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Old 08-12-2020, 06:06 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Yarborough
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emerald Peridot "Dot" Ainsley
Seventh Year


Here’s the thing, it wasn’t like her parents would even really notice. Well, maybe they would but it always seemed like they were too busy having more kids to worry about the current ones. For her, it was Mav. Mav and Ever that is. She would never EVER tell Everest or Mav that she had been to the Starry Prophesier or she’d do something utterly dreadful like lock her in a broom close without any mirror or even a banana to eat. ”if we get murdered we should soooooo haunt hogwarts – scare the begeezus out of little first years” she sighed happily like it was a dream of hers to scare little kids.

Maybe it was.

Maybe no one had ever asked her what her dreams really were. ”oh yeah – knock over a display a book it...” she had to admit she liked how Juliette thought even if she didn’t really know how she thought. She hadn’t actually learned anything like that – not yet. Mav was being a stickler about safety and not going off with people that reffered to you as an object. ”OH! Did I tell you I met this guy?...I don’t even know how old he is actually,” she admitted as she shrugged her shoulder and looked over at her friend ”but he knows like Legilimency and occlumency and I had a deal for him to teach me but my sister kind of stole my mirror because...” she rolled her eyes and sighed.

”because she said I got myself wrapped up in some fifty...shades stuff? Like I don’t get what she meant really I don’t get what it has to do with sunglasses or anything of that sort like I’d just offered to pay him to teach me Occlumency and to do other things” she shrugged her shoulder, ”I was thinking of teaching him how to train Nifflers?...’cause that’d be fun? Anyhow yeah we were supposed to go on a business date and now I don’t know if we are because Mav is upset I’ll get hurt?” she unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into her mouth before holding one out toward Juliette. ”he called me beautiful...well, sort of...we’d barely met and he didn’t even know my name and he kind of grabbed my chin and tilted it and said he liked touching beautiful things but like pfft, that’s the same thing right?”


IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
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