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Old 08-06-2020, 07:08 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Second Year
x10 x1
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Originally Posted by Stormdancer View Post
Walking into the Great Hall, perfectly human and whole and non-translucant was a feeling that Carwyn was still reveling in and loving. He knew it had been more than 24 hours but he couldn't stop holding his hand up and smiling at the fact he couldn't see through it - that he could hold his wand without it slipping through his hand and that he could do magic again.

Obviously, getting to go home for Summer was fantastic too. He had a wedding anniversary to celebrate since he had missed it in December and great-grand children to hug and embarass with too much attention.

Moving behind his colleagues, Carwyn said hello to them all, clapping William on the shoulder as he passed before shooting Finneas a smile as he slid into his chair beside the Ravenclaw Head of House. "Ready to head home?" He asked the man as he leant back in his chair and appreciated the fact that no days-of-yonder-past-spector were there trying to take his place.

Finneas felt so strange at these events. There wasn't much to do with oneself when there was no food to busy yourself with and no company either. That was the issue with being among the first to arrive. Professor Williamson was allllllllll the way on the other side (for shame!) (jk, Finneas was very thankful for this arrangement) and his table-mates hadn't arrived just yet.

Oh! Nevermind! Carwyn!

Finneas always liked that man. Good people, he was. "Oh man, oh man, you have no idea," he perked up with a goofy smile that said it all. "For a while there, I errr was starting to worry we wouldn't ever have the chance to go back!" All in all, 10/10 recommend not being stuck in the past forever. "Have you any special summer plans?" He inquired in return.


With the arrival of the others (who all received a polite smile, as he was still in conversation with the Transfiguration professor), Finneas started to feel slightly more comfortable. He quickly turned his attention to the headmaster, expecting the speech and some good FOOD.

Raising his glass (cheers to Gryffindor, yes), he tried very hard not to think about the fact that all the students had their eyes on the dais. And then, food. Finneas dug in.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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