Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quote:
Originally Posted by natekka It was true: what Eimear MacAfee wanted, she got. At least where her family was involved. Unless the thing she wanted was a cat. She wanted to return to Hogwarts for several reasons. One, all of her new friends were there! Two, she refused to be beaten by that nightmare school! Three... actually, those two points were most of her reasoning. Friends and a refusal to be defeated. She had spent most of her first year at Hogwarts distressed, but she refused to let that continue into her second. Truthfully, she was glad that her brothers, Jude and Cian, were returning to Hogwarts as well. Not that she would ever admit that to them. She was adamant that she would be fine ON. HER. OWN. Unfortunately, they - and her parents - disagreed.
Eimear looked up at Cian briefly as he ushered her inside the music store before turning her gaze to everything inside the store. "Are you getting something from here or are we just looking?" She asked out of curiosity, completely fine with either answer. Had his sister had asked him if their parents would have allowed her to return to Hogwarts on her own, he could've easily told her that answer. Absolutely not. Especially not after what happened there last term. Which would've been A-okay with him because he could careless about returning there. Yet, he was going back. Such a lucky girl Eimear was to have two older brothers that loved her as much as Jude and him do. Two brothers that would always lookout for her even when she didn't want or need them to. It's how their family worked. No matter what went on, they always looked out for their own.
Cian lifted a shoulder in a shrug. *"Maybe? I haven't decided yet. Why, see something you want?"* This was said through signing for the simple fact that he was NOT going to speak loud enough to be heard in this place. He hardly spoke as it was and to have to speak loud enough to be heard over the people and music playing just wasn't going to happen.
He wasn't looking for anything specific today. But who knew what he might find in this place.
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