of attire which was really quite cute, but the way. Let the school year begin.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |