Thread: Staff Table
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Old 08-06-2020, 08:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Noble couldn't help but scowl as he overheard the Divination professor down the opposite end of the table. The woman's snapping and general air-headedness was annoying enough on any given day...but to assume the students 'all did so well' seemed, frankly, more than a little premature. The Potions Master couldn't be so sure he himself was doing well, his inability to brew having been like losing part of himself, and as a Head of House, he was more than aware of his students' vulnerabilities and concerns. They'd lost half a year to memory loss and transparency, which was a huge proportion of the students' young lives. Then there was the uncertainty: the fifth and seventh years worrying about how their exam results might effect their future career plans...the fear of everything they'd missed out on, all the news to catch up on from home.

Sure, he was glad they were back safely, but he hardly thought it would be plain sailing going forwards. He ruminated on this as Trent gave his speech, wondering whether, in those words of advice, he too recognised the possible longer term consequences of what they'd been through. And then, a wry smile at the mention of common sense...he could pick out more than few students who seemed to have trouble with that.

Finally though, it was time for food...and then going home. And he was so very very ready for a vacation. Ready to go watch his daughter do her thing between the wickets for Kent, to deliver long overdue Christmas presents, and to catch up with company he liked a whole lot better than most of the Hogwarts staff he'd been trapped with. Just one more night of small talk, and he'd be free.
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