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Claudine was not surprised that certain old faces from the staff dais were no longer there and were replaced by one or two new ones. Her main concern was that Williamson and Fuller-Thompson had upped and resigned but no, they were still there. Thank Merlin. But Rainwater and Eris? There was obviously no longer a certain bouncy, fun extrovert of a Rainwater with them. Claudine sighed in disappointment. She loathed these frequent staff changes.
Glowering slightly, the fourth year glanced along the Slytherin table. It happened that she was one of the few Snakes there but that would change soon. For now, she'd sit patiently by herself down at one end of the table- the end furthest from the dais..
Blake made his way to the Slytherin house table... and who should be the first person he would spot ... why it was Claudine of course. Why was it always her ..... maybe this would finally be the year they turned from 'frenemies' to actual friends. He rather doubted it since his relationship with Bernadette was stronger then ever .... or at least he still hoped so, he hadn't seen her on the train.
"Hey Claudine ... have a good summer?" There that was friendly enough wasn't it? They could be friends .... they really could, Blake didn't want to brag but he was a pretty awesome guy ....