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Summer was very much short-lived for Eron but despite it he managed to do all the things he set out for the summer. Like do some mountain climbing and camping with Eryk. That was 2 whole weeks of pure adrenaline and fun. After which he visited Carys as often as possible. It was nice having to meet her and have play dates with their cats. Pretty much it was random vacations at the beach, the lake near his house and visiting his cousins from Spain. But now the sun fun is almost over as he reached the train with his family. His father was with them today because of Irithel. His youngest sister is about to start her first year and their father was quite emotional about it.
Glad he immediately skipped away and got himself on the train.
Eron didn't want to be alone in the compartment for this train ride- his last train ride to Hogwarts by the way, so he went inside the first one that's not empty. He can't really sit with Carys because she's a prefect but he has thought of maybe visiting her later. For now he just needs a compartment. Random. He sees Noah (if he remembers his name correctly) kind of sulking by himself. Maybe he could use a casual conversation for now.
And yes, he just barged right in because why not.
"Hi, do you mind if i sit with you?" he flashed a grin at the Gryffindor boy. They haven't been acquainted before so this would be a great time to do so. "I'm Eron" he added. Does he need to add his year and house? Nah.
A voice interrupted him from his novel. Fortunately this time no none had entered the compartment and got their hair stuck or slammed the doors whilst he was reading a suspenseful scene. This time someone was asking him to sit with him. He glanced up from the book, noting the other boy who was there and grinning. Noah nodded, offering a smile, "
Sure!" He didn't mind someone joining him. To be honest, he rather liked it as he had already read this book before and was growing tired of it. He could only read a book so many times before he got bored. Closing his book, he placed it beside him and leaned back with a smile. Eron, was it?
That was an easy name to remember. Unique too. He hadn't met an Eron yet. "
Nice to meet you, Eron. I'm Noah. Is this your first year here or...?" He let the question hang in the air, fully well knowing that it was possible not to run into someone at Hogwarts before this time. He had spent a good time of last year with his nose in his books or with his girlfriend.