*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) One of the many things that sucked about having your eyesight ruined by an imploding star was how easy it was to get lost. Another? Mismatched socks. Worst? The horrible coke-bottle glasses he now wore that made him look incredibly hot dorky and did very little to actually help him see. All three were plaguing Adam this afternoon, along with an itchy scalp, but that wasn’t the imploding star’s fault. No, he was quite certain the itchy scalp was courtesy of the new shampoo his girlfriend had insisted he try.
He had been trying to find Level 5 again. He had encountered difficulties of a different nature that last time he had attempted to go home for a visit and he had a feeling it was something with his VISA paperwork. He had attempted to update it a month ago, but the lady who had helped in DIMC had seemed a little off…why? He hadn’t been able to place why, but she sure had talked about him smelling funny.
And speaking of smelling funny – why yes, Adam did actually smell funny today. Perhaps to you it smelt like burnt toasted marshmallows? Or a sugary-Carmel flavor? To Adam, he smelt normal. It was hard to sniff yourself after all. He scratched at his hair line as he tried to read the sign in front of him. While the itch was from the shampoo, the smell was from the mild love potion that was dotting his shirt. He’d cleaned up most of it, but some still lingered.
And the sign? Yeah, that he couldn’t make out. Stupid glasses/eyes.
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