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Old 08-23-2020, 12:46 AM   #25 (permalink)
Madam Hildegard
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 51

You'd think they would be more careful with the hexes and other assaults they were hurling considering the hag was still using the girl as a human shield but this set were relentless and possibly not too concerned for whether the girl lived. No matter, the hag kept shielding herself with the girl as she'd been doing from the beginning, allowing her to absorb whatever misplaced hexes or kicks the older girl was not smart enough hold back. Similarly, the stabs. With her face still buried in the back of the girl's head, the poor girl received any blows that the assaulting girl did not draw back. One could only hope she realized in time but the hag kept herself nestled nicely.

Until the pumpkin.

It didn't taste good. Yet another careless spell--from the younger girl this time. Did she not see her friend's head perfectly shielding her own? Did she think the spell would make a curve and circle back? She was mistaken and her bleeding friend now had a pumpkin for a head.

Disinterested, the hag released the girl at last and simply walked back into her caravan as if nothing had happened. Now to find those leaves for her tea.
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