Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Carwyn smoothed down his beard as he stepped up to the dias, smiling at his colleagues. "Malachi, Gabi, Finneas." The Welshman greeted with a smile as he slipped into his seat between his friends - the empty chair between him and Gabi Gus' seat made him frown slightly, but he knew that their new colleague, Professor Flamsteed, would do great things. He just had a feeling.
"Did you all enjoy your holiday?" He asked them, easing his chair backwards slightly so that everyone could still communicate without getting in the way. "Was far too quick as always..." He added under his breath with a sigh. As much as he missed Derek and their family when he was here - he missed his colleagues and the students when he wasn't here. He felt at home here, though he was glad about that considering how much of the year he spent here.
Shuffling around in his chair to get more comfortable, he waited for the noise to edge its way closer to the hall, as it did every year as the students made their way from the carriages and boats up through the school to join them. He was always shocked with the amount of noise they could make ... y'know for 0.0001 seconds before he remembered last year... and the year before. Students being loud certainly wasn't a new thing.
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