What is your name? So I don't go "HEY YOU" ... well, you can call me
a n y t h i n g you want, or Jesse works
What do you want? A profile picture, signature, avatar, banner? Set? A set please :loveskip(
What are the sizes for your graphics? maximum sizes are 100 x 100 for avatars, 350 x 350 for profile pictures and 450 x 175
What images do you want on them? LARGE. HQ. Pictures. Please. (of course large HQ pictures are a must) any picture found
here (her FC is Danielle Rose Russell just incase you don’t like any of them / its also in that GIANT resource folder I shared w/ you on dropbox)
What do you want your graphics to say? simple enough, right? ... Eliza Sawyer – Hufflepuff
(jueliette can come up with anything if she has any ideas) or maybe “not your average hufflepuff”
Any colors you want or don't want? Say them now before I make the graphics – any colors she says “not banana yellow...because then people will just keep doing banana jokes even though I started them by eating that
stupid banana” -- but maybe like maybe the hexcode
Other? Anything else you want to add? Anything at all – like seriously...you could put that she’s a future bank robber because it probably fits
How are you feeling today? 'Cause it's important. And I care. – awesome. Literally, just fine and dandy and also like I NEED TO DO GRAPHICS and super lazy and just over all me-ish?