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Tex nodded. Yes, it was the season for what the wandwavers called "Muggleborns." Which meant they had an influx of non magical money.
"It depends on if you want new or second hand items. 50 Galleons should buy all new items for you." Probably. She honestly hadn't checked to see what the going rate was for wands these days. "If you're on a budget, you ought to get your wand first. That's the thing you'll want to spend money on and get new."
Sloane nodded as she listened, absorbing the goblin's words and advice.
"Thank you, sir." She conferred quickly and quietly with her mother and then returned her attention back,
"Can we get 60 galleons please? Me mum is allowing me some emergency money to start the year, just in case. How many pounds sterling does that convert to?" Sloane had no clue the conversion rate, but vowed to commit that to memory for future use.