She'd tell Evie about it if they lived to tell the tale. That was a good idea. Perhaps Evie could join them next time. She was sure they would be perfectly safe if they didn't do anything to anger a dark wizard. Otherwise they might end up as ferrets... or ferret food. "We should haunt all the professors too!" Make them think twice before failing anyone and the whatnot. "Do you think we'd be friends with Moaning Myrtle if we were ghosts?" Since they would relate to her, having faced a tragic death. That was assuming they died though. Which was not going to happen.
Juliette nodded her head in agreement. "Maybe throw a book through a window, shatter it... we need to cause a good diversion." And Juliette was an expert on breaking things. She broke things at home all the time. She listened as Liza spoke about her encounter with some strange dude who she didn't know. And how absolutely intriguing he sounded. "Legilimency? Occlumency?" How absolutely fascinating. Perhaps this person should be accompanying them on this trip so he could tell them when someone planned on... y'know... murdering them. But why on earth would her sister take away her mirror?! "It sounds like a really valuable skill set... you should steal your mirror back."
Fifty... shades... stuff...? Sunglasses? Juliette smirked when Liza mentioned that. She was pretty sure Liza's sister had not been mentioning sunglasses, rather the no no book that her mum had read at book club once before she quit which involved a lot of wine and laughing. Old people were weird. "You guys should still go on the business date," she said as she took the offered lollipop. "You could just bring a niffler with you and if things go bad, Penguin can create a distraction and," Juliette paused thinking about how to phrase it, "Liberate some belongings from him and others while you make an escape." See, Juliette was all about having an escape plan. "Uh... no." Juliette said in response to Liza talking about being called a beautiful thing. "We're not objects, we're people..." Though the whole thing did sound rather romantic up until the part where he called Liza a thing. "Maybe your sister was right," she said, giving the lollipop a lick - mmmm, sugar. "If he calls you a thing, he's more likely to treat you carelessly... we're supposed to treat people better than we treat things." Except when that person was a big poop head or that thing was a beautiful tree. Then in that case, one might treat a thing better than a person.
__________________ though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________  ♡ ♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...