Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Cole quickly took a seat at the Gryffindor table near the end, closest to the dais trying to not think about gloomy, sad things like the fact that it was his last year ever at Hogwarts. Then he was practically considered an adult, Oh so creepy and nerve-wrecking. Since no other lions had arrived yet Cole let his eyes scan the faces up at the staff table. He immediately saw that two were missing from last year. He hadn’t really thought much about Prof Rainwater, but Professor Noble he had really liked, so he was genuinely sad and disappointed to not see him up there amongst Williamson and the others. There was an unfamiliar woman up there though, maybe she was the new potions master?
Not sure what to do since he was alone and had nobody to talk to, Cole pulled out the last of his bertie botts beans from his robes and poured them out over his plate. Starting to make a bean tower as he hummed to himself Cole wondered when he’d get some company.
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