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Old 08-06-2020, 02:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Second Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Juliette, Islay, Lucas, Naya + Bernie mention
Originally Posted by iBeJenn View Post
Juliette was finally going home and she could not wait. This term had been Crazy. Capital C. And she missed her mum back home. Honestly, being stuck at Hogwarts without any vacations or breaks was terrible. There was a big grin on her face as she entered the great hall and skipped towards the Gryffindor table.

"Lions," she greeted as she passed each of them before settling into a seat. "WE'RE FINALLY GOING HOME!!!!!"

Y'know... in case they all forgot. Honestly, they should be throwing confetti in the air or something.
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Islay was humming to herself as she made her way to the great-hall for this final feast of the year. “leaving on a...train” muttered in a sing-songy way “don’t know if I’ll be back again” yes she knew she was messing up the song but hey, she was happy. Truly, she was beyond happy to be leaving the school this year – sure, she’d miss her friends but she’d see them again.

“Hey Carsyn,” she smiled over to the Prefect before waving to Cole and Naya in turn. Bernie got a BIG happy grin as well – she was a spitfire that one. “Hey Juliette, you seem beyond ready to head home” she smiled softly, “I brought cookies if you guys are impossibly hungry and in need of sustenance” she smiled as she put the tin on the table.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

On his way, he walked past a bunch of fellow sixth years (Naya, Carsyn, Cole, and Islay). Did he know what to say? Not really, besides a small 'hey' and a smile in greeting. Not to mention that Cole seemed particularly, uh, comfortable? Yeah.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Her smile returned when she spotted Cole approaching the table. Returning his hand squeeze, she said, “Hey there”. It was all good now that he was there. “I am so glad to be going home tomorrow. For a while, I thought we’d be stuck here all summer.” Fortunately, that was not the case. The downside of going home was that she was not going to see her boyfriend for a while. “The only bad part is that I’m going to miss you......a lot”

Cole was attention was distracted from his girlfriend by the loud mouthed arrival of Juliette that practically voiced what was probably on everyone’s minds. Shooting her a grin across the table Cole called over "Hi Juliette! I’m totally ready to go home and have some summer vacation too. What is the first you’re going to do when we get to Kings cross tomorrow?" It was a valid question considering that nobody had been in contact with their families for a big part of the school year. Islay followed shortly after bringing along a tin of delicious looking cookies. Snatching a cookie without thinking Cole waved over at Islay to catch her attention. "Thanks Islay! You’re a lifesaver. My stomach is grumbling loudly from hunger. Are you excited about going home tomorrow?" It’d be odd if she wasn’t considering that they had been cut off from regular contact with their families.

Cole waved to Lucas and called over a "Hey!" to his yearmate and prefect before he watched him head over to check up on Bernie. If Lucas hadn’t then Cole had felt obligated to do it because he didn’t like that she looked sad. Bernie usually wasn't sad. It was off. Turning his eyes to Naya again he nodded in unison with her words. "Me too. It was tough to not have any way to talk to your family about things and i was afraid we’d get stuck here too but luckily it was fixed." Giving her hand another hand squeeze since kissing her in front of everyone didn’t feel right he said trying to perk up. "I know. I'll miss you lot's too. We can owl and meet in diagon alley though and maybe we can even ask if you could stay over at my house for a few days?"
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