hi everyone. you're just lovely ♥ Juliette happily reached over to pet the lovely feline. "You're so cute..." Juli crooned at the cat, almost completely distracted from what the girl was saying and purchasing some sweets. She idly stroked the cat's head. Merlin, everyone thought Juli talked a lot but they really needed to hear all this kid just said. She looked up from the beautiful creature and smirked at the girl. "Well my best friend and I do have plans for world domination." Which could still happen even if Juli was grounded. "What's a lifeguard?" Cause that sounded interesting. "Do you like... save people's lives or something like an Auror? My mum takes care of creatures at home and that's an awful lot of fun." Juliette herself? Well her pet project over the summer was trying to take care of her Wiggentree and cultivate a small army of bowtruckles. They were absolutely adorable.
She purchased a lot some jelly slugs from the trolley lady and put all but one in her bag. [b]"I'm Juliette. Gryffindor. Fourth Year. Basically the epitomy of awesometasticalness,"[b] she replied, deciding to eat one of the jelly slugs now. "I haven't seen you around before but it's a big school, are you like a second year or new or something?"
And it just seemed like everyone had a cat didn't they? Or a feline of sorts. And of these could be kneazles after all... if one of the two gentlemen would just let her inspect them. She recognized one of them (Cole) from around the common room. Juliette was pretty sure he was a Gryffindor. But there were also a million and one twins at the school so for all she knew this was a doppleganger of the dude in her house. The other boy (Heath), with the ever so fantastic hair, said hi. Juliette raised her hand and gave a little wave, the other was preoccupied with holding her jelly slug... of which she took another bite. "Sup?" Then she saw the nice hair boy's feline familiar roll over.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWH. "Can I pet her?" Juliette asked, eyes wide. She had already bent down to the floor. She was going to pet the kitty (Rey) regardless of what anyone told her. "Oh you're a pretty girl aren't ya? Soooooo beautiful and lovely and smart and cute..."
Yes. Juliette could get used to this life - jelly slugs and cats. But speaking of cats... and the number of them... she looked up from her spot on the floor at her current company. "Was there a memo I missed or something? Was I supposed to bring a kneazle?" Cause she didn't. Owl? Check obviously. But a cat? Nope.
__________________ though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________  ♡ ♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...