Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising It seemed forever surreal Carsyn that she was winding down in her education at Hogwarts. Next year would be her final year and Carsyn Rose felt terrified by the prospect, which was the thoughts as she made her way through the corridor for a final train patrol of her sixth year. That was when she wandered past the compartment and did a double take at sight of her younger housemate there .... upside down.
So Carsyn did what Carsyn did best ... she knocked lightly before sliding the compartment door open and put her head down to her knees, looking between her legs to look at Phoebe from the same direction. "You do realize you can choke on beans if you eat them upside down ...." She said, not really in a scolding way, but just to be informative. "Technically speaking," Phoebe closed one eye, then the other, giving slow one-eyed blinks at Carsyn who was ALSO upside down and a bit blurry thanks to all the blood in Phoebe's head. "TECHNICALLY speaking, I'm not eating them. They're sort of gross, don't you think?"
She bit into one, grimaced when it came up grass flavored, and tossed it at the window opposite where Carsyn was standing. "I like licorice wands and sugar quills. What do you like?"
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |