Staff Room  In the corridor branching off the Entrance Hall, you notice two stone gargoyles guarding a door. You will soon learn that these statutes love to gossip. For those that have been attending Hogwarts for a while, it is common knowledge that this room is for the staff members of the school. The grand mahogany door that separates the corridor and the room is typically locked, so it is best that you not to even attempt entering unless you want detention.
Beyond the door is a long, large circular table, big enough to fit each person employed at Hogwarts, stands front and centre. This is where all the professors and support staff sit and discuss important school matters, ranging from discussions on the curriculum to problem students. A large wardrobe, once home to a boggart, is placed next to a small table on one side of the room and is full of various coats and robes long forgotten by their previous owners. The table holds two boxes: one containing spare parchment and quills and the other confiscated student items.
The opposite end of the staff room is arguably the more popular spot in the room. Placed strategically by a large fireplace, comfy leather sofas and chairs provide an excellent place for the adults to socialize with each other or take a much-needed nap.